Center Court Scoreboard

Since when did name calling become acceptable on this board?
I don't know if you're legitimately confounded, or if you're just being deliberately sardonic, but in the case of the former, I am merely referencing the comment I was responding to, in which the gentleman I was addressing asked the same question, which I then cited in an effort to elucidate a humourous juxtaposition. If you were unable to decipher the context of that bon mot, I offer my apologies. The open source nature of these forii can engender tumultuous conversation when the intended audience is ambiguous.
I don't know if you're legitimately confounded, or if you're just being deliberately sardonic, but in the case of the former, I am merely referencing the comment I was responding to, in which the gentleman I was addressing asked the same question, which I then cited in an effort to elucidate a humourous juxtaposition. If you were unable to decipher the context of that bon mot, I offer my apologies. The open source nature of these forii can engender tumultuous conversation when the intended audience is ambiguous.

Humor is subjective klondike. Many folks on here struggle with differences. I for one welcome you to Hawkeyenation. I enjoy your differing insights.
Humor is subjective klondike. Many folks on here struggle with differences. I for one welcome you to Hawkeyenation. I enjoy your differing insights.

I would too, if (s)he wasn't very obviously trying to affect an overly geeky persona in attempt to get people to ridicule him, or something (never have quite figured out the point of trolling). Rest assured, though, hawktransplant, no one here is struggling with this "person" because of his/her opinions. It's because (s)he convinced saps like you that he/she is anything more than a con job.
I would too, if (s)he wasn't very obviously trying to affect an overly geeky persona in attempt to get people to ridicule him, or something (never have quite figured out the point of trolling). Rest assured, though, hawktransplant, no one here is struggling with this "person" because of his/her opinions. It's because (s)he convinced saps like you that he/she is anything more than a con job.

Again with the name calling. Do you need a hug?
I would too, if (s)he wasn't very obviously trying to affect an overly geeky persona in attempt to get people to ridicule him, or something (never have quite figured out the point of trolling). Rest assured, though, hawktransplant, no one here is struggling with this "person" because of his/her opinions. It's because (s)he convinced saps like you that he/she is anything more than a con job.

With confusion I inquire, how am I presenting "an overly geeky persona"? Is it because, unlike an abundance of fellow netizens, I prefer to elevate the discourse over the habitual ruminations on genitals or the degree to which various athletes "s**k"? In my experience, a myriad of people prefer erudite conversation to base level discussion. If you, Mr. (or Mrs.) Wundergrape, prefer to converse in the gutter, you have every right to. However, I choose to promote enlightened discussions, and as you can tell, many other choose to accompany me. If you prefer to discuss various body parts, there are several other topics available where I will not be present to interfere.
With confusion I inquire, how am I presenting "an overly geeky persona"? Is it because, unlike an abundance of fellow netizens, I prefer to elevate the discourse over the habitual ruminations on genitals or the degree to which various athletes "s**k"? In my experience, a myriad of people prefer erudite conversation to base level discussion. If you, Mr. (or Mrs.) Wundergrape, prefer to converse in the gutter, you have every right to. However, I choose to promote enlightened discussions, and as you can tell, many other choose to accompany me. If you prefer to discuss various body parts, there are several other topics available where I will not be present to interfere.

Your writing style is very familiar. Did we used to date?
With confusion I inquire, how am I presenting "an overly geeky persona"? Is it because, unlike an abundance of fellow netizens, I prefer to elevate the discourse over the habitual ruminations on genitals or the degree to which various athletes "s**k"? In my experience, a myriad of people prefer erudite conversation to base level discussion. If you, Mr. (or Mrs.) Wundergrape, prefer to converse in the gutter, you have every right to. However, I choose to promote enlightened discussions, and as you can tell, many other choose to accompany me. If you prefer to discuss various body parts, there are several other topics available where I will not be present to interfere.

Thank goodness. Let the elbow conversation begin.
It does have magnificent restroom facilities, however.

I have it on good information that during the construction of the venue significant amounts of precipitation caused enough saturation of the argillaceous earth that it became difficult for the domestic/construction equidae to move their hoofs. I know for fact many of these stallions died and could not be removed from the construction pit and are indeed buried below what is now considered the subfloor of our beleved Carver Hawkeye arena. I know this is not mere legend as I heard it straight from the horses mouth..
You can't possibly think he's being truthful?

Yeah, actually, I can. I agree with him on several of his points. Just because he disagrees with the majority in this thread and uses bigger words than most, doesn't make him a troll.
#1 - there were rigging problems in the early 90's but that was fixed, and that building can now hang well over 100,000 lbs in the air, with no problem.

#2 - there is no steel grid which you see at most buildings. So to hang from the center would mean you'd have to bridle your hang points.

#3 - I would imagine it would hurt sight lines.

#4 - Carver has outlived its usefulness as a modern arena. The money that was spent renovating would have been a nice downpayment on a new arena.
#4 - Carver has outlived its usefulness as a modern arena. The money that was spent renovating would have been a nice downpayment on a new arena.

Agree. Another issue of consternation regarding Carver-Hawkeye Arena is that it is a deficient setting for musical performances. With Hancher out of commission, the University has been without an adequate concert venue for years.
I don't get the griping about concerts. Any major act that comes through Iowa is going to go to Des Moines. When was the last major concert to stop in Iowa City or Ames?
I don't get the griping about concerts. Any major act that comes through Iowa is going to go to Des Moines. When was the last major concert to stop in Iowa City or Ames?

I have more than passing knowledge on the subject and I can tell you that the issue with Iowa City is neither its location nor its size, it's Carver's availability and expenses
Ok, fine. So what? Why is not having concerts at Carver a problem?

Imagine the economic development of a sold out mens basketball game happening 10 more times a year. Was a time this was the case.

But if you don't like music, than I can see why it wouldn't matter to you.

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