Coach needs to have a talk with Matt

He lost the weight because he was asked. What Fran means by explosive is up to Fran, but coaches make adjustments all the time and I can't gaurantee it but I would be 99% sure that Gatens going to the basket on their 7 footer was not what Fran meant by explosive for Gatens. It was a bad play on his part when he got to the lane he had a wide open 6-7 foot jumper wide open, that is Gatens play in that situation.

Oh, and he was not fouled on that play.
He lost the weight because he was asked. What Fran means by explosive is up to Fran, but coaches make adjustments all the time and I can't gaurantee it but I would be 99% sure that Gatens going to the basket on their 7 footer was not what Fran meant by explosive for Gatens. It was a bad play on his part when he got to the lane he had a wide open 6-7 foot jumper wide open, that is Gatens play in that situation.

Oh, and he was not fouled on that play.

I agree after seeing the replay that he was not fouled. With 12 seconds on the clock, you really don't have the benefit of being able to mull it over in your mind what the best option may be. I read through the Q/A of Fran after the game. Not once did he mention that the move by Gatens was the wrong move or maybe a situation where they should have called another TO to set up a different play, or that he didn't want Matt in those types of situations, or that he would rather have it in a guards hands and the end of regulation. Nothing, nada, zip!!! Now, I don't think Fran is going to be the type of coach to single out any player after a loss, but something tells me that he had no problem whatsoever with that drive last night. Had it worked out, everyone would be talking about how much more explosive Matt is this year. He had one shot blocked and unfortunately Iowa lost the game. It happens! He won't be the first nor the last 6'5" guard getting a shot blocked by a 7 footer who happens to be a good shot blocker!

Again to make it simple. Based on McCaffery's comments, he wanted Matt to lose weight to gain some of his explosiveness back that he had lost from bulking up too much to play forward last year. He wants Matt to drive to the basket. Please go back a few posts and read the exact quotes from 10-14 if you don't want to believe me.

But, I really don't think McCaffery put any type of restraint on Matt on who and who he could not drive against based on their size???
Totally disagree if the refs had any clue on Matt's last drive they would have called a foul cause the guy hit him on the wrist/hand when he blocked the shot.

not sure what you were watching. i would have loved to see a foul called too, but that was clean as can be. the only thing foul was gatens decision to drive.
Here's another article during October where Coach McCaffery more clearly defines the roles not only for Gatens, but May as well:

Knowing roles:

Whether this results in more victories this upcoming season remains to be seen, but a structure has been put in place. McCaffery said Thursday his starting five hasn’t been finalized completely, but he has an idea.

Two players that can be inked in as starters barring injury over the next month are junior Matt Gatens and sophomore Eric May, both of whom lost weight and put on more muscle.
Gatens, throughout his Hawkeye career, has played numerous positions on the court. With McCaffery at the helm, the plan is for Gatens to only play the 2-guard and nothing else.
“I think it’s going to help him immensely,â€￾ McCaffery said. “I want him to establish the fact that he can drive the basketball to the rim, not just to his right, which has always been the scouting report on him. “I think when you take somebody like that, that you want to highlight, you want to make sure they’re kind of locked into one position and stay there.â€￾

As a result, Gatens was asked to cut his weight down to around 208 pounds. He not only did that, but he also took time to watch film and study other 2-guards. He asked McCaffery for film of 2-guards that played for him while he coached Siena. He also studied NBA players who play the position, specifically Los Angeles Lakers superstar Kobe Bryant.
“Kobe does a great job of posting up, and coaches talked, ‘I’d like to have you post up when smaller 2-guards are on you and take advantage of that, and get to the free-throw line or score easy buckets,’â€￾ Gatens said. “It’s going to be a change. It’s something I’m looking forward to, and I’m ready to learn.â€￾

