Coker's teammate //// See Ia still in the hunt?

I realize I'm beating a dead horse, but you didn't spell his name wrong, YOU USED A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NAME.
If you think DONNAL is such a stud then one would think that you'd at least be able to spell his name right, especially after you've had it pointed out to you in previous threads. I'm under the impression that if you really respect somebody and are making claims that they'll one day be in the NFL possibly then you can get their name right at least. And it's not even that tough of a name! How in the hell are you getting other guy's names right, but not his? Unless you're just that wasted all of the time I guess. Btw from my own experience, I've found out that drunk posting isn't the best idea. I've come across looking like an idiot a couple of times. I think it may have something to do with your 'can only hope to improve' status...
If you think DONNAL is such a stud then one would think that you'd at least be able to spell his name right, especially after you've had it pointed out to you in previous threads. I'm under the impression that if you really respect somebody and are making claims that they'll one day be in the NFL possibly then you can get their name right at least. And it's not even that tough of a name! How in the hell are you getting other guy's names right, but not his? Unless you're just that wasted all of the time I guess. Btw from my own experience, I've found out that drunk posting isn't the best idea. I've come across looking like an idiot a couple of times. I think it may have something to do with your 'can only hope to improve' status...

Eggxactly, esspecially wen yore jobb is on the line.
The folks hung up on correct name spelling are the same folks who think
Helen Crump correcting Opie on spelling was the reason folks watched
Andy Griffith reruns

the "Helen Crump Spelling Bee" crowd at this forum is an anal as the folks
"across the street"

Aunt Bee

leave your 5th grade spelling bee diploma at the front door

Wow, three seperate Andy Griffith references. Impressive. Give it up grandpa.
I majored in history MANY Years ago

I drink a ton of beer

Lets all be friends fellas

Post of the year! I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

I'm good enough...I'm smart enough...and gosh darn it...people like me!

Let's break it down a little further

1.) I "majored" in...
Stop right you didn't graduate. Oh yeah and what does majoring in History have to do with anything?

2.) MANY Years ago...
This was the only informative section of the post because its intent is to let us know that you are not a 13 year old kid...which many of us suspected. Although I'm still not convinced (learn how to properly capitalize and then maybe I'll give you credit for being a high school graduate).

3.) I drink a ton of beer
Ironically...I hate people who think that the fact that they drink a lot of beer means people should like them.
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Hawk ...

use protection when you are with any 200 "lovers" as the world has too many dumbasses .....
welcome the doc to this board. Heck I came here to get away from him and he gets banned from one site and starts posting constantly on another
Thank you Aunt Bee for the spelling session

Hawkey instead of Hawkeye is a spelling error...Dorral instead of Donnal is you not knowing the name. It takes 20 seconds to look at his name to get it right haha

crawl back to NON BCS central in Ames and things will be fine in your world

I took 2051 when your boys finally crack the BCS Bowl world ....

seems about right

crawl back to NON BCS central in Ames and things will be fine in your world

I took 2051 when your boys finally crack the BCS Bowl world ....

seems about right

Clever! Be proud you don't even know your own players names!!
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your personal attacks and "level of intelligence feedback" shows one and all
clearly your makeup

My feedback is from a recruiting debate where words were put in my mouth but okay! I guess your right pal!!!
I know his background and potential

crawl back to your bottle of scotch as your personal attacks is all you bring to this forum
I know his background and potential

crawl back to your bottle of scotch as your personal attacks is all you bring to this forum

?Scotch? :confused: Defending someone for calling you out on a mistake isn't a personal attack.
no one cares about your "issues"

I can receite more UI history in 10 minutes than your *** can for the
next decade