Cayle Beyers

It looks like 197 will be a glarng hole for the Hawks again next season... Byers is not expected in Iowa City any longer.
Who would be next on the depth chart? Don't think Brodie Ambrose is anywhere near 197 anymore. How much of a jump is 197 for Vinnie Wagner?
Not positive if Vinny will be back next year. I believe that he has been accepted into Med school and wasn't sure if he'd be back. I'd look for Mike Evans, Grant Gambrall, and Thomas Lira to hit the weights hard with Doyle this summer and let the weights sort themselves out come fall...
Wow that is disappointing... Grant seemed small last year at 184, I thought Evans parents didn't think he would ever be at 197 (thought that's what they said on the other site, could be wrong) and I thought Lira wrestled 174/184 last year, could be wrong on that also, maybe it was 184 all year. Regardess we are going to have a small 197 pounder next year and most likely a huge hole in the line-up.
They should look into Byron Tate for a year. There's no better option out there now at this point in the year.

Byron Tate can't be looked into. If Tate were to chose to leave Wartburg he would have to make the first contact, any contact from another school would be a major violation. And don't expect Tate to leave for a few reasons.
With Cayle not coming, Tate could be the man for Iowa. I watched him at the Midlands, he is a Div 1 wrestler for sure. I mean why not step up the competition and see what he could do at the top level available.
I sure hope Tom and Terry have a back up plan if these guys dont work out.
With Cayle not coming, Tate could be the man for Iowa. I watched him at the Midlands, he is a Div 1 wrestler for sure. I mean why not step up the competition and see what he could do at the top level available.
I sure hope Tom and Terry have a back up plan if these guys dont work out.
We have been playing with fire for a while with our 197 spot but managed to avoid the burn by beefing a couple guys up and having Luke stay healthy last year. We have needed to get a couple bodies in the room at the weight for a while and Byers was a fortunate stop gap measure for this season assuming he made it here and stayed healthy. It did not happen and the burn is on. It will be pretty tough sledding to lose a guy who was projected to do even better than Luke did last year which was pretty well. A lot of other people are going to have to vastly improve to have any shot at nationals with 197 going from likely top 4 to big question mark. IMO it might be our best option to beef Gambrall to 197 (even though he was not a huge 184 he is not the quickest guy around and the higher weight might help with that) get Evans in at 184 and have Lofthouse at 174. Then get a guy or 2 in to take over for Gambrall in a couple years. After next year 285 will be 1 injury from no one as well so that needs to be addressed also. The only way we can get away with a stop gap situation (Ambrose, Lira etc) at 197 is if DSJ stays at 157 and Lofthouse can cut down and be effective (top 4) at 165.

125- McD, Top 2 (likely #1)
133- Ramos/Moore/Clark, Top 4
141- Marion, Top 3
149- Carew, Hard to tell but hopefully AA.
157- DSJ, Top 2 or Moore/Kelly maybe AA
165- Lofthouse or DSJ, Top 4 or Moore/Kelly maybe AA
174- Lofthouse, Top 4 or Evans Top 4
184- Gambrall Top 6 or Evans Top 6.
197- Gambrall (I could see him possibly 4-8 range) Ambrose, Lira etc. Qualifier (with a more tight system next year we could miss qualifying as well) Amrose has/had the ability at one point to do some things but with the weight issues and time he has missed I can't be overly optimistic about his prospects at this point.
285- Raising/Telford, 4-8 range. I think Telford could have a tad more upside with his length and mobility.
tate wouldn't make grades

Austin can you clue us into any of those reasons? Just curious.

Pin, he'd be coming to iowa as a senior. He'd have to pass like 3 classes for a semester to stay eligible. i'm sure that could happen. He's made it 3 years at Wartburg.
The biggest is he is a loyal kid and Coach Miller was the coach that not only showed interest in him as an athlete in HS but also as a person. If you know Tate's story wrestling has really had a positive impact on his life and coach Miller continued that by making it possible for him to continue at the next level.

As long as Miller is coaching at Wartburg I don't think you'll see Tate go anywhere.
We have been playing with fire for a while with our 197 spot but managed to avoid the burn by beefing a couple guys up and having Luke stay healthy last year. We have needed to get a couple bodies in the room at the weight for a while and Byers was a fortunate stop gap measure for this season assuming he made it here and stayed healthy. It did not happen and the burn is on. It will be pretty tough sledding to lose a guy who was projected to do even better than Luke did last year which was pretty well. A lot of other people are going to have to vastly improve to have any shot at nationals with 197 going from likely top 4 to big question mark. IMO it might be our best option to beef Gambrall to 197 (even though he was not a huge 184 he is not the quickest guy around and the higher weight might help with that) get Evans in at 184 and have Lofthouse at 174. Then get a guy or 2 in to take over for Gambrall in a couple years. After next year 285 will be 1 injury from no one as well so that needs to be addressed also. The only way we can get away with a stop gap situation (Ambrose, Lira etc) at 197 is if DSJ stays at 157 and Lofthouse can cut down and be effective (top 4) at 165.

125- McD, Top 2 (likely #1)
133- Ramos/Moore/Clark, Top 4
141- Marion, Top 3
149- Carew, Hard to tell but hopefully AA.
157- DSJ, Top 2 or Moore/Kelly maybe AA
165- Lofthouse or DSJ, Top 4 or Moore/Kelly maybe AA
174- Lofthouse, Top 4 or Evans Top 4
184- Gambrall Top 6 or Evans Top 6.
197- Gambrall (I could see him possibly 4-8 range) Ambrose, Lira etc. Qualifier (with a more tight system next year we could miss qualifying as well) Amrose has/had the ability at one point to do some things but with the weight issues and time he has missed I can't be overly optimistic about his prospects at this point.
285- Raising/Telford, 4-8 range. I think Telford could have a tad more upside with his length and mobility.

If Iowa could get these results (6 to 9 AA's) they won't have to worry about not scoring any points at 197 to win the National Title.
Austin can you clue us into any of those reasons? Just curious.

Pin, he'd be coming to iowa as a senior. He'd have to pass like 3 classes for a semester to stay eligible. i'm sure that could happen. He's made it 3 years at Wartburg.

You're oversimplifying it. Start with the fact that Wartburg is a private school that can do things to keep kids eligible that others may not, he may not even be able to get in.

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