Commit #5

Um, did you see anywhere in that post that said anything about a 40 time? I see a shuttle score, which is not a top score, a vertical jump, which is 8 inches under the top receiver, and a SPARC score, which is over 30 points below the top receiver. Also, why do you think there is no 40 time?

So, how exactly does this prove I am wrong?

Also, I am curious as to the way people have changed the original comment I made about questioning another post saying he was a "great athlete" to now change that to me saying he is not an "athlete." There is a huge difference.

The qualifier "great" is meaningful. I am not saying he is not an "athlete." I am saying his numbers don't indicate "great" at this point.

PLEASE! Somebody show me somewhere where his numbers, production, anything, indicate a "great" athlete.

Rather, what we see is an indication of a strong D-1 prospect, which is what his own freaking coach says! Do you know more than his coach?

Get off it people. It really is okay to take an objective view based on immediately available data. That does not mean more data might not become available, or that a player might not develop physically. It just means it is what we have to go by now. And what we have to go by now does not indicate he is a "great" athlete.

I might have made an assumption about what you said when you were talking about him not being a GREAT athlete. I thought you were trying to say he wasn't an athlete.....

I read a couple articles on him, and it seemed that Soup was talking about him reminding them of McNutt coming into Iowa. McNutt was 6'3 185 I think they listed him at, and Vincent said he was 6'2 and like 176 I believe. Either way I think the coaching staff see him as a future 200lbs WR here and keeping his 4.6 speed (which is more than adequate for that size).

That is the great thing about this staff, they look at a kid an see what he will look like in 2 years of being in the program. They look at the frame, and can project, unlike a lot of staffs. A lot of other programs want a 300 lbs guy to come in on the line. Our staff can take a 250 lbs kid, know they will bulk him up to 290 and be very successful.

I guess that is why I just don't get tied up in the numbers a kid posts, there is so much more to it than that.
Any player coming into D1 college football at WR or DB is an "athlete" no matter what way you cut it. Could he be better, and run .01 faster, and then you would like him more? Sure.

I like following recruiting like most on here do. Yet if you think you can evaluate how good a kid is by seeing the stats they have shown us, then you are delusional.
Soup and the coaches evaluated this kid, and offered him. I'll take his word, over your evaluation of him from his 40 time.....:rolleyes:

I read the thread CAAR, and I read many of your post. You seem to be able to miraculous judge these recruits based solely on a 40 time. Plus you are telling me a kid with a 4.6 time ISN'T an athlete, he has to run a 4.5 to be an athlete? I'm pretty sure Derby is an athlete, and he ran a 4.7. Plus these 40 times are a crock anyway. Shonne Greene didn't post great 40 times, all he does is outrun DB to the end zone though.....

Maybe I'm making a bit of a leap here and reading too much into it...but I think your math is a little off (maybe just a typo).

By the way...yes 0.1 off a 40 time does make a world of difference...for kids in the NFL draft it can mean millions. At this probably doesn't mean a ton because once he gets on campus and works with Doyle and figures out how to run a 40 time he may improve it fairly significantly. Plus it's how he runs in pads that we really care about and a 40 time isn't always a great indicator of how a kids runs in pads.

Give this kid some time and who knows...but at this point he doesn't seem like anything to get too excited about.
Maybe I'm making a bit of a leap here and reading too much into it...but I think your math is a little off (maybe just a typo).

By the way...yes 0.1 off a 40 time does make a world of difference...for kids in the NFL draft it can mean millions. At this probably doesn't mean a ton because once he gets on campus and works with Doyle and figures out how to run a 40 time he may improve it fairly significantly. Plus it's how he runs in pads that we really care about and a 40 time isn't always a great indicator of how a kids runs in pads.

Give this kid some time and who knows...but at this point he doesn't seem like anything to get too excited about.

You prove my whole point really. I don't understand how people get excited or not excited on a kid because he is listed at 4.6 or 4.5 on the 40. Do you really think those times are accurate anyway?

To each their own I guess. I will continue to follow recruiting, root for the kids that come in, and not prejudge them on 40 times, or other "measurables". You can continue to do your thing as well.
kirk and his staff get paid millions to recruit and coach... im going to trust their work... seems to be working so far....
I admit I have just have tremendous faith in our S & C program. I believe that Doyle usually has an assessment of every recruit,and scientifically determines if a kid can be built into what we need...and he is right most of the time.

And I also go back to what KF said at his speech yesterday at that hygenic lab...they look at each recruit and try to make sure that recruit can contribute to our program,and be a leader, ect...not simply a 3star,4star,ect process. Character counts.