Columbus reporter Bruce Hooley on Jim Tressell

Long podcast but wow, Hooley really lays out what a d-bag Tressell is and the whole picture of corruption in the football program from the president on down. Save for the geography, tOSU would be a better fit in the SEC. It's amazing Hooley is allowed to remain in Columbus.
He isn't. Hooley was fired yesterday.....

I guess him takin off his Buckeye blinders and reporting the truth is just too much for the Buckeye nation. You should never let facts get in the way of a good agenda!:rolleyes:
Hooley has hated Tressel from the get go. He could have done it on another station maybe but not on the OSU flagship station. Sponsers started catching heat and they pressured the station to whack him. Hooley spun it as a mutual split but thats not the case...
Hooley has hated Tressel from the get go. He could have done it on another station maybe but not on the OSU flagship station. Sponsers started catching heat and they pressured the station to whack him. Hooley spun it as a mutual split but thats not the case...

I can see that side of the coin. I've never listened to Hooley before today, so had no clue on the Tressel hatred. When all is said and done though, he may have been right to not trust Tressel.
I think Herbie got too much flack from OSU fans in general. The only beef I had with him was his ranking of OSU un the final 2010 poll. He actually dropped OSU after they won the Sugar Bowl. Then had an excuse lamer than Tressel' I think Herbie moved to Nashville to be more centralized for Gameday and for the tax breaks.
I think Herbie got too much flack from OSU fans in general. The only beef I had with him was his ranking of OSU un the final 2010 poll. He actually dropped OSU after they won the Sugar Bowl. Then had an excuse lamer than Tressel' I think Herbie moved to Nashville to be more centralized for Gameday and for the tax breaks.

It's not "flack", it's "flak".

Flack is old-time Hollywood slang for a PR agent.

Flak is what you were trying for. It's derived from the German word "Fliegerabwehrkanone" (anti-aircraft cannon).
Over 300 rules violations in the Tressel years. Issues for Tressel at Youngstown State. It's not like any of this is surprising to any fan of any Big Ten team. Ohio State has been the Big Ten's SEC conference exchange student for a long time.
I think Herbie got too much flack from OSU fans in general. The only beef I had with him was his ranking of OSU un the final 2010 poll. He actually dropped OSU after they won the Sugar Bowl. Then had an excuse lamer than Tressel' I think Herbie moved to Nashville to be more centralized for Gameday and for the tax breaks.

OSU should have been dropped after that abortion of a game. They did everything possible to hand that game over to a pretty average Arkansas team.
OSU should have been dropped after that abortion of a game. They did everything possible to hand that game over to a pretty average Arkansas team.

Haha...please. Arkansas would have been the 2nd best team in the B10 last year. You have BCS I understand why other B10 teams and their fans hate OSU. They just own the conference in football and are one of the top bball teams and will continue to win B10 titles as long as Tressel and Matta are at OSU. It must be frustrating....
Haha...please. Arkansas would have been the 2nd best team in the B10 last year. You have BCS I understand why other B10 teams and their fans hate OSU. They just own the conference in football and are one of the top bball teams and will continue to win B10 titles as long as Tressel and Matta are at OSU. It must be frustrating....

And...the smugness comes out.
Haha...please. Arkansas would have been the 2nd best team in the B10 last year. You have BCS I understand why other B10 teams and their fans hate OSU. They just own the conference in football and are one of the top bball teams and will continue to win B10 titles as long as Tressel and Matta are at OSU. It must be frustrating....

So you think Arkansas is better than Ohio St even after you beat them? I mean it's pretty obvious Wisconsin was the best team in the B10 last year. Also, I'm fine with Tressel there, I want him to stay, unfortunately that's not going to happen. Now if they get a coach that knows how to run an offense we're going to get blown out every year, I'd rather at least be in the game each year.
Man I hate it when we get called out, you got us fufred-we are all jealous of your d-bag, sweater vest wearing football coach and his idiot twin cheating brother Motta. If you havent gathered its not "winning at all costs" in Iowa City like it is in Columbus. Now, that being said, I am gonna be cool and go to other teams message boards and be a smug ****** bag like fufred...who is with me
Hooley has hated Tressel from the get go. He could have done it on another station maybe but not on the OSU flagship station. Sponsers started catching heat and they pressured the station to whack him. Hooley spun it as a mutual split but thats not the case...

Was anything that Hooley said factually inaccurate?
Haha...please. Arkansas would have been the 2nd best team in the B10 last year. You have BCS I understand why other B10 teams and their fans hate OSU. They just own the conference in football and are one of the top bball teams and will continue to win B10 titles as long as Tressel and Matta are at OSU. It must be frustrating....
No, a$$holes like you are why we hate OSU. LOL