Meanwhile, May is expected to play the 3, and McCaffery said of all the players he believes will benefit most from the new style of play, it’s the 6-5 native of Dubuque. “I’ve never really felt there’s a different way to play but to run in the fast break,â€￾ May said. “You can always pull it back out. But if you’re not running the fast break, you’re wasting opportunities. “I couldn’t have been more excited about that.â€￾
Did I type my post in invisible ink? McCaffery asked Gatens to lose 20 pounds to become more explosive. He wants him taking the ball to the hole. Before his injury, McCaffery said Gatens was much more explosive being lighter. I know most of you are experts, being former DI basketball players and all, but I am going to stick with what McCaffery wants and expects from Gatens at this point! I guess that should just about end the debate then???

Better alert every strength coach in the nation that losing weight makes a person more explosive. The likely result is just that he is more able to run for extended periods of time, but losing weight isn't going to all of a sudden make him dunk over 7 footers.
Did I type my post in invisible ink? McCaffery asked Gatens to lose 20 pounds to become more explosive. He wants him taking the ball to the hole. Before his injury, McCaffery said Gatens was much more explosive being lighter. I know most of you are experts, being former DI basketball players and all, but I am going to stick with what McCaffery wants and expects from Gatens at this point! I guess that should just about end the debate then???

Just because he asks him doesn't make it so. Just because he lost weight doesn't make him a 'to the rim' kind of player. Being explosive and knowing what to do in that situation are two completely different things.

I could **** in one hand and wish in another. Wish hand do you think is going to get filled first?
The following is the ESPN100 Evaluation of Matt Gatens in 2007:

September, 2007: Matt leads his team by doing whatever it takes to get the job done. He will score, pass, rebound, defend, take a charge or dive on a loose ball. He is excellent driving to the rim and finishing the play. He has good strength and knows how to play. He will be a solid player in the Big 10. Gatens is the ultimate system player. He plays hard and makes everyone around him better. He is one of the better passers in this class. His basketball IQ makes him much more comfortable in a team setting. Should make for a good wing player at Iowa.

What sticks out to me there: "He is excellent driving to the rim and finishing the play."

Yes, I know, this was high school and he was not playing against D1 athletes, or 7 footers, but the ability to get to the rim was there. Gatens had a pretty good year his freshman year and I think it is safe to say that most of us were excited about his Hawkeye career. The next thing we know, Lick has him bulking up and playing out of position at the 4 spot quite a bit. Perhaps he was struggling with his athleticism and mobility last year with the added weight and muscle?

Fast forward to the hiring of Fran McCaffery and his vision of a slimmer, more athletic, more agile Gatens, similar to his high school days. By all accounts, before the season started, Gatens was slimmer, more athletic and more agile, getting to the rim and finishing with dunks according to McCaffery.

Then, Matt tears a tendon in his thumb and has to have surgery and misses a few very crucial weeks of action with his teammates on the court. I would have to imagine he lost a step somewhat, lost his shot somewhat, maybe even lost some of that explosiveness that he had regained in the offseason. Plus, he lost the opportunity to continue to gel with his teammates. What, this was his fourth game back?

So, unlike some of you, I am not going to pigeon hole Gatens into a spot up shooter only. McCaffery thinks he can get to the rim and wants him to get to the rim. Who gives a **** if it was a bad decision or not going up against a 7 footer last night. It didn't work, but it is over and done with!

Seriously people, one drive and one blocked shot later and some of you are talking about how Gatens has digressed, how he doesn't know his role.....blah, blah, blah. I am amazed at what kind of conclusions some of you can make off of one play or one half of basketball. It's borderline stupid in some cases.

Gatens is a good player. He is certainly not merely a role player on this team. He is a leader and one of the top 2 or 3 players on this team. He led the team in scoring last year and when it is all said and done, he will probably be close to that as well this year.

I for one am going to give McCaffery and Gatens a chance to let their plan pan out a little before I make any judgements whatsoever on what Gatens role should or should not be! I am also willing to let Gatens fully heal from an injury he is obviously still struggling with and get back into basketball shape. If you cannot trust that McCaffery has a plan for each and every player, then you will never trust McCaffery as the coach of the Hawkeyes.

