Changes 2.0

Is anyone seeing a post beneath Fryowa's and above CP87's? It's weird because the post count just jumps from 37 to 39 but there's nothing in between.
Is anyone seeing a post beneath Fryowa's and above CP87's? It's weird because the post count just jumps from 37 to 39 but there's nothing in between.

That account is an alt of 83Hawk that had some settings on the account messed up. He was using it to ask if his original one could be unbanned. I went in and fixed it but maybe it doesn't show up to the rest of the board. I'm not sure and I haven't had the ambition to do some testing. If it were me I'd start a new one.
Congrats, Fryowa. I like the new OT ideas and look forward to using them. It was pretty good years ago until it started getting too political. Then it just kind of died out.

Edit: too not to...
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Congrats, Fryowa. I like the new OT ideas and look forward to using them. It was pretty good years ago until it started getting to political. Then it just kind of died out.
It didn't just kind of die out. Old Man Miller had it split into two OT boards and then he banned both of them.
Wow, I pop in after all this time to this?
I would seriously rather talk politics with my wife's gay daughter, than talk football with Fryowa and now he's moderator. I would rather talk football with a Nebraska fan than Fryowa.
Good luck with the season boys, I'm out.

.................and who are you? Don't let the door hit you on the way out I guess.
I can confirm this wasn’t a joke.

Mama told me there’d be days like this...

Hey, I'm all for getting some of the drivel out of this place. There are some who believe they know the side you may support politically and they just can't stand it. Ironically, this is metaphor for what is happening in our country now.

Congrats and I like all your ideas you presented.
Been on this board for over a decade and I have to say that this has to be one of the best pic responses to a post bince the Durty 30 got run out. Thank you.

If Ree4 and I were to leave the IQ calculations on this board plummets dramatically. You guys would all be sitting in a circle rubbing each others guns and admiring your red hats. Fryowa said you can do that in the Redneck Forum though.
Not I. My firearms were all lost in a tragic boating accident. It's happened to a lot of people. My dad, my mom, couple of guys in the gun club. Untold millions of dollars of firearms are now at the bottom of lakes and oceans. It's tragic.
Not I. My firearms were all lost in a tragic boating accident. It's happened to a lot of people. My dad, my mom, couple of guys in the gun club. Untold millions of dollars of firearms are now at the bottom of lakes and oceans. It's tragic.
Have you seen my cannabis down there...i hid it there when Trump appointed Jeff Sessions, then Bill Barr to the Attorney General position.
Oh man guys this is the best! I would prefer if Fryowa changed his name to All-powerful Fryowa or Fryowa the Great or something more fitting to his new station!