College football is losing me


Well-Known Member
Ill always watch every hawk game and get to the games when I can but this is nothing like what I watched even 10 years ago and I find it far less enjoyable.

Call me old fashioned but I like it when teams run the ball and focus on stopping the run.

Everything is spread and offenses have a major advantage because you can't touch the QB or hit anybody without worrying about getting a flag. This is a violent sport, and no rule will change that.

Im sure to a casual fan its exciting that being down 20 or 30 points means nothing but it just makes me depressed at the state of defense in the today's game.

This finesse bull is not the game I grew up loving as a kid.
I like old school football as much as the next guy, but college football just gets better and better every year. Any team can win any game seemingly 99% of the time.
I think the spread has done for college football what the slow down game has done in college basketball, basically leveled the playing field.

15-20 years ago lower level teams like NW, ISU, IND, etc couldn't get a QB to run a pro style offense, those guys were all at major programs. And you had a huge seperation from the 2nd tier teams like an Iowa and the next level down like ISU.

Now many teams run the spread which allows an athlete, not a drop back passer to play QB and control the game by running, and making quick, short and mid range throws.

Now HS teams and lower and running that and those QBs are coming into college better prepared and your seeing those types of QBs all over college football.

Overall its helped the competitive nature of the game. More teams are now on that second tier but the blue bloods still rule the college football world.
Ill always watch every hawk game and get to the games when I can but this is nothing like what I watched even 10 years ago and I find it far less enjoyable.

Call me old fashioned but I like it when teams run the ball and focus on stopping the run.

Everything is spread and offenses have a major advantage because you can't touch the QB or hit anybody without worrying about getting a flag. This is a violent sport, and no rule will change that.

Im sure to a casual fan its exciting that being down 20 or 30 points means nothing but it just makes me depressed at the state of defense in the today's game.

This finesse bull is not the game I grew up loving as a kid.

College football isn't losing me because of styles, it's losing me because it is the biggest joke in sports.

It's the only sport in America where winning isn't the ONLY thing that matters.

It's all about politics and the sport is a VIP club. I'm just like the OP. I love watching the Hawks and I always will. But college football is the most biased and unfair sport in America.
I just shake my head at how easy the offenses have it now days. Its all about speed now. One of the reasons I love Kirk is because he builds a team how I would. Start on the lines and get good physical players. On defense you get solid tacklers who are always in good position.

The freaking problem is you have teams who recruit a roster of guys on offense who are all burners and they go five wide, its impossible to cover them all. Back in the day if some fast wr came across the middle you layed him out, you taught him a lesson. Now? You look at him and you get 15 yards, offenses have no fear anymore.

This is why I am with Kirk and Norm forever, they play football the way I like it. I hate that the sport is in a state that they Hawks get criticized for pounding the run and picking up a few fieldgoals. It used the be that if we were running the ball well in the 1st half you knew it would open up in the 2nd half and we would transform some fgs into TDs. Winning a game 20-10 and dominating the lines in the 2nd half is how football used to be.

Now games are just bombs away the entire time, there are no fundamentals being taught because teams don't even care about turnovers as they know they can score a TD in 30 seconds next time they get it.

I fully realize I am becoming a dinosaur for this opinion but I don't reconize the game anymore.
If the hawks were 5-0 would you all still be saying this??? Highly doubtful!! Sound like a bunch of nebby fans...
If the hawks were 5-0 would you all still be saying this??? Highly doubtful!! Sound like a bunch of nebby fans...

I would actually, this is about college football in general. What the hell do Nebraska fans have to do with this?
Everything is spread and offenses have a major advantage because you can't touch the QB or hit anybody without worrying about getting a flag. This is a violent sport, and no rule will change that.

You are ******* delusional. There are plenty of QB hits and plenty of other hits. The hits have risen to a level well above what it used to be, so now there are additional measures taken to insure player safety.

I guess you liked it when cheap shots occurred all over the place that put player's health in danger, and it was "teaching him a lesson". Real toughness when you were allowed to clothesline wide receivers.

I love the option game and the running game, and do miss it somewhat. But I have some news for you. There is still a ton of offensive variety in college football. GA Tech, Navy and other teams still are run-focused. Great teams like Alabama are still pro set run-based. If you are a true fan of the game and not just Division I, there are tons of teams that run various offenses throughout the various college levels.

Pick and choose what you like. But don't blindly criticize the entire college game due to a few changes that you dislike.
I to like old school football. Tell me this if you had Wisky's line and 3 or 4 big backs, and just kept pounding and pounding, getting 4 to 5 at a time, how does the other team score so high? They would never have the ball and would take one heck of a beating trying to stop you. You wait, some team will go back to that and WIN big. With all the smaller guys playing up front and little chicken legged running QB's, a big bruiser old school team will make it's come back and nobody will have the answer to stop them.
Ill always watch every hawk game and get to the games when I can but this is nothing like what I watched even 10 years ago and I find it far less enjoyable.

Call me old fashioned but I like it when teams run the ball and focus on stopping the run.

Everything is spread and offenses have a major advantage because you can't touch the QB or hit anybody without worrying about getting a flag. This is a violent sport, and no rule will change that.

Im sure to a casual fan its exciting that being down 20 or 30 points means nothing but it just makes me depressed at the state of defense in the today's game.

This finesse bull is not the game I grew up loving as a kid.

I agree with you 100%. Please PM me your address so we can become pen pals and have a long term conversation through a series of letters.

In addition indoor plumbing and non-rotary phones are also a bunch of hooey.
Can somebody tell me the last time you saw a player get flagged for a hit on a receiver coming over the middle? Good, legal hits happen all the time.
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You can't have a serious discussion on this board because everyone is trying to win comedian of the year.

This isn't a serious topic so no one is taking it seriously.

I would direct you to a forum where people would take such an abusrd topic seriously, but since none of the people who agree with you know how to use a computer, it does not exist.
Other people agreed with him. You just choose to be a contrarian on every subject. Seriously, let the people that want to discuss it have the ability to do so without adding your worthless 2 cents that is designed to get a laugh. Seriously, the board was way better when you weren't here for awhile
Meh, losing me more so because of all this conference swapping BS. I like the old rivalries and playing everybody in your conference but since CFB has sold it's soul to the all mighty $$$, it's losing my interest fast. It's becoming NFL Jr. and I don't really care for it.
College football isn't losing me because of styles, it's losing me because it is the biggest joke in sports.

It's the only sport in America where winning isn't the ONLY thing that matters.

It's all about politics and the sport is a VIP club. I'm just like the OP. I love watching the Hawks and I always will. But college football is the most biased and unfair sport in America.

I wouldn't say it's the biggest joke, but, you're correct when it comes to all of the other BS regarding the rankings and who "gets" to play in the NC game and who even makes the BCS games. And it reeks of politics, network bias, un-caring/un-informed voters and style points. It's horribly convoluted and a mess.

It's 100% absurd. Put in a damn playoff or at LEAST a +1 in the years where two undefeated's remain.

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