
I would say if he really felt that way, and his teammates know it, I doubt that they would keep voting him a capt. every week.
"He doesn't even care, he's just waiting to be drafted"

This is a direct quote from someone inside the locker room.

I can't say I would really blame someone in his position for being let down. you forgo the NFL to come back for 1 more year with national title hopes (or another BCS game at worst) and then the bottom falls out. That's not to say that 3 losses is terrible, but most would call it underachieving especially considering the expectations. Apparently some inside the locker room feel the same way as many fans.

You don't have the slightest f-ing idea what you're talking about.

This is a guy who is so emotionally invested in this team that he had to remove himself from an interview after the Wisconsin game in order to compose himself.

He is a season-long captain.

He didn't come back just to win a title. If you would have listened to anything he was saying pre-season, he came back to improve his game and his skills, which he has done. He also acknowledged that it's harder for a D-lineman to leave early because you are butting heads with grown men and he wanted an additional year of maturity and conditioning.

How people can come on to a message board and spread outright LIES about one of the most dedicated Hawkeyes of all-time is beyond me. Might I suggest you go back to the hole you crawled out of (or tanning bed to work on your Tan Abs)?
"He doesn't even care, he's just waiting to be drafted"

This is a direct quote from someone inside the locker room.

I can't say I would really blame someone in his position for being let down. you forgo the NFL to come back for 1 more year with national title hopes (or another BCS game at worst) and then the bottom falls out. That's not to say that 3 losses is terrible, but most would call it underachieving especially considering the expectations. Apparently some inside the locker room feel the same way as many fans.
I going to go ahead and call BS on this.
"Someone" inside the locker room? "Someone" may feel that is the way he is acting but I would like to see "someone" tell him that.
IDK. We voted our star players/seniors captains in HS really regardless of attitude. was just something you did. there were still many other vocal leaders inside the locker room that weren't captains.

and ours were picked at the beginning of the year
Is that how you did it when you were in high school? Well I'm sure thats how the University of Iowa does it then.
You don't have the slightest f-ing idea what you're talking about.

This is a guy who is so emotionally invested in this team that he had to remove himself from an interview after the Wisconsin game in order to compose himself.

He is a season-long captain.

He didn't come back just to win a title. If you would have listened to anything he was saying pre-season, he came back to improve his game and his skills, which he has done. He also acknowledged that it's harder for a D-lineman to leave early because you are butting heads with grown men and he wanted an additional year of maturity and conditioning.

How people can come on to a message board and spread outright LIES about one of the most dedicated Hawkeyes of all-time is beyond me. Might I suggest you go back to the hole you crawled out of (or tanning bed to work on your Tan Abs)?

This. I buy this as much as I buy tampons.
I don't buy it all. Someone had said he got his knee dinged up with the cheap shot in the Badger game and has not been able to practice much, and what you see on Saturdays is a lot of heart, with very little conditioning.
In high school, guys typically vote for the best players on the team (worked out REAL well for my high school team :rolleyes:). That's not how it is in college, certainly not here. Guys vote for leaders, and the teams that don't are typically bad teams.
I can understand his frustration if this is true. It has to be deflating to Adrian to be a step or so away from getting to the QB only to see him check down to a wide open receiver 5 yards along the sideline.

BTW, I'm calling BS.
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IDK. We voted our star players/seniors captains in HS really regardless of attitude. was just something you did. there were still many other vocal leaders inside the locker room that weren't captains.

and ours were picked at the beginning of the year
How did you do at Stewart/Mingo/Interstate35/Huxley/Meservey Thornton high school? Tough hombres I'm sure
You don't have the slightest f-ing idea what you're talking about.

This is a guy who is so emotionally invested in this team that he had to remove himself from an interview after the Wisconsin game in order to compose himself.

He is a season-long captain.

He didn't come back just to win a title. If you would have listened to anything he was saying pre-season, he came back to improve his game and his skills, which he has done. He also acknowledged that it's harder for a D-lineman to leave early because you are butting heads with grown men and he wanted an additional year of maturity and conditioning.

How people can come on to a message board and spread outright LIES about one of the most dedicated Hawkeyes of all-time is beyond me. Might I suggest you go back to the hole you crawled out of (or tanning bed to work on your Tan Abs)?

IDK. We voted our star players/seniors captains in HS really regardless of attitude. was just something you did. there were still many other vocal leaders inside the locker room that weren't captains.

and ours were picked at the beginning of the year

Yeah, because high school football is so similar to major college Big 10 football.

I love the guys who come on here who got a little bit of glory in high school football and all of a sudden they're an expert on all things football.

If you think it's cool to come on a message board and call out a specific player with outright, bald-faced lies, then you can do us all a favor and just leave and never post here again. We're all worse off for having read your lies.
why is it a bold faced lie? because you don't believe it? I think if I was going to just make something up I could do a little better than that.

not saying I'm an "expert" on football, just saying that in many cases the most talented player is the captain, regardless of how good of a leader they are in the locker room.

Quote is directly from someone close to the team. if you dont believe it, then don't. just passing on what I was told

Here's a hint: using anonymous sources, when your own identity is anonymous, is a good way to look like an idiot. If you aren't going to give us a name, then there is absolutely no reason for anyone to believe you.
Thank you...

You don't have the slightest f-ing idea what you're talking about.

This is a guy who is so emotionally invested in this team that he had to remove himself from an interview after the Wisconsin game in order to compose himself.

He is a season-long captain.

He didn't come back just to win a title. If you would have listened to anything he was saying pre-season, he came back to improve his game and his skills, which he has done. He also acknowledged that it's harder for a D-lineman to leave early because you are butting heads with grown men and he wanted an additional year of maturity and conditioning.

How people can come on to a message board and spread outright LIES about one of the most dedicated Hawkeyes of all-time is beyond me. Might I suggest you go back to the hole you crawled out of (or tanning bed to work on your Tan Abs)?

It's extremely disappointing to see some fans disparage players when they don't meet our expectations, especially when the player is giving effort. Watch the darn game, anyone can plainly see he's giving effort. Sometimes things don't work out the way you want in life, this is one of those times for Clayborn. The tape does not lie, Clayborn is playing hard. He might not be 100% (no idea) but he's giving good effort.

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