Coaching Records of Iowa's Last 7 Coaches


Well-Known Member
Jerry Burns: 16 27 2
Ray Nagel 16 32 1
F. Lauterbur 4 28 1
Bob Cummings 18 37 0
Total Record 54-114-4 (total winning percentage: 31%) ZERO BOWLS ZERO CHAMPIONSHIPS

Hayden Fry 143 89 6 (.613)
K. Ferentz 142 97 0 (.594)

Well, as you know, there weren't any national championships, but Fry and Ferentz finished in the top ten of the national rankings at least 7 times, while the previous 4 coaches had zero such finishes. Fry was ranked #1 for 7 consecutive weeks in 1985, and Ferentz received Top 6 rankings for at least one week in 2002, 2009 and 2015.

Evy won a national championship in 1958 and came very close in 1960. The real tragedy is why the next 4 coaches couldn't build on his success. In contrast, Ferentz continued Fry's success and in at least one instance surpassed it (Fry never had an undefeated regular season and never won a major bowl game like the Orange Bowl).

I'll be crucified for this post in the sea of negative Nancy's that swim in these Hawkeye Nation waters, but I really don't care. Ferentz is a great coach and will coach at Iowa as long as he desires. I think we are darn lucky to have him and I'm excited about 2018 with a more favorable schedule..
Well, as you know, there weren't any national championships, but Fry and Ferentz finished in the top ten of the national rankings at least 7 times, while the previous 4 coaches had zero such finishes. Fry was ranked #1 for 7 consecutive weeks in 1985, and Ferentz received Top 6 rankings for at least one week in 2002, 2009 and 2015.

Evy won a national championship in 1958 and came very close in 1960. The real tragedy is why the next 4 coaches couldn't build on his success. In contrast, Ferentz continued Fry's success and in at least one instance surpassed it (Fry never had an undefeated regular season and never won a major bowl game like the Orange Bowl).

I'll be crucified for this post in the sea of negative Nancy's that swim in these Hawkeye Nation waters, but I really don't care. Ferentz is a great coach and will coach at Iowa as long as he desires. I think we are darn lucky to have him and I'm excited about 2018 with a more favorable schedule..

Yep you will be crucified and I know by which posters.. I've been labeled a KF apologist, but I just see myself as a realist and see things as not being as bad as people make it out to be.
Well, as you know, there weren't any national championships, but Fry and Ferentz finished in the top ten of the national rankings at least 7 times, while the previous 4 coaches had zero such finishes. Fry was ranked #1 for 7 consecutive weeks in 1985, and Ferentz received Top 6 rankings for at least one week in 2002, 2009 and 2015.

Evy won a national championship in 1958 and came very close in 1960. The real tragedy is why the next 4 coaches couldn't build on his success. In contrast, Ferentz continued Fry's success and in at least one instance surpassed it (Fry never had an undefeated regular season and never won a major bowl game like the Orange Bowl).

I'll be crucified for this post in the sea of negative Nancy's that swim in these Hawkeye Nation waters, but I really don't care. Ferentz is a great coach and will coach at Iowa as long as he desires. I think we are darn lucky to have him and I'm excited about 2018 with a more favorable schedule..

Damn You, ChosenOne


Well, as you know, there weren't any national championships, but Fry and Ferentz finished in the top ten of the national rankings at least 7 times, while the previous 4 coaches had zero such finishes. Fry was ranked #1 for 7 consecutive weeks in 1985, and Ferentz received Top 6 rankings for at least one week in 2002, 2009 and 2015.

Evy won a national championship in 1958 and came very close in 1960. The real tragedy is why the next 4 coaches couldn't build on his success. In contrast, Ferentz continued Fry's success and in at least one instance surpassed it (Fry never had an undefeated regular season and never won a major bowl game like the Orange Bowl).

I'll be crucified for this post in the sea of negative Nancy's that swim in these Hawkeye Nation waters, but I really don't care. Ferentz is a great coach and will coach at Iowa as long as he desires. I think we are darn lucky to have him and I'm excited about 2018 with a more favorable schedule..

Forest Evashevski's teams were some of the very best Hawkeye teams in history. They were a joy to listen to and on rare occasions actually watch. His Rose Bowl teams ruled.....

And they had Alex Karras.....



forest evashevski
Well, as you know, there weren't any national championships, but Fry and Ferentz finished in the top ten of the national rankings at least 7 times, while the previous 4 coaches had zero such finishes. Fry was ranked #1 for 7 consecutive weeks in 1985, and Ferentz received Top 6 rankings for at least one week in 2002, 2009 and 2015.

Evy won a national championship in 1958 and came very close in 1960. The real tragedy is why the next 4 coaches couldn't build on his success. In contrast, Ferentz continued Fry's success and in at least one instance surpassed it (Fry never had an undefeated regular season and never won a major bowl game like the Orange Bowl).

I'll be crucified for this post in the sea of negative Nancy's that swim in these Hawkeye Nation waters, but I really don't care. Ferentz is a great coach and will coach at Iowa as long as he desires. I think we are darn lucky to have him and I'm excited about 2018 with a more favorable schedule..

