Chris Myers wtf?

Having re-watched the video on Storm's link, I take back my previous statements that Ricky answered awkwardly. That was an unbeleivably stupid question. Why on Earth would he assume Stanzi represents all of middle America?

I think 80% of us would have clammed up because there is no smart way to answer such a stupid question, especially when speaking live in front of thousands of people that is broadcast coast to coast. Ricky handled that as well as anyone could have.
Not the first time Myers has botched a postgame interview.

[ame=""]YouTube- FOX Reporter Botches Wedding Proposal[/ame]
I guess CM's next question would have been...So Ricky how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Orange creamsicle?
"love it or leave it!" Classic.

Did anyone catch Frerentz say in his post game interview that Wake Forrest was a great team?

My confusion meter was pegged out all night.

One of my favorite Hawkeye games of all time.
The best part of his answer was him turning around laughing when he looked at his teammates. I'm pretty sure he thought it was a stupid question so he just went the patriotic route haha. USA #1!
Note to national media: "middle America" is a borderline-condescending phrase. It's a nudge away from "fly-over states."
Like the Boss, I thought Ricky was totally mocking a boneheaded question. He was saying don't catagorize us, we're all Americans! Then he looked at his teammates as if to say, "Do you believe this guy?".