. . . indulge me will you while I let this post trigger me
Something I've always hated is the argument ". . . their salary doesn't come from the students or taxpayers . . . " and now I will rant . . .
The U of Iowa is a public institution. It's owned by the citizens and taxpayers of Iowa. And to the extent it gets federal dollars, by the citizens and taxpayers of the USA. When people donate money to it, or any of its departments, they are donating to a public school built for a public good. In effect any donation is a donation to the state treasury (aka taxpayers) and the students who pay tuition. So when people say "you don't pay ________ salary", yes we do, all of us. Because every penny the U of Iowa takes in is owned by the taxpayers first and foremost. If a building is erected thanx to a donor, the taxpayers will be paying for its maintenance long after the donor has passed away. So those who run the school have a moral responsibility to spend the money wisely. When they don't it is a dereliction of duty on their part. Glad we got that settled. Now we never have to endure the inane argument that some school employees are responsible to the taxpayers and some aren't.
I am not sure if you were replying to something I said??? You are talking about the the U of I and other public institutions and I was talking about publicly held private companies. Not sure of your connection.