Clayborn #1

In all seriousness, here is where you lost me--"It's ok to post on here if it's done in a respectful manner," doesn't take much more than a couple of clicks of the mouse to find threads full of hawk fans posting things that are far from respectable. So what you really mean is that if you're not a hawk fan you need to be respectable but if you're hawk fan then fire away.

The bottom line is that you can't call a player a thug. Thanks for bringing this great thread down. And we all know, that was your intention.
I think you're coming off just a tad strong here. I'm stating "outrageous" things???? I said I think Clayborn is a thug. You may not agree, but it's far from "outrageous".

The cab incident---anyone who has to resort to violence over words in my opinion is a thug. You don't have to agree with it at all, and I wouldn't even attempt to try to change your mind about it--but that doesn't make my statement "outrageous". Try having a little perspective and taking off your black and gold glasses for just a few minutes.

Are you then, trying to say that you've never been in a fight before? Please, everyone has been in at least one fight, or been in a bad situation that led to a fight. I guess I'm a thug too then. I've gotten caught in things before that led me to fight people before. You are rediculous!!!
THH was probably the little boy who used to get us water in College. He is obviously jealous b/c the only thing he is good at is checking out the new porn sites on the internet and sleeping with a card board cut out of Paul Rhoades.
Are you then, trying to say that you've never been in a fight before? Please, everyone has been in at least one fight, or been in a bad situation that led to a fight. I guess I'm a thug too then. I've gotten caught in things before that led me to fight people before. You are rediculous!!!

NO you're ridiculous. Yes my friend you are as thug as they come 50 cent should sign you to G unit. As a matter of fact you should get a thug life tattoo just like Tupac did. But im not here to talk about you I'm just here to back my boy THH up. Yes Clayborn is a thug, but he is not the biggest thug we have. Everyone knows Pat Angerer is a wayy bigger thug than Clayborn. He knocked out one of his own teammates, because they didnt have the heart and desire to win as much as he did. And lets not forget the biggest thug of them all, James Ferentz. Thats right the coach's son. What the hell is wrong with these thugs. He and his friends tried to pick a fight with an off duty cop.
"Thug, a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly, often for hire. Often a member of a gang, as an enforcer in organized crime, and misdemeanor."
Thug: A criminal who treats others violently and roughly.

On January 18, 2010 Adrian Clayborn was cited for 'Disorderly Conduct - Fighting or Violent Behavior'. On March 3, 2010 Adrian Clayborn plead guilty to the charges against him and was assessed a fine of $195.00.

This, by one definition, COULD classify Adrian Clayborn as a thug.

I'm not saying I agree with the OP, but his statement that 'Adrian Clayborn is a thug' is certainly not unfounded and in fact there is more information to support his statement than there is to refute it. It's just a matter of what your definition of a thug is.
i disagree...the definition uses the word "otherS" which i gather to mean more than one person. you pointed out one person

unless you're talking about our opponents quarterbacks, then adrian clayborn is the biggest thug alive