Coahing staff changes?

I only want to see the soft zone thrown out against NW and IU (and teams that run similar offensive schemes). They don't score a TON of points on us because they don't rack up big YAC numbers. But they execute their offense and move the ball, 5-12 yards at a time. That takes up time, and therefore limiting their possessions a little bit. But their offenses do have success against us, and I just want to see us stop making it so easy for them to isolate their top receivers on our linebackers.

Then you are asking for a complete philosophy change which ain't happen.
There are no glaring holes in his philosophy. It is the same philosophy employed last year, and in 2005, and in 2002. The only difference is that our players are not as good and/or not executing and performing to the best of their abilities.

Quit talking logically ... there is no room for that here.

This is not to say that the coaches are above reproach ... however, to restate a firm line I hold when it comes to Iowa football.

When things are really going good for our program ... it's mostly due to our players.

When things are really going bad with our program ... it's mostly due to our players.

Our coaches do their best to help put the team in the best position to be in games ... and to win them. It's then up to the players to FINISH. Considering the close margins in many of our games over the past 2 years, it would seem tha the coaches AND the players have been doing their jobs. It's just that last season our guys where stepping up a bit more and making plays when they were needed.

Iowa fans can be a finicky bunch ....
Really Homer....our coaches put us in the best situation in those games...did you watch the Wisconsin game this year? Did you watch how we didn't manage the OSU game at the end either. You had 3 minutes left with them on the 1 and we wasted time due to coaching foibles there too.

We do not have brilliant end of half/game managers. It's almost like they panic when faced with that scenario...
did you watch the end of the Wisconsin game? Coaches gave the game away. it was pathetic. Look at the weapons we have on offense and then give me a answer as to why we have averaged 17 points a game against weak defenses minus Ohio State.
If the coaching staff truly believes that better execution will correct all of Iowa's woes, they'd really better start "putting their noses to the grindstone" and recruit better talent.

They'd also better start recruiting some "high-star" players. If there's one thing high school recruiting analysts have traditionally gotten right, it's good players with exceptional speed. Iowa's coaches better start recruiting some "high-star" players if they want to stop the spread or have playmakers at wide receiver.

The coaches should then use that talent so those speedsters aren't scaed away. Less zone defenses and conservative pass plays.

This should be in another thread.
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Serious suggestion...Why don't Ferentz coach the special teams? I have yet to see him do much during a game this year. He is not in the D huddles not in the O huddles and when things go bad he is just pacing. Makes me feel real good when Northwestern says they have had the same gameplan for Iowa for the last five years.
KOK needs to go now. He will lose us at least two games every year. Defense needs to have a biltz in the package. I hate our philosophy. Bob Stoops has been quoted saying you need to attack the offense. I am not suggesting that we blitz every play but every once in a while. That is why our corners look so bad because QBs have ten minutes to throw the ball.
At this point in his career, Kirk is not going to make any wholesale changes to his staff. He could move a guy or two around but that's about it. When Norm does decide to step away from the game, Kirk will most likely promote from within. As for KOK, well ... KOK will be walking that sideline as long as Kirk is walking the sideline. These same discussions came up a few years ago. Everyone wanted Norm to retire and KOK to be shown the door. And then we had two strong seasons, including a trip to the Orange Bowl, and everyone in Hawkeyeland was happy as can be. Now we are back to calling for the heads of some of our coaches. Iowa's on-field philosophies mirror our head coach. That is not going to change.

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