Chris Street's grave has been vandalized

May the fucks who did that die a long, painful death from ass cancer spread out over 20 years with no access to morphine in their miserable suffering final months. I’d have zero problem with any of them being gutted and hung from the bridge in IC till the wildlife took care of ‘em.
Not only is this upsetting and cruel, there seems to be no regard for humanity for those departed from this world. Just when we thought we've seen it all, people continue to surprise me with their disregard for individuals and family, feelings and prooerty. In a time where this world needs a helping hand, comfort, and respect, there are just those with hate in their hearts. This makes me extremely sad and hurt.
As much as I agree with every post here so far unfortunately this is the society we have in America today. Morals and respect long gone and free for all for all. Now the hard part I'll point out and piss alot off but the truth is in plain view even though they hate to admit it is this. The party that protests against hate, wants equality, careful and considerate of feelings sure abandons those dear principals when trying to promote those same values! So this display of vandalism was definitely premeditated for one and was it against Christmas, or another chance to turn the screws to the only racist school in America and or was it against Street himself, you know , all American kid, white privileged, successful, the things these protesters say their against but end up being exactly just that but more so because they haven't the history lesson to know the work Street put in to get it not just handed to him. Yes History has failed to be tought the correct way in America schools and I mean the true meaning, not the misconstrued way America is wrong and we're ashamed and sorry way! Folks, nothing is sacred anymore and it's ashame this where we're at as a society! Sorry to the Street family for the hate spewed to you by some meaningless bastards that when their own time comes hopefully involves a little more pain, suffering and trauma!
What a bunch of idiotic drivil. was probably a bunch of moronic kids who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Your points are so baseless it's not even worth a response.

Somehow making this political is beyond ignorant.
The party that protests against hate, wants equality, careful and considerate of feelings sure abandons those dear principals when trying to promote those same values! So this display of vandalism was definitely premeditated for one and was it against Christmas, or another chance to turn the screws to the only racist school in America and or was it against Street himself, you know , all American kid, white privileged, successful...
Nope... ain’t happening. Although there is never a reason for what happened to Steet's gravesite and the people who did it should be shot, you’re not going to come on this thread and start a political argument.

This is your warning. Do it again and you’re gone.
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What a bunch of idiotic drivil. was probably a bunch of moronic kids who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Your points are so baseless it's not even worth a response.

Somehow making this political is beyond ignorant.
I warned him not to start this shit, and he’s gone if he does it again.

Let’s leave it be and get back to discussion of what a good dude Street was and leave the arguments alone.

I warned him not to start this shit, and he’s gone if he does it again.

Let’s leave it be and get back to discussion of what a good dude Street was and leave the arguments alone.

Point taken, I have deleted the insensitive post. Though it was just opinion was done in poor judgement. Tired of all the bullcrap Iowa has gone through this year with it being vandalism to Kinnick stadium or Nile's and Fry's statues too.
Sad. Disrespectful. And why? Makes no sense

At least they did not damage the headstone.

We had a couple kids in our MS skip school and do thousands of dollars of damage to a couple cemetaries by pushing the head stones over. This was a few years ago. And they were caught.
To do it to any grave is horrible. But, to do it to Chris's grave...the guy was a class act. Time for some video surveillance in that grave yard.

I saw the news report and Chris's parents were on it. Very sad for them.

They mentioned that no other graves were disturbed and how much the stuff that had been laid there had been damaged.

The fact that Chris's grave area was the only one that was ransacked makes me think this goes somewhat beyond some stupid ass kids just doing random damage. More like some kids or people with a more specific thought out anger or problem they have.
I hope it was teenage kids.... If it's an adult that singled Chris's out to vandalize I can promise you that person(s) doesn't want to be found.
I am sure the Streets know how we feel about this. Still feel robbed of what could have been. Jbo wont be forgotten either, even if he doesnt get it together hes done more than plenty of great things.
Sickening, isn't it. Just puts a hole in one's gut.

To whomever the scum(s) of the earth that did this, here is this message to you. There's something called Karma that either you or I are in charge of. There are certain things you don't F with, and graves of individuals, and especially good individuals is one of them. You crossed a line that you are now going to have to live with. I am a true believer of Karma and shit like this gets taken care of in the end.

If you are a young kid and just did this on a drunken night out with your friends. Guess what buddy, you will have to live with this the rest of your life and this will haunt you on a daily basis. You will think about and regret this all the time. What you did, in turn, is actually a life sentence for you. Enjoy that repentance for life.

The ONLY course of action that can free yourself of this guilt for life is to do the right thing, and reach out to the Street's to apologize and ask for forgiveness and what you can do to make it right. Explain it was an action when drunk if that is the case. From what I know of the Street's, I suspect they may forgive you if you are sincere in your apology.

I'm telling you, that is the only thing that is going to relieve you from the daily guilt that will end up eating at you like a pile of maggots on a dead carcass. Good luck.
Even if it was a kid doing a dumb thing, the part I don’t get is why CMS was singled out and none of the other spots were touched according to Mrs. Street. I can’t understand that.
Even if it was a kid doing a dumb thing, the part I don’t get is why CMS was singled out and none of the other spots were touched according to Mrs. Street. I can’t understand that.
Because it will get social media attention instead of Jane Smith to the left and Robert Jones to the right.
Like so much in the world today, probably in the past as well, I just have to conclude that there are a lot of crazy people out there. Read the headlines tomorrow to verify my thoughts.

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