We may end up seeing a much better Gatens under McCaffery compared to what we ever saw out of Gatens under Lick. But you sure as hell don't know that based on one drive to the basket and his fourth game back after injury! How soon we forget that Matt scored 15 points in his first game back this year against Xavier!!!
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A foul is a foul even if it happens in the last 30 seconds of a game if people are not smart enough to realize that hey that is not my problem. There is NOTHING in the ref manual that says fouls in the last 30 seconds are different than the rest of the game.

You people hating on matt need to get a clue.

I'm not hating on Matt, I'm just stating my opinion on what kind of player he is.

Also, I agree that a foul is a foul at any point in the game. What I'm saying is that those calls are very rarely called that late in the game and college players know it...he needs to recognize that and pick a better shot. And on that note, why is he driving all the way to the hoop against a 7 footer?
Do you really think that Gatens can finish over a 7' player? Come on.

There's certainly opportunity for him to create his own shot but going up against a 7' isn't one of them. If the goal was to get fouled while in the act of shooting then Gatens should have taken the ball deeper to the rack instead of trying some off balance floater. It wasn't a smart play.

Great point! I agree!
Better alert every strength coach in the nation that losing weight makes a person more explosive. The likely result is just that he is more able to run for extended periods of time, but losing weight isn't going to all of a sudden make him dunk over 7 footers.

Better yet, why don't you tell Fran McCaffery that losing weight did not cause Matt to be more explosive, because he thinks otherwise. I guess you are saying McCaffery is wrong just because he had a shot blocked by a 7 footer. He blocked several shots, including Basabe, are we saying he is not athletic as well. Maybe Basabe needs to stay out of the lane and become a spot up shooter??? That sounds about as dumb as some of the arguments against Gatens. It was one play people, that wasn't the only play that cost Iowa the game you know???
The following is the ESPN100 Evaluation of Matt Gatens in 2007:

September, 2007: Matt leads his team by doing whatever it takes to get the job done. He will score, pass, rebound, defend, take a charge or dive on a loose ball. He is excellent driving to the rim and finishing the play. He has good strength and knows how to play. He will be a solid player in the Big 10. Gatens is the ultimate system player. He plays hard and makes everyone around him better. He is one of the better passers in this class. His basketball IQ makes him much more comfortable in a team setting. Should make for a good wing player at Iowa.

What sticks out to me there: "He is excellent driving to the rim and finishing the play."

Yes, I know, this was high school and he was not playing against D1 athletes, or 7 footers, but the ability to get to the rim was there. Gatens had a pretty good year his freshman year and I think it is safe to say that most of us were excited about his Hawkeye career. The next thing we know, Lick has him bulking up and playing out of position at the 4 spot quite a bit. Perhaps he was struggling with his athleticism and mobility last year with the added weight and muscle?

Fast forward to the hiring of Fran McCaffery and his vision of a slimmer, more athletic, more agile Gatens, similar to his high school days. By all accounts, before the season started, Gatens was slimmer, more athletic and more agile, getting to the rim and finishing with dunks according to McCaffery.

Then, Matt tears a tendon in his thumb and has to have surgery and misses a few very crucial weeks of action with his teammates on the court. I would have to imagine he lost a step somewhat, lost his shot somewhat, maybe even lost some of that explosiveness that he had regained in the offseason. What, this was his fourth game back?

Again, unlike some of you, I am not going to pigeon hole Gatens into a spot of shooter only. McCaffery thinks he can get to the rim and wants him to get to the rim. Who gives a **** if it was a bad decision or not going up against a 7 footer last night. It didn't work, but it is over and done with!

Seriously people, one drive and one blocked shot later and some of you are talking about how Gatens has digressed, how he doesn't know his role.....blah, blah, blah. I am amazed at what kind of conclusions some of you can make off of one play or one half of basketball. It's borderline stupid in some cases.

