Clearing the Air...

Rob ~ class act man. I honestly think your gig is really difficult. But please, don’t change. I like your sarcasm and wit on here. Engaging with us makes this site so great.

I wish Miller and Deace would engage too honestly, but I think Deace gets enough during his daily gig and Miller just can’t even anymore.
Rob, I do not think I am alone in saying this, that i really really appreciate your candor and you how you interact with all of us. You are the consummate professional yet are not afraid to show your emotion and human side, and that makes you the perfect person to run this or any other fan site. I particularly liked your piece on that POS Sandusky, because you connected how his actions affected you when every other news piece just reported the facts. That took a lot of courage to do that, and I for one recognize how rare that is in your profession.

I know the ever changing media landscape sucks these days on every level, and the rush to be first to report it matters to you guys. But just know it doesnt matter so much to us, and while potential nees may be rumored or leaked or speculated on in a myriad of ways, we only know it is true if professionals like you say it. And to me, that should matter more than anything because trustworthy journalists and news organizations are hard to come by.

So dont let it get to you. Keep doing what you do and you will always be revered as the godfather of hawkeye journalism.
I'd like to publicly apologize to the posters that I called out for the Martin speculation. I think part of the disconnect came from semantics.

The posters were saying OM was OK'd or "cleared", which I and some others took as him being eligible for the season, not that he only had been "Ok'd or cleared" by the NCAA and Iowa was awaiting word from the Big Ten. At the same time, my source was telling me that he was not yet eligible for the season. He or she did not tell me OM was cleared by the NCAA and final approval needed to come from Big Ten.

I should have handled things better. I shouldn't have confronted people trying to share information. I should have tried to work through with you guys sooner and maybe we would have gotten to the bottom of things soon.

Again, I apologize.

I've become hyper-sensitive to potential misinformation, in large part because of social media trolls, and to a lesser degree, trolls on here. And there were trolls on Twitter with whom I was mixing it up with on the OM story.

The journalistic landscape is ever evolving and I'm trying to evolve with it. I'll do my best to stay above the fray on these boards moving forward.

Thanks for reading.
We still luv ya!
The thing to remember about the internet, sports, and life is that it is best when it is all in good fun. As hard as it can be, give people the presumption of good faith until disproven, and you will be happier because your heart will be light.

Pootspot, I am sorry. Sorry that I teased you, and also that your name is pootspot.
The thing to remember about the internet, sports, and life is that it is best when it is all in good fun. As hard as it can be, give people the presumption of good faith until disproven, and you will be happier because your heart will be light.

Pootspot, I am sorry. Sorry that I teased you, and also that your name is pootspot.
That last line made me lol.
GHawk was a class act through these last few days.

Even in his original post he said we won’t know until “an official announcement.”
I'd like to publicly apologize to the posters that I called out for the Martin speculation. I think part of the disconnect came from semantics.

The posters were saying OM was OK'd or "cleared", which I and some others took as him being eligible for the season, not that he only had been "Ok'd or cleared" by the NCAA and Iowa was awaiting word from the Big Ten. At the same time, my source was telling me that he was not yet eligible for the season. He or she did not tell me OM was cleared by the NCAA and final approval needed to come from Big Ten.

I should have handled things better. I shouldn't have confronted people trying to share information. I should have tried to work through with you guys sooner and maybe we would have gotten to the bottom of things soon.

Again, I apologize.

I've become hyper-sensitive to potential misinformation, in large part because of social media trolls, and to a lesser degree, trolls on here. And there were trolls on Twitter with whom I was mixing it up with on the OM story.

The journalistic landscape is ever evolving and I'm trying to evolve with it. I'll do my best to stay above the fray on these boards moving forward.

Thanks for reading.

My guess is you probably hear hundreds of rumors from random people on the internet every single season...and most of them are full of shit. I'm sure it gets very tiring, annoying, and a huge waste of your time 99% of the time. I don't blame you one bit when you check with your sources and they say he wasn't cleared...which he wasn't (officially).

Look on the bright side, at least you're not one of the 30000 talking sports heads (Dan Dakich, S A Smith, etc) and can actually admit when you could have/should have handled something better.
As a journalist, you have a responsibility to be right not first. You were right that he wasn't eligible. The problem was how the posters framed their posts. Being cleared by the NCAA to play was not the final hurdle and you knew that and they didn't.
Well said Rob, thanks for all your contributions, and like others have said, don't ever worry about being first in this new journalistic landscape, just always try to be right. I would be much more interested to read from a journalist the story behind the transfer a week, a month or a year later from you about Oliver, than have you get the "scoop" on his approval.
Look at all this chemistry we've got now, and right before the first game. It's going to be a great season! (no inside info on that ;))
It takes stones to apologize in the era we live in. Not many people in either political party do it, not many sports journalists do it, not many journalists or radio hosts or TV hosts do it, not many people period do it. Kudos to Rob for doing it.
It takes stones to apologize in the era we live in. Not many people in either political party do it, not many sports journalists do it, not many journalists or radio hosts or TV hosts do it, not many people period do it. Kudos to Rob for doing it.

It takes self awareness and humility, 2 things that most people lack. I apologize to people regularly, but I try hard to not be a dick in the first place.
Rob, I understand the initial tendency to defend your actions. It takes grace and maturity to take a step back and offer an apology. What small amount of credibility lost in your initial response to this situation has been made up and then some by this thread. Nice work. Keep it up.

I agree. Football!!!!!!!!
All I know is I've been on here for a decade or so and Hawkeye Nation is the best it's ever been since Rob took over. I used to read ever article on here but he posts so many I don't even have enough time for them all. This post is just another example of what makes you the best.

Well said PCHawk. Luving the information.