Center Court Scoreboard

And someplace, there is a person who wistfully fawns on Tropicana Field as their favorite building in the world. That criteria alone does not make it a premium venue to watch athletics. For a modern, multi-use arena, Carver-Hawkeye arena is an abject design failure. It is awkward as a sports venue, it is mediocre as a concert venue, it is not particularly fan friendly, and has bizarre acoustics.

It does have magnificent restroom facilities, however.

After reading many of your long winded magniloquent posts, I now recognize your style. In other words, I know who you are (were). #eyesonyou
The fact that you enter at the top is awesome and unique ... no interruptions by tunnels or concourses, just 42 rows of seats straight up ... love it. everything you are complaining it doesn't have is sh!t I don't want or need at a basketball game. The only change I note is the need to get the student section closer to the floor.
And someplace, there is a person who wistfully fawns on Tropicana Field as their favorite building in the world. That criteria alone does not make it a premium venue to watch athletics. For a modern, multi-use arena, Carver-Hawkeye arena is an abject design failure. It is awkward as a sports venue, it is mediocre as a concert venue, it is not particularly fan friendly, and has bizarre acoustics.

It does have magnificent restroom facilities, however.

...and no where did I say that it was. What I did say was that it was a near masterpiece. Like the Mona Lisa is far from a premium painting in which to view someone's accurate likeness. To me, Carver's flaws enhance its worth.

People who love Tropicana are allowed to love it. They're also allowed to not want ownership to build a swimming pool on the right field concourse just because its supposed to be 'cool' or 'better.'
...and no where did I say that it was. What I did say was that it was a near masterpiece. Like the Mona Lisa is far from a premium painting in which to view someone's accurate likeness. To me, Carver's flaws enhance its worth.

People who love Tropicana are allowed to love it. They're also allowed to not want ownership to build a swimming pool on the right field concourse just because its supposed to be 'cool' or 'better.'

My apologies if you inferred judgment on your right to love the facility, as any emotional attachment you have to the facility is pellucidly your prerogative. I do take umbrage with two of your assertions however; One, the Mona Lisa is certainly an excellent depiction of a woman's likeness, although slightly idealized, and is certainly an example of a realistic human aesthetic. Two, for many reasons as I have stated, the design flaws of Carver-Hawkeye Arena certainly detract from it's utility as a sports venue. Sentimental attachments aside, it is certainly lacking in many stations.
My apologies if you inferred judgment on your right to love the facility, as any emotional attachment you have to the facility is pellucidly your prerogative. I do take umbrage with two of your assertions however; One, the Mona Lisa is certainly an excellent depiction of a woman's likeness, although slightly idealized, and is certainly an example of a realistic human aesthetic. Two, for many reasons as I have stated, the design flaws of Carver-Hawkeye Arena certainly detract from it's utility as a sports venue. Sentimental attachments aside, it is certainly lacking in many stations.
I say it kicks ***.
My apologies if you inferred judgment on your right to love the facility, as any emotional attachment you have to the facility is pellucidly your prerogative. I do take umbrage with two of your assertions however; One, the Mona Lisa is certainly an excellent depiction of a woman's likeness, although slightly idealized, and is certainly an example of a realistic human aesthetic. Two, for many reasons as I have stated, the design flaws of Carver-Hawkeye Arena certainly detract from it's utility as a sports venue. Sentimental attachments aside, it is certainly lacking in many stations.

I didn't say "excellent," I said "premium." Also, I never said that its design flaws didn't detract from "it's (sic) utility as a sports venue." I stated that it's a near-masterpiece, which is a fairly subjective argument, so I'm not sure why you'd argue with me.

The fact of the matter is that I don't want a hanging scoreboard because I love Carver the way it is. I won't be swayed just because you hate Carver and its lack of 'utility.' I'd rather live in a cabin than a McMansion, regardless of the McMansion's 'utility.' Why? Because utility is relative.

Also, your act is tired. Quite a feat 43 posts in.
My apologies if you inferred judgment on your right to love the facility, as any emotional attachment you have to the facility is pellucidly your prerogative. I do take umbrage with two of your assertions however; One, the Mona Lisa is certainly an excellent depiction of a woman's likeness, although slightly idealized, and is certainly an example of a realistic human aesthetic. Two, for many reasons as I have stated, the design flaws of Carver-Hawkeye Arena certainly detract from it's utility as a sports venue. Sentimental attachments aside, it is certainly lacking in many stations.

These here high fallutin' words get me all mixed up...just talk turkey to us ol' Hawk fans. Thanks.
Any anyone who believe differently is an idiot?

At the risk of becoming monotonous, I again inquire, if Carver-Hawkeye Arena is such a superlative venue, why hasn't it been emulated elsewhere?

You better watch your language on this here could get the hammer.
I didn't say "excellent," I said "premium." Also, I never said that its design flaws didn't detract from "it's (sic) utility as a sports venue." I stated that it's a near-masterpiece, which is a fairly subjective argument, so I'm not sure why you'd argue with me.

The fact of the matter is that I don't want a hanging scoreboard because I love Carver the way it is. I won't be swayed just because you hate Carver and its lack of 'utility.' I'd rather live in a cabin than a McMansion, regardless of the McMansion's 'utility.' Why? Because utility is relative.

Also, your act is tired. Quite a feat 43 posts in.

Subjective arguments are open to discussion, so I think the appropriate inquiry should be why your designation of Carver-Hawkeye Arena as "[A] near-masterpiece" would cause you so much distress. By your own admission, the subject is susceptible to interpretation, so I your aggravation towards dissenting opinion is disconcerting.

Additionally, I do not "hate Carver" as you imply above, but rather am of the supposition that it is deficient in many areas, and the most advantageous prospect for the University vis a vis athletics would be to replace it so Iowa's programs can take advantages of the benefits a modern facility would provide.
I think the arena looks fine as-is, myself. Having scoreboards hanging over the court and stuff.. meh. Don't care one way or the other.

Just would be nice if they could do some things with the acoustics to make it as loud as possible and maybe dig the bowl a little deeper so that you could extend the seats down so they're closer to the court, which means more seats too, of course. And for the love of Pete, get the student section as close to the court as possible, within 5-10 rows of the court!
Subjective arguments are open to discussion, so I think the appropriate inquiry should be why your designation of Carver-Hawkeye Arena as "[A] near-masterpiece" would cause you so much distress. By your own admission, the subject is susceptible to interpretation, so I your aggravation towards dissenting opinion is disconcerting.

Additionally, I do not "hate Carver" as you imply above, but rather am of the supposition that it is deficient in many areas, and the most advantageous prospect for the University vis a vis athletics would be to replace it so Iowa's programs can take advantages of the benefits a modern facility would provide.

I hope you're having fun with this schtick. It's super fun to read and not transparent at all.
My apologies if you inferred judgment on your right to love the facility, as any emotional attachment you have to the facility is pellucidly your prerogative. I do take umbrage with two of your assertions however; One, the Mona Lisa is certainly an excellent depiction of a woman's likeness, although slightly idealized, and is certainly an example of a realistic human aesthetic. Two, for many reasons as I have stated, the design flaws of Carver-Hawkeye Arena certainly detract from it's utility as a sports venue. Sentimental attachments aside, it is certainly lacking in many stations.

This is a troll. No one can be this impossible to talk with on purpose. Please guys, please stop believing this is an Iowa fan.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if ActiveVadger's grandma missed his birthday and got him a thesaurus for a late present and to get back at us for picking on him he decided to create this Buzz Killington character.

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