College BB looking to change rule on charge/block


Justin VanLaere
College basketball is changing rules regarding the charge/block.

This can only improve the game.

Basketball rules committees address court surface issues -

Men’s Officiating Guidance
The men’s committee reviewed blocking and charging plays and the impact of the three-foot restricted area arc. The committee believes that in some cases thecall is not being made correctly, sometimes giving the defense an advantage.
To help address this, the committee approved guidelines to help better administer these rules:

  • Before the offensive player (with the ball) becomes airborne, the defender must have two feet on the floor, be facing the opponent and be stationary to draw a charge. Otherwise it should be a blocking foul.
  • Secondary defenders (help defenders) moving forward or to the side are also in violation, and these should be blocking fouls.
  • Contact that is “through the chestâ€￾ is not de facto proof of a charge. The rule in its entirety must be considered before determining a foul.
  • In some cases, it appears that a defender is being rewarded solely for being outside the arc, without considering the other aspects of the rules.
The committee plans a more thorough review of several other areas during the next year and will continue to develop better guidance for officials as needed.
While this is a good rule change, it still comes down to the officials calling it. Travelling is in the NBA rulebook, and...
Also the arc is crap. It is very easy for charges to be inside it. If I was a coach I would teach my players that if a player is inside the arc, make sure you get as much contact as possible.
These changes were much needed. Way too much flopping/out of position defenders getting rewarded for staying out of the arc this past year.
Does the rules committee really think the officials are going to be able to take into account all of these things when determining whether its a charge or blocking foul. Get real. They can't keep up with the game as it is without making the calls even more complicated. As for the NBA, they don't need officials as the correct calls are are hardly ever made and then they pull them out of their *** at opportune times to help the team they want to win. NBA officiating is a complete JOKE!!
This alone will make a better game.....

I thought that was how it was supposed to be in the first place.....

  • Before the offensive player (with the ball) becomes airborne, the defender must have two feet on the floor, be facing the opponent and be stationary to draw a charge. Otherwise it should be a blocking foul.
Unfortunately we still are subject to those named Eddie Hightower and Ted Valentine.....


Only call charges when it's blatant, like if the guy has been standing their for minutes. I don't watch basketball to see ugly, unathletic kids fall on their ***.
Also the arc is crap. It is very easy for charges to be inside it. If I was a coach I would teach my players that if a player is inside the arc, make sure you get as much contact as possible.
I thought the arc only applied to help defenders?
I don't see this as a rule change. This is what I've always looked at and tried to accomplish.
Much needed clarification and changes here. This is great because the refs were flat out awful calling block/charges this past year.

The "through the chest" comment, I think, is referring to flopping where a defender violently falls to the ground after a driving offensive player puts his shoulder down and makes light contact in the chest, in an attempt to draw a cheap charge call.
I think it would be a big improvement,even if it simply planted the seed in the refs and players and coaches minds that flopping will not be rewarded. And the notion that simply having feet out of the arc means an automatic charge,with no need for the other elements of being set,and squared up.

Make it a point of emphasis to not call any flopping and if it is blatant,call the foul on the flopper.... It would kill Wisconsin. Rid the game of the flopping. It has leaked into the NBA but the NBA refs are starting to clamp down.

Bring offensive play back to the college game by not allowing defenders to flop when they are not even in front of the driving player.

As for Zach McCabe....he got about 3 calls all year as it was...he rarely drew the charge,when other did. No biggie to hime.
This has nothing at all to do with flopping, I'm not sure why you are getting that. The through the chest language speaks specifically to the often taught technique that if contact occurs in the center of a defenders chest than the offense must be responsible for it and it should be a charge.

Again nothing in here I've read is a new rule, they are just asking refs to look at other factors and not get so tied up with the feet and the restricted circle.
This has nothing at all to do with flopping, I'm not sure why you are getting that. The through the chest language speaks specifically to the often taught technique that if contact occurs in the center of a defenders chest than the offense must be responsible for it and it should be a charge.

Again nothing in here I've read is a new rule, they are just asking refs to look at other factors and not get so tied up with the feet and the restricted circle.

Whether you want to call it new or not, the point is it will be called differently. Which is great because it was atrocious last year.
Havent these always been the rules of a block/charge outside of the half circle under the hoop? The problem is the officials calling it correct, not the rule.
the problem was the officials struggled implementing the new ra rule, something that was expected. also expected is it will get bettet