CJB, himself, on his health


Via @marcmorehouse Periscope on CJB, asked about how he feels, he said 'nothing serious'.I feel good. I think I will be out there for sure'
Via @marcmorehouse Periscope on CJB, asked about how he feels, he said 'nothing serious'.I feel good. I think I will be out there for sure'

Interesting on the "I think I will be out there for sure". Gives fuel to rumors and speculation when the "I think" part gets thrown in there.
Interesting on the "I think I will be out there for sure". Gives fuel to rumors and speculation when the "I think" part gets thrown in there.

Agreed. JD - can you plz drive up to IC to get your take on this matter? You're the only one I trust on this at this point.
yeah... that quote can certainly be taken a couple different ways.

What worries me is that most (but not all) of the time when someone puts a knowledge qualifier ("I think") on a certainty ("I'll be out there for sure") it means they are lying. A sociopath will just lie "I'll be out there for sure" and someone who isn't injured and is positive they'll play will likewise say "I'll be out there for sure" but someone with a moral compass and who doesn't want to tell a direct lie will add the knowledge qualifier. You see it all the time in business negotiations and depositions. I'm terrified - far more concerned than if he had said nothing at all.
It almost sounds like someone who doesn't know what to say. He would only not know what to say if he was hurting pretty bad. Judging by how this season is going, I would guess he's out "indefinitely". Every week we will think he has a good chance to come back, just to be disappointed.
What worries me is that most (but not all) of the time when someone puts a knowledge qualifier ("I think") on a certainty ("I'll be out there for sure") it means they are lying. A sociopath will just lie "I'll be out there for sure" and someone who isn't injured and is positive they'll play will likewise say "I'll be out there for sure" but someone with a moral compass and who doesn't want to tell a direct lie will add the knowledge qualifier. You see it all the time in business negotiations and depositions. I'm terrified - far more concerned than if he had said nothing at all.

Kinda the road I was just going down but said in a much smarter way.
Totally agree with ok4p's read, except I interpret this as "I am injured for sure, but believe it's not serious enough to keep me out Saturday".

My guess is he'll go but with limited mobility. Meaning we won't see the running side of CJ's game, and that makes Fitz' scheming easier. I'm not terrified, but not happy either.
Totally agree with ok4p's read, except I interpret this as "I am injured for sure, but believe it's not serious enough to keep me out Saturday".

My guess is he'll go but with limited mobility. Meaning we won't see the running side of CJ's game, and that makes Fitz' scheming easier. I'm not terrified, but not happy either.

Even if that best case scenario plays out, it does not bode well for the team because CJ needs reps with the WRs in practice and he ain't gonna get those. Gotta get Wiegers ready so as to try to prevent a repeat of the 2009 Northwestern game (wipes away tear) and if he's that dinged, he's prolly limited in practice anyway. If you're not terrified, you should be.
I don't see an advantage for CJ's or the staff's credibility by knowingly lie about his physical condition? Why would the staff ask CJ to knowingly lie and his condition?
I fully expect to see Winger (she's only seeeeeventeen) trot onto the field Saturday to open the game followed by a remaining season of what could have been. We just can't have nice things.
I don't see an advantage for CJ's or the staff's credibility by knowingly lie about his physical condition? Why would the staff ask CJ to knowingly lie and his condition?

Do you think Mark Dantonio is a good coach? Why did he let Chris L. Rucker play at Iowa 48 hours after walking out of lockup?
I don't see an advantage for CJ's or the staff's credibility by knowingly lie about his physical condition? Why would the staff ask CJ to knowingly lie and his condition?

I think it may be a banged up or injured situation. My interpretation is he's saying that he wants to play and has every intention of doing so if it's his call. It may not be his decision to make and may now be a wait and see from the medical staff.
Wow, I'm on public Internet and the response is sooooo sloooow. Anyway, this is not like asking someone (witness, perhaps) how they viewed an event, this is a forecast by CJ of how or if he'll play come Saturday, each Saturday. If CJ or anyone can forecast the future with certainty, go play the lottery and get rich. I understand many are concerned with CJ's health, but stop your clucking. Every bad thing proposed is hearsay.

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