

Well-Known Member
How does Canzeri not get any carries? KOK makes $300,000, Soup makes $300,000 and KF makes north of $3 million and they put a product out there like this, with a bye week to prepare?

I understand Coker is the meat and potatoes but he's not all-Big Ten material. He's not a game breaker. He's a plodder.

3 points against an unranked opponent?
And for anybody who says we need to trust the coaching staff. BS. These guys are performing like hacks.

Un-f-ing believable. Why the hell did they put him in two weeks ago if they weren't ready to use him when it mattered.

Ferentz slipped back to all his predictable old habits today. I'm sick of it.
This is the kind of stuff that tranfers are made of.

If I'm Canzeri...and I see that Ferentz is going to have me sit behind Marcus "stop, hesitate and stutter step" Coker for 3 years...I'm gone.

What a waste.
Canzeri was deep as our kick returner he just didn't get a chance. he's still the 3rd guy in at RB.
Exactly Duffer. The only way his lack of carries could make sense is if he was sick or injured. But not at all, the guy was out there on special teams but didn't see one carry. He's one of the few playmakers the Hawks have to jumpstart a stalled running game.
Exactly Duffer. The only way his lack of carries could make sense is if he was sick or injured. But not at all, the guy was out there on special teams but didn't see one carry. He's one of the few playmakers the Hawks have to jumpstart a stalled running game.

Kirk will play with one toy until it breaks.
So this thread should be pulled as it's going down the wrong road in referring to someone who doesn't have an Iowa or nor has been interviewed by others?

Derby doesnt have anything to do with Iowa? I understand you are taking a jab at jon but this is dumb....try again later.

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