Columbus reporter Bruce Hooley on Jim Tressell

Man I hate it when we get called out, you got us fufred-we are all jealous of your d-bag, sweater vest wearing football coach and his idiot twin cheating brother Motta. If you havent gathered its not "winning at all costs" in Iowa City like it is in Columbus. Now, that being said, I am gonna be cool and go to other teams message boards and be a smug ****** bag like fufred...who is with me

Hah! Please, they just do it better in Columbus.
Hooley did get fired and he was speaking the truth except that I dont believe Cicero handled OSU players in court, as far as I know.
Herbie should never have dropped OSU after a WIN. That was uncalled for.
From a 10,000 ft level, what you have is an institution (OSU) whose identity is SO wrapped up in sports - specifically, football - that pretty much anything goes.

I believe you can say that same thing about any Big Ten (or any other major conference school) to some extent, but it really seems as though OSU/Buckeye Nation takes it to a whole different level.

Yes, the identity of the University of Iowa is very much wrapped up with sports - principally football - but I feel the diversification in terms of the different ways people across the state (and outside the state) perceive the university is much more evenly distributed. The hospital, the law school, etc, etc.

It's not that OSU doesn't have those things going on for it as well - I'm sure it's a fine academic institution - but I think all of that "other stuff" is secondary to their branding as a football program. If you just say "Ohio State" without any qualifiers, the default assumption would be that you are talking about the football team.

This is why you see the academic side oddly (from an outsider's perspective) subservient to the athletic side. I'm not sure anything - short of any photos/videos of the Vest personally handing players cash or murdering someone - will ever change:

1. This is the way "they" (Buckeye Nation) like it.
2. They (Ohio State athletics) are a major cash cow for the NCAA.

As fufred points out to us, the rest of us are left to deal with it and try to compete as aggressively as our collective moral standards will allow.
Over 300 rules violations in the Tressel years. Issues for Tressel at Youngstown State. It's not like any of this is surprising to any fan of any Big Ten team. Ohio State has been the Big Ten's SEC conference exchange student for a long time.

I'd be interested to see Fufred's spin on the 300 rules violations.

I know his M.O. is saying "you're just jealous."

I'm not at all jealous of the 300 rules violations. Not at all.
Haha...please. Arkansas would have been the 2nd best team in the B10 last year. You have BCS I understand why other B10 teams and their fans hate OSU. They just own the conference in football and are one of the top bball teams and will continue to win B10 titles as long as Tressel and Matta are at OSU. It must be frustrating....

"Own" in "paid for"...YOU said it, not me