COKER!!! You gotta be Jerking my Chain


Well-Known Member
More Booty chatter going around, and now apparantly Coker has a broken collar bone per hawkeyereport
RB is a cursed position on the Iowa Hawkeye football team. At least that's what it feels like.
Forgive me for not believing a rumor that's posted after midnight. If this had any legs I would think it would have come out earlier. And given the SI cover and Brandon Wegher rumors, this just smells of BS.
Forgive me for not believing a rumor that's posted after midnight. If this had any legs I would think it would have come out earlier. And given the SI cover and Brandon Wegher rumors, this just smells of BS.

This was reported earlier in the evening. I was just browsing through their boards and just saw it.
Why does it feel like the sky is falling all of a sudden? I seriously hope Jewel is ultra healthy and ARob is past his injuries from last year because if this Coker and Wegher talk has any legs this could get very worrysome..... Wow am I scared...
Why does it feel like the sky is falling all of a sudden? I seriously hope Jewel is ultra healthy and ARob is past his injuries from last year because if this Coker and Wegher talk has any legs this could get very worrysome..... Wow am I scared...

I am scared as hell also. I really do hope it is just a bunch of crap. And if it is I want everyone to know I did not start this rumor, nor do i claim to have any "sources" this came from HAWKEYEREPORT.COM football board. Mac did NOT make this up!!!
I have no idea if this is true or not. However, for the sake of medical talk, broken collar bones take about 9 to 12 weeks to heal.
This is ******** right? I mean there would be reports on it. Is this what it's always like going into football season on this site with junk rumors with no links to support them?
This is ******** right? I mean there would be reports on it. Is this what it's always like going into football season on this site with junk rumors with no links to support them?

No, This is the first fall camp this site has seen. Hawkeyeinsider on the other hand, it would be the norm.
This is ******** right? I mean there would be reports on it. Is this what it's always like going into football season on this site with junk rumors with no links to support them?

Each camp, there are instances like this. People get hurt, and it begins to creep out. THese are not topics I like to get involved in, because one way or another, it will come out. Injuries are iffy territory.

But yes, there are rumors all over the place this time of year. Wish there werent, but most of the news, good or bad, typically starts this way.
This made me LOL.

Only difference: instead of featuring Sam Brownlee, we'll be featuring Paki O'Meara......unreal.

Brad Rogers should get a shot - based on the pics from media day he is one big running back.

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