agree with this. You are correct; you had to sit through the 18 consecutive losing years (I did) to fully appreciate the horror. I truly never believed that Iowa would win again, and was completely shocked when Hayden started winning.
I was stunned the first year Hayden took us to the Rosebowl. It was terrible before Hayden came along.
I guess at 56 I fall into that older group. Some try to compare Hayden vrs KF but I don’t even see it being close. Hayden restored a corpse to perfect health. As Hayden got older and had health issues recruiting did fall off. So the Iowa program had the flu when KF came in. He nursed it back to health but he never ever had to revive a corpse.
Also keep in mind that for over a decade Nebraska, Michigan, and Nortre Dame have been flat(or down) programs. While Hayden was here those were power house programs and that’s what he had to recruit against. Obviously Wisconsin has taken advantage of the situation.
The true spirit of competition dictates that the goal should be to be the best and work toward that. A Big Ten title and national title. We are now siting in a neutral position where that is now after 18 years under KF very unlikely to happen. We are competitive but never truly great. Some are happy with that. That’s your right to be that way. I just don’t agree.
So let’s think this through from a sporting world mentality. Your saying that 7-5 is acceptable to you because you don’t want to take the chance and slip down two more loses to be a 5-7 team year in year out. Does this embarrass you in the college world of football? So you put on your Iowa logo and puff your chest out in public and murmur under your breath we are third in our division on an annual basis? Wow!!! And we mock the Iowa State fans??? Imagine if you just raised your expectations to two more wins on the average. 7-5, 10-2, 11-1, 9-3, 8-4, 9-3, 9-3. 12-0. As you can see I am targeting 9-3 to 10-2 to be the avarage win/loss percentage. If that happened we would likely get to be the represent of our division and be playing in the BT championship game three out of four years.
Let’s go back and talk about that also. When Hayden was coaching you we competing against the entire conference. You had to finish in the top three to get into a bowl game with any respectability and pay out. There was no Big Ten Network back then to give your school 60 million a year. You survived on what was left of the bowl game revenue after expenses, donors, ticket sales, and small tv revenue. Not even close to the sixty million a year of the BTN we now receive.
Jumping back again to what Hayden had to deal with. He had to compete head to head with the whole conference. Kirk has mainly to deal with A down Nebraska, a better than average Wisconsin, Northwestern, Minnesota. Not even comparable with what Hayden had to do and with a lot less money.
Now we find that we struggled with the little sisters of the conference and can’t win our division against the weakest side of the West division. At a time when Notre Dame, Michigan, and Nebraska have been down opening up recruiting opportunities. That is a fact and that is reality and some of you are perfectly satisfied with it remaining that way.