One day you are ready to crown Ferentz King of All College Football (insane), then several months later you state on these pages that he has to be held responsible for his mediocre/crappy coaching (sanity returns), and now once again you are ready to coronate the man(back to insanity)! Make up your mind. You are schizophrenic on this topic, like most KF apologists.

And once again I see you are posting this in the middle of the workday, jeopardizing my sisters’ ability to refurnish your home for the tenth time in 12 years. Get back to work and post this stuff outside of office hours you dog!
One day you are ready to crown Ferentz King of All College Football (insane), then several months later you state on these pages that he has to be held responsible for his mediocre/crappy coaching (sanity returns), and now once again you are ready to coronate the man(back to insanity)! Make up your mind. You are schizophrenic on this topic, like most KF apologists.

And once again I see you are posting this in the middle of the workday, jeopardizing my sisters’ ability to refurnish your home for the tenth time in 12 years. Get back to work and post this stuff outside of office hours you dog!

One day Iowa fans will look back on what KF accomplished and be in awe of it.. Because the reality is this The odds of Iowa take a step backwards are way higher than that of an Iowa Program making a leap into National Contention each and every year.. The fact is that KF hasn't hurt the Iowa program in the least and to think or say he has or will is stupid talk..
Jerry Burns: 16 27 2
Ray Nagel 16 32 1
F. Lauterbur 4 28 1
Bob Cummings 18 37 0
Total Record 54-114-4 (total winning percentage: 31%) ZERO BOWLS ZERO CHAMPIONSHIPS

Hayden Fry 143 89 6 (.613)
K. Ferentz 142 97 0 (.594)

Consider that KF's B10 winning % is .558.
Ray Nagel's B10 record was .500 in his last three years at Iowa.
This means every 2 years, KF wins one more B10 game than Nagel would have.
Nagel was fired.
One day Iowa fans will look back on what KF accomplished and be in awe of it.. Because the reality is this The odds of Iowa take a step backwards are way higher than that of an Iowa Program making a leap into National Contention each and every year.. The fact is that KF hasn't hurt the Iowa program in the least and to think or say he has or will is stupid talk..

Onlly if they hire the wrong coach or football dies. Both are possible.
As long as everyone is randomly musing; I would like to see more on why Evy sucked as an AD, was he bitter he wasn't coach and AD as I've heard from some, I've heard that he cut budgets and sucked the life out of Iowa football, out of bitterness. Ray Nagel was supposedly a decent coach, Evy ran him off. It would be great to learn more about what actually went on then, most of what I've read about that period is just fluff.

Also, how good would Iowa football be right now if Barry Alvarez had never gone to Wisconsin?
As long as everyone is randomly musing; I would like to see more on why Evy sucked as an AD, was he bitter he wasn't coach and AD as I've heard from some, I've heard that he cut budgets and sucked the life out of Iowa football, out of bitterness. Ray Nagel was supposedly a decent coach, Evy ran him off. It would be great to learn more about what actually went on then, most of what I've read about that period is just fluff.

Also, how good would Iowa football be right now if Barry Alvarez had never gone to Wisconsin?

He pushed "padding" expenses on recruiting visits, then threw those coaches under the bus. He basically "conspired" with a couple player fathers to get those kids to quit/transfer. He threw Nagel under the bus during/after the black boycott.

Read "75 Years With the Fighting Hawkeyes" by Lamb and McGrane and the follow up of "25 Years.." by Al Grady. Evy was forbidden to hold both positions, and when pressed, said he didn't want both positions. He then proceeded to undermine his hires (Burns and Nagel).

How good would Iowa football be if Alvarez had never gone to Wisconsin is a tough call. He didn't go to Wisconsin from Iowa, there was a stop at ND (and possibly an additional stop?) as an assistant. A better question is what would have happened if Stoops or Bill Snyder had become coach? Most "pundits" all but had Snyder as next coach, but he got "hot" at KSU and had no reason to leave.

Stoops, despite the clarion calls of being turned away and all, was one of three finalists, and there were definite questions about his being "the guy". One worry was that, if he failed to gain traction, would it ruin his relationship with Iowa at that stage of his career, and was Iowa willing to let that happen to another alum (a la Bob Commings).
Jerry Burns: 16 27 2
Ray Nagel 16 32 1
F. Lauterbur 4 28 1
Bob Cummings 18 37 0
Total Record 54-114-4 (total winning percentage: 31%) ZERO BOWLS ZERO CHAMPIONSHIPS

Hayden Fry 143 89 6 (.613)
K. Ferentz 142 97 0 (.594)

You should do the last 6 or 7 basketball coaches.
Comparing overall records can be misleading regarding the status of the program.

Nagel's B10 record was .500 his last three years, but did not have a winning season - going 3-6 in his non-conf games. Nagel's non-conf opponents in those three years:
Notre Dame
Oregon St (3)
Wash St
Arizona (2)

If Nagel had KF's non-conf cupcake schedule his record could very likely have been:

1968 7-3
1969 6-4
1970 6-3-1

And gone on to coach at Iowa for 20 years.

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