
Hey Tan man....why don't you tell Clayborn yourself that he isn't trying? Were you a captain on your HS team? UH-huh...I didn't think so. You were probably the guy with his jock strap pulled up over his ears.
No doubt he's giving effort. Wasn't Ballard and Klug and Clayborn on the sidelines at Northwestern? They were completely gassed and it wasn't from not giving effort or being out of shape. It had everything to do with having to play 50 snaps in one half.
I'm kinda disappointed...

I thought my line about buying this as much as I bought tampons was pretty good.

It's all about me after all.
why is it a bold faced lie? because you don't believe it? I think if I was going to just make something up I could do a little better than that.

not saying I'm an "expert" on football, just saying that in many cases the most talented player is the captain, regardless of how good of a leader they are in the locker room.

Quote is directly from someone close to the team. if you dont believe it, then don't. just passing on what I was told

Okay, here's the deal. Either post your real name, the name of the player who told you and where it happened or shut the f__k up.

You are nothing but a freaking coward to come on to a Hawkeye message board and disparage a fellow Hawkeye football player. It's one thing if you have something critical to say about the coaches. They get paid to put a product on the field. But to come here and spread a lie about a college student that thousands of people read is nothing short of pathetic.
If Clayborn didn't question himself for returning for another year, he'd be an idiot. However, I sincerely doubt he's stopped caring.

Besides. Even if you believe he's stopped caring for the team, he still needs them to do well, and he still needs to well to boost his draft potential before the end of the year.
"He doesn't even care, he's just waiting to be drafted"

This is a direct quote from someone inside the locker room.

I can't say I would really blame someone in his position for being let down. you forgo the NFL to come back for 1 more year with national title hopes (or another BCS game at worst) and then the bottom falls out. That's not to say that 3 losses is terrible, but most would call it underachieving especially considering the expectations. Apparently some inside the locker room feel the same way as many fans.
He doesn't care sounds to me like he isn't trying. Which way is it there hotshot? A little back peddling now that your thread is called out as BS?
Re: Thank you...

and it wasn't said that he is not giving effort. I watched him chase Persa all over the field on Saturday as did all of you. But BCS hopes were still alive last week. This is what I was told today.

you are all taking this as some attempted slap in the face. The dude is obviously disappointed. Even more disappointed than many fans. Maybe it is that he feels he let you (the fan) down?

let's remember that these are 18-22 year old kids playing this game. people get emotional and live and die with every win and loss, especially when expectations are sky high

Dude, you just don't get it, do you? This is not just some "slap in the face". You are questioning the heart, leadership and dedication of our team's captain.

Just stop now because all you're doing is digging yourself a deeper hole.
why is it a bold faced lie? because you don't believe it? I think if I was going to just make something up I could do a little better than that.

not saying I'm an "expert" on football, just saying that in many cases the most talented player is the captain, regardless of how good of a leader they are in the locker room.

Quote is directly from someone close to the team. if you dont believe it, then don't. just passing on what I was told

Your first post said someone "inside" the lockeroom. This post says someone close to the team. I'm not saying I don't believe you or this source, but you may want to give reason why this "source" is saying this. Is it practice habits, something AC said, something the players see, something the coaches see. Give something other than a quote from a "source" with no other info to lend credibility to the source or his quote. I'm not attacking you, just saying this may not have been the best way to go about this thread.
pull the "source" card. nice!

don't believe it then. you're right, this is a message board where people post anonymously. However that doesn't necessarily mean that everything an anonymous poster says doesn't have truth behind it.

You also know (or at least should) how information like that presented in that fashion will be received. So why bother posting it, unless you're just trying to stir s*it?
Re: Thank you...

and it wasn't said that he is not giving effort. I watched him chase Persa all over the field on Saturday as did all of you. But BCS hopes were still alive last week. This is what I was told today.

you are all taking this as some attempted slap in the face. The dude is obviously disappointed. Even more disappointed than many fans. Maybe it is that he feels he let you (the fan) down?

let's remember that these are 18-22 year old kids playing this game. people get emotional and live and die with every win and loss, especially when expectations are sky high

And what in those four sentences says anything other than that he cares an awful lot about this season?
so apparently sharing this information with this board was a bad idea...

When it isn't confirmed in any sense other than hearsay, yeah, it's a bad idea. You don't post that sort of thing and claim it as fact without giving concrete sources. Unless your goal is to stoke fires.
"He doesn't even care, he's just waiting to be drafted"

This is a direct quote from someone inside the locker room.

I can't say I would really blame someone in his position for being let down. you forgo the NFL to come back for 1 more year with national title hopes (or another BCS game at worst) and then the bottom falls out. That's not to say that 3 losses is terrible, but most would call it underachieving especially considering the expectations. Apparently some inside the locker room feel the same way as many fans.

Interesting how one "direct" quote relayed by the ever-popular anonymous locker room source attributed to one player became the attitude of some players in the locker room. Nice speculative extrapolation there.

Man, my expectations for your post were so high when I first opened it. Now, after reading through it, I can only express that I think you underachieved on that one, and I think some other readers are feeling the same way, too.
I call BS too. Someone who is not emotionally invested doesn't stand up in front of a room full of media people, with tears in his eyes, while talking about losing a game to Wisky. Doesn't happen. I call BS too and frankly it's a shame this is even out there. This kid could have been cashing in last year but he came back with a goal in mind. It must be hard for him to see that goal slip away.
look at his posting history, guys. I would put money on Tanabs being a clone troll, most likely one of the WRNL guys.
I call BS too. Someone who is not emotionally invested doesn't stand up in front of a room full of media people, with tears in his eyes, while talking about losing a game to Wisky. Doesn't happen. I call BS too and frankly it's a shame this is even out there. This kid could have been cashing in last year but he came back with a goal in mind. It must be hard for him to see that goal slip away.
This is exactly right. I don't believe this crap for a second. AC is the last guy I would question in terms of effort or giving up. I hope your A$$ gets banned.

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