Gatens is a good player. He is certainly not a role player on this team. He is a leader and one of the top 2 or 3 players on this team. He led the team in scoring last year and when it is all said and done, he will probably be close to that as well this year.

I for one am going to give McCaffery and Gatens a chance to let their plan pan out a little before I make any judgements whatsoever on what Gatens role should or should not be! I am also willing to let Gatens fully heal from an injury he is obviously still struggling with and get back into basketball shape. If you cannot trust that McCaffery has a plan for each and every player, then you will never trust McCaffery as the coach of the Hawkeyes.

We may end up seeing a much better Gatens under McCaffery compared to what we ever saw out of Gatens under Lick. But you sure as hell don't know that based on one drive to the basket and his fourth game back after injury! How soon we forget that Matt scored 15 points in his first game back this year against Xavier!!!

I appreciate your effort. I don't blame Matt for the play because I don't see anybody on the floor that is willing to step up and want the ball in a pressure situation. I think Matt feels like he has to be the one to step up because he is the veteran. May needs to be the guy to step up and say this is his team and he wants the ball when the game is on the line. I don't see that from him on the floor. He was just kind of jogging around and not calling for the ball.

With that said.... Matt is a glorified Devon Bawlwinkle. He is a spot up shooter. That's really the only way he will contribute. However, I put this on May. It's time for May to step up in the huddle and tell Fran... I want the ball. I'm the playmaker and it's my time!!!!
We've watched Matt Gatens play over 30 minutes a game for 2+ years. I think that's a large enough sample size to figure out his strengths in Division 1 basketball. Driving is not his strength. His strength is shooting. That's not a bad thing.

Seriously, you can't ask someone to close their eyes and trust a 50-word anonymous scouting report from 2007 (probably written by a guy who saw Matt play in 1 AAU game) when they've seen the real thing over 60 times. I'm sure Fran wanted him in better running shape but I just don't think he fits the slashing mold. We're only asking one thing:stop driving directly to the right block and getting rejected. Keep playing good defense and keep shooting.
We've watched Matt Gatens play over 30 minutes a game for 2+ years. I think that's a large enough sample size to figure out his strengths in Division 1 basketball. Driving is not his strength. His strength is shooting. That's not a bad thing.

Seriously, you can't ask someone to close their eyes and trust a 50-word anonymous scouting report from 2007 (probably written by a guy who saw Matt play in 1 AAU game) when they've seen the real thing over 60 times. I'm sure Fran wanted him in better running shape but I just don't think he fits the slashing mold. We're only asking one thing:stop driving directly to the right block and getting rejected. Keep playing good defense and keep shooting.

I can't disagree that Gatens has had trouble finishing at the rim the past two years. Apparently, it was easy for him in high school. I never saw him play in person. Yes, we have seen it in over 60 games at Iowa. But, we saw it under Lickliter as Gatens was playing out of position and most likely to bulky at least according to McCaffery. Just because he got one shot blocked by a 7 footer doesn't mean he is going to have trouble finishing at the rim this year. The fact is we don't know just yet. We don't know if there will be a difference in his athleticism and explosiveness playing 20 pounds lighter. However, coach McCaffery has said a few different times that he believes it will make a difference for Matt.

I don't know if it is ever a good idea for anyone to take it at a 7 footer at the rim. But, the Hawks didn't take a time out to set up a play there. Matt drove it in the flow of the game. He took a chance and it didn't pay off. I can't fault him for that nor criticize him for that. I for one hope he continues to drive because it can open up alot of things not only for him, but for his teammates as well. If a defender has to respect the drive, Gatens will get off more uncontested jumpshots. If they don't respect the drive, the will play up on him and it will be more difficult to get the jumpshot off.

Perhaps I am over-analyzing this, but I think that is much more fair on Gatens until we see more of what he has to offer this season.
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