Coach flights

. . . indulge me will you while I let this post trigger me :D

Something I've always hated is the argument ". . . their salary doesn't come from the students or taxpayers . . . " and now I will rant . . .
The U of Iowa is a public institution. It's owned by the citizens and taxpayers of Iowa. And to the extent it gets federal dollars, by the citizens and taxpayers of the USA. When people donate money to it, or any of its departments, they are donating to a public school built for a public good. In effect any donation is a donation to the state treasury (aka taxpayers) and the students who pay tuition. So when people say "you don't pay ________ salary", yes we do, all of us. Because every penny the U of Iowa takes in is owned by the taxpayers first and foremost. If a building is erected thanx to a donor, the taxpayers will be paying for its maintenance long after the donor has passed away. So those who run the school have a moral responsibility to spend the money wisely. When they don't it is a dereliction of duty on their part. Glad we got that settled. Now we never have to endure the inane argument that some school employees are responsible to the taxpayers and some aren't.

I am not sure if you were replying to something I said??? You are talking about the the U of I and other public institutions and I was talking about publicly held private companies. Not sure of your connection.
haha, you really think big business is about "real" capitalism??? so many big corporations and even medium size corporations get more "handouts" with tax payer dollars than actual citizens do. What do you call it when FoxConn gets about $3 billion dollars from the State of Wisconsin by old Gov Fiscal Conservative Scott Walker to build or renovate a plant to build LCD screens. Three Billion Dollars is a big chunk of a State's budget. And then there are the corporate tax loopholes that allow companies netting billions of dollars to not pay any taxes or just a few percent in taxes. Capitalism is the US is social capitalism and palm greasing.

And do you really think most all men and women get their jobs through merit and abiliity? Again many people get their jobs through connections, friends, nepotism, whatever rather than being the most qualified.

If you are sole owner of a company do what you want with your money but not if shareholder owned or employee owned.
Most yes. All, of course not. Sure a lot of the jobs out there are doled out based on who you know/are related to for those that are pretty fortunate. I myself fall into that category. But that's not for the majority. Most people have to go out and get it.

I wasn't only talking about 'big business' Sure they have their own set of rules when it comes to things your not wrong. But I wasn't even talking about any of that. I was referring to how the majority of every day folks have to go about doing things to get jobs. Mostly those gals that are in those shoes bitching about how they want more perks and $ just because of their gender. Unless your smoking hot and or can make significant $ for others around you nobody is going to cater to you just because of your gender. It don't work that way.
We live in basically a kleptocracy. He who has more influences policy more. Our tax code is proof. Our political policy does it too. If I here "fighting for our frredoms again...

What do you think the war in Ukraine and Syria is about? Big business. Who got killed on the Malaysia airliner was shot down? A lot of familily of execs from Royal Dutch Shell the day after Chip Biden was named to the board of directors of the largest gas company in Ukraine and Shell ageed to basically run it with Biden on the boards. The war there and Syria is completely about shutting down Russian oil to Erope which would destroy them.

Many historians note that by the 1880's, if not before, the US citizens had basically replaced England and its monarchs by the royalty of corporations and wealthy business owners.
I am not sure if you were replying to something I said??? You are talking about the the U of I and other public institutions and I was talking about publicly held private companies. Not sure of your connection.

connection? . . . you were whining about a low-integrity life-form acting in a corrupt way . . . I was just echoing that from a different perspective.