colorado buffalo freshmen forward

robert hicks

New Member
Evan Battey 6 ft 8 in 283 lbs, per their roster, has been ruled ineligble for this season. Colorado appealled the decision but was shot down by NCAA. He still gets to practice with team but can't travel to games. Got this info from a boulder local paper as I work in Boulder Co.
What did he do? His girlfriend buy him a cheeseburger?

F the NCAA.
"The suspension comes from Evan Battey having repeated the 9th grade after transferred high schools in Los Angeles. Battey was also forced to sit from playing his senior season at Villa Park High School because he was ruled to have used up his eight semesters of eligibility. It’s unfair to Battey that he is effectively being punished for the same issue as he was last year and he will miss two full years of basketball by the time he’s eligible next season."
With or without him Iowa gonna kick their a&^. I didn't see them on the schedule when is it?
Had to look it up, a neutral site game in Sioux Falls? What is that all about?
I'll admit, I could be mistaken, but I think I remember reading someplace that Iowa needed a game and Colorado was willing .. but only if it were in Boulder or someplace neutral. Sioux Falls was the best they could come up with.

Here's an article from "Land of 10". (Link) It really doesn't say much other than Fran had been thinking about it for a long time and that since Iowa isn't in the Gavitt Games this year, they wanted/needed a Power 5 team to play.

I think there is a big contributer or friend up there. I think he may be the owner of the place the game is being held.

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