Coaching thread


Hi guys, long time lurker here. I rarely post, but I was bumping around HN tonight, and it doesn't seem like anyone is talking about the job the coaching staff did tonight. Obviously, it was a real disappointment the way the game ended, but I think Kurt and Gregg put a solid plan together tonight, but some unfortunate injuries, starting with Weisman, and then on the O-Line, really caused a good thing to fall apart. However, I was pretty impressed by the staff's ability to rally the team late and make it close at the end through excellent defense causing turnovers, an efficient passing attack, and BIG special team plays. Unfortunately, it was too little too late.

That being said, I am proud Kurt is our coach; A guy who, win or lose, represents the school and state with class. Kurt is not the type of guy who would try and throw it towards the endzone when he team has a 20 point lead, unlike some class-less individuals who were at the game last night.

That said, I am looking forward to the way the team bounces back next week. I think we will pose a really tough problem for the purple Cats, and still have a chance to do a lot of damage in the conference. This staff has the team playing hard, with the best yet to come!

Go Hawks!
Very well said. Oh, and feel free to post more because we need more positive posts like this from people like you! Go Hawkeyes!
I, for one, cannot wait for that one guy (with the afro-avatar) to post his three day hangover thread; it should be NY Best Sellers good considering he had ALL DAY to drink :cool:
Very well said. Oh, and feel free to post more because we need more positive posts like this from people like you! Go Hawkeyes!

Look, I am not trying to put a positive spin on anything. I am as mad at the dickens as the rest of you. When Penn State was going for it on 4th down with a big lead, I got so steamed I almost jumped on my hat!

But if you look at the game from a serious, critical perspective, Iowa was extremely close to winning, and if not for a few injuries and unfortunate drops, we were in that game. It is unfortunate when you have a senior QB like that who has the tools to win, but when the people around him start dropping like flies (or dropping passes), it becomes too tough for him to do it by himself.

I started this thread because, frankly, I was shocked no one was talking about the job the coaching staff did tonight! People are just focusing on the heroics of Vandenberg and Cotton, but I think Ferentz and Davis were the unsung heros of this game.
Look, I am not trying to put a positive spin on anything. I am as mad at the dickens as the rest of you. When Penn State was going for it on 4th down with a big lead, I got so steamed I almost jumped on my hat!

But if you look at the game from a serious, critical perspective, Iowa was extremely close to winning, and if not for a few injuries and unfortunate drops, we were in that game. It is unfortunate when you have a senior QB like that who has the tools to win, but when the people around him start dropping like flies (or dropping passes), it becomes too tough for him to do it by himself.

I started this thread because, frankly, I was shocked no one was talking about the job the coaching staff did tonight! People are just focusing on the heroics of Vandenberg and Cotton, but I think Ferentz and Davis were the unsung heros of this game.

I almost completely agree with you, with one exception: if we almost won the game why wouldn't Penn State put more pressure on us by going for it on 4th down? They were obviously in fear of what could possibly happen if they punted to us (touchdown, duh!)
I almost completely agree with you, with one exception: if we almost won the game why wouldn't Penn State put more pressure on us by going for it on 4th down? They were obviously in fear of what could possibly happen if they punted to us (touchdown, duh!)

With the way Hyde was making plays all over the defensive secondary, would you put the ball in his hands!

Yeah, sure, here you go! Psyche! Didn't think so!
Ghost, nevermind- your too deep man. I was an optimist before tonights showing. Anytime you get teabagged like that on your home field you need a serious re-evaluation.... injuries or not!
I agree with this part of your post; "That being said, I am proud Kurt is our coach; A guy who, win or lose, represents the school and state with class. Kurt is not the type of guy who would try and throw it towards the endzone when he team has a 20 point lead, unlike some class-less individuals who were at the game last night."
Kirk is a class act. I am not in any way supporting a call for KF's head. But I don't think the team was ready. The defense was shocked. Penn State didn't do anything special. They were the same team they have been all year. Iowa had no answer before the linemen went down. The offense was the same ineffective unit we have seen all year.
But I don't think the team was ready. The defense was shocked. Penn State didn't do anything special. They were the same team they have been all year. Iowa had no answer before the linemen went down. The offense was the same ineffective unit we have seen all year.

I have some friends with good inside info on the program, and one of them paged me before kickoff and told me that the team was really emotionally drained after the ceremony where Casey Weigmann was placed on the ANF Wall of Fame. I think you can clearly tell on Iowa's first possession that the team was still distracted by the plight of the Iowa family farm, and not the Lion defense. Fortunately, they snapped out of it quickly (props to the coaches, it was an emotional ceremony, and I am frankly surpised the players got over it so quickly), but by then, the damage had been done.
With the way Hyde was making plays all over the defensive secondary, would you put the ball in his hands!

Yeah, sure, here you go! Psyche! Didn't think so!

Now I'm in no way disrespecting your disdain for poster's who criticize our coaches, but with the dominance that Cotton displayed last night I would've easily made the decision to substitute Hyde.
I have some friends with good inside info on the program, and one of them paged me before kickoff and told me that the team was really emotionally drained after the ceremony where Casey Weigmann was placed on the ANF Wall of Fame. I think you can clearly tell on Iowa's first possession that the team was still distracted by the plight of the Iowa family farm, and not the Lion defense. Fortunately, they snapped out of it quickly (props to the coaches, it was an emotional ceremony, and I am frankly surpised the players got over it so quickly), but by then, the damage had been done.
Do you really still have a pager? It's 2012.
I have some friends with good inside info on the program, and one of them paged me before kickoff and told me that the team was really emotionally drained after the ceremony where Casey Weigmann was placed on the ANF Wall of Fame. I think you can clearly tell on Iowa's first possession that the team was still distracted by the plight of the Iowa family farm, and not the Lion defense. Fortunately, they snapped out of it quickly (props to the coaches, it was an emotional ceremony, and I am frankly surpised the players got over it so quickly), but by then, the damage had been done.


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