
How about a little Hubbard today topped off with some Percy Gibson? I'd take that action.
How about a little Hubbard today topped off with some Percy Gibson? I'd take that action.

I would too, but I would still have to ban myself for a week. Would be like getting beat, while someone else gets beat All-in so you end up in the final two off a losing hand.
Wow. Down to one last commit before the ban hammer happens. I will put together a list and post it when we hear from one or both of our Kansas friends.
I'm still shocked that Washpun picked Tennessee. Not disappointed, but pretty shocked. He will be an 8th or 9th man at best, but hey at least the weather is nicer down there. Maybe he really likes country music.
I really think it will work out best for Iowa in the long run. Not bashing Wash. Just think it is good for Iowa to have some kid's from other areas and I think 2012 and 2013 will bring some local kids.
Yeah, it comes down to Olaseni I believe. But, technically there are 2 left.

I take that back - Shaq Stokes is also on the list. So, it is technically down to 3. I know there are people saying they don't think Stokes is actually being actively recruited by Iowa anymore. That might be the case, but until he signs elsewhere, I think he needs to still be listed.

Oops, looks like I spoke too soon.
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