Carver Hawkaisle Arena


Well-Known Member
I know this has been discussed before, but this frustrates me every time I watch an Iowa home game on t.v. The seating at Carver was designed like a freakin wagon wheel. What takes up all the room at the center of a wagon wheel? Screaming Iowa students? No, a lotta damn spokes.
Just look at a normal mid-court view of the floor next time we're on t.v. What you see will be about 40% fans and 60% shiny aluminum stairs in the most critical, noise-producing part of the arena.
What would happen if we simply took the first 5 rows from the end of the visitor's bench, to the end of our bench and put students there? A lot of extra noise would happen. Instead of 8 aisles in this area, put 3 or 4. Students don't care, they'll climb to their seats if they have to.
If Gary Dolphindeed complains that he can't hear himself talk, put him a few rows up in the press seats. I know Gary Barta gets blamed for everything, so I'll add this to the list. Maybe this will be blatantly obvious to his replacement.
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That actually makes sense. The bottom 9 rows or so, take out half the aisles and put in extra seats.
For example, look how Illinois does it. They are on TV right now.
Looks like first 5-10 rows are crammed in kind of and then other seats and aisles are spread out up higher.
How about lightening up the floor while were at it. Too gloomy in there.

I always thought Carver was plenty bright, especially back when the floor was gold. Now look at Illinois and Minnesota.. Looks pretty dark, although I've never been to those places in person.

I agree with putting the students by the court, although it seems it will never happen. All you see on TV is people sitting with their hands in their laps.
You'll have to take that up with the local fire marshall. I doubt you can close off aisles with extra seats without their approval. Until we build a new arena I'm afraid you'll just have to get over this particular annoyance.
I know this has been discussed before, but this frustrates me every time I watch an Iowa home game on t.v. The seating at Carver was designed like a freakin wagon wheel. What takes up all the room at the center of a wagon wheel? Screaming Iowa students? No, a lotta damn spokes.
Just look at a normal mid-court view of the floor next time we're on t.v. What you see will be about 40% fans and 60% shiny aluminum stairs in the most critical, noise-producing part of the arena.
What would happen if we simply took the first 5 rows from the end of the visitor's bench, to the end of our bench and put students there? A lot of extra noise would happen. Instead of 8 aisles in this area, put 3 or 4. Students don't care, they'll climb to their seats if they have to.
If Gary Dolphindeed complains that he can't hear himself talk, put him a few rows up in the press seats. I know Gary Barta gets blamed for everything, so I'll add this to the list. Maybe this will be blatantly obvious to his replacement.

This was touched on yesterday by several of us. We are in agreement.

I'm thankful for for the more elderly types who've no doubt been Hawk fans for several years. I really am. But get their butts to the other side of the court and put them higher up as they sit there like they're at a wake. The 10 rows surrounding the court should be all Iowa students. Give the visiting team 2 of those rows and about 10 seats in each row behind their bench. If they request more then 20 seats, stick the rest of them up in the top rows. That's what happened to me at Illinois. They'll get over it.

The students need to make life as miserable as possible for the visiting team. The best way to do this is to surround them. Also, on the side of the court opposite the benches, there's 2 or 3 rows of seats along that side. Keep those. This is where the big donors can sit. There's the family section for players and family section for staff in the corner across from the Iowa bench. Keep those as well. Other then that, put students around the court.

Lastly, as was mentioned yesterday, Hilton is far more lively then CHA. This needs to change. Give us a new AD please that will make these changes.
I know this has been discussed before, but this frustrates me every time I watch an Iowa home game on t.v. The seating at Carver was designed like a freakin wagon wheel. What takes up all the room at the center of a wagon wheel? Screaming Iowa students? No, a lotta damn spokes.
Just look at a normal mid-court view of the floor next time we're on t.v. What you see will be about 40% fans and 60% shiny aluminum stairs in the most critical, noise-producing part of the arena.
What would happen if we simply took the first 5 rows from the end of the visitor's bench, to the end of our bench and put students there? A lot of extra noise would happen. Instead of 8 aisles in this area, put 3 or 4. Students don't care, they'll climb to their seats if they have to.
If Gary Dolphindeed complains that he can't hear himself talk, put him a few rows up in the press seats. I know Gary Barta gets blamed for everything, so I'll add this to the list. Maybe this will be blatantly obvious to his replacement.
Not going to happen, fire hazzards. The team needs to continue winning, Pep band, and the students need to be more vocal. Allen Fieldhouse is crazy, not because of how the arena is built but because of the fan support, pep band and energy in the crowd. I suggest splitting the Hawks nest in 2 and putting them behind each basket for the first 12 rows; from what it looks like on TV the nest goes up too the top which is crazy to have students who will bring energy to the crowd sitting closer to the Hawk Shop up top than the court. If your concerned about moving season ticket holders, keep winning and someone will fill those seats. KU seems to be doing fine filling the arena while season ticket holders don't like being shuffled around season to season, they seem to keep coming back because it is an experience and the crowd / pep band have a lot to do with it.
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Not going to happen, fire hazzards. The team needs to continue winning, Pep band, and the students need to be more vocal. Allen Fieldhouse is crazy, not because of how the arena is built but because of the fan support, pep band and energy in the crowd. I suggest splitting the Hawks nest in 2 and putting them behind each basket for the first 12 rows; from what it looks like on TV the nest goes up too the top which is crazy to have students who will bring energy to the crowd sitting closer to the Hawk Shop up top than the court. If your concerned about moving season ticket holders, keep winning and someone will fill those seats. KU seems to be doing fine filling the arena while season ticket holders don't like being shuffled around season to season, they seem to keep coming back because it is an experience and the crowd / pep band have a lot to do with it.

Allen Fieldhouse holds as many as Carver in about half the space and the top seats on nearly in the rafters. Yes, the way it is built is for noise, been there several times. Hilton more modern version the way its built, also with seats straight up the sides to the ceiling.
Iowa had the straight up seats at the field house. Maybe instead of building new they should have expanded it to keep the environment. I think replacing the adjoining armory with a structure that contained 2 tiers of seating in a bowl type structure, a modern concourse, modern locker rooms, etc etc. That would have improved acoustics, seating capacity and available facilities.
Instead of painting the water tower how about painting CHA stairs black or gold.

Looks horrible on TV. At any moment I'm expecting to see a chair lift slowly descending the aisle.
Does the seating have anything to do with donations? If it does things won't change unless all the students would have to win the lottery and then open the seats up to anybody when the students are on break.
Am I the only one who remembers how much CHA can rock? I had student tickets the first year it was open and I remember it being a great atmosphere. I suppose I could just be remembering it with rose colored glasses, like many things back in the "good ol' days", but I think CHA is perfectly capable of having the kind of atmosphere we all want.

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