can we make the case the Bret Bielema is a better coach than Ferentz?


Well-Known Member
BB is going for his 3rd straight B1G championship and Rose Bowl Appearance. His offense is similar to ours, but not broken. they can put up points and typically beat up on lesser opponents.
Bielema has just taken Kurt's formula. Base 4-3 bend but don't break defense and a pro style offense with a stellar offensive line and a stable of decent, but not world beating, RBs. QBs (save for Wilson) who manage the game and are just average Big Ten quality. The difference is BB has either landed materially better players or done a better job with development. Plus add in a twist of taking a risk now and again. The Badger fans hate him, though.
Oct. 2009 and I am sitting right in the the middle of Wisky section in Madison. Score 10-10 I believe and say to Wisky fans next to me that i felt more confident having KF as than I would BB. Boy was I wrong!
Bielema has just taken Kurt's formula. Base 4-3 bend but don't break defense and a pro style offense with a stellar offensive line and a stable of decent, but not world beating, RBs. QBs (save for Wilson) who manage the game and are just average Big Ten quality. The difference is BB has either landed materially better players or done a better job with development. Plus add in a twist of taking a risk now and again. The Badger fans hate him, though.

True story?:confused:
kirk is a good ceo---lousy game day coach, lousy recruiter, stubborn, way way overpaid for results he is delivering
Bret is a good coach. Little rough around the edges, but does a good job. He's not scared to ruffle feathers and will take chances. Yes he is a better coach than ferentz. He is not well liked in Madison at all, they just put up with him.
Wiscy who is coming off back to back RB games and has gone 7-5 and 4-4 in BT play. and somebody actually tries ro compare these 2, with the Leader division being the weakest division in DI . somebody is reallyl reaching
What the hell is that???

I think I know what's up here: in the TCU Rose Bowl, Wisconsin was doing well running the ball, and it was a close game. Then, in the second half, Wisconsin started trying to pass downfield, really forcing it, and all of a sudden they stopped moving the ball. Fans were screaming 'Run the ball! RUN the ball!" to no avail.

But I doubt that soured fans on BB. I think that was Paul Chryst's call at the time, and I recall him getting the heat for it.

I work around a lot of Wisconsin fans, and they do not dislike BB, for what that's worth. How Wisconsin does next year will determine how popular BB remains, I think.
BB is going for his 3rd straight B1G championship and Rose Bowl Appearance. His offense is similar to ours, but not broken. they can put up points and typically beat up on lesser opponents.

In response to your headline question, what D-1A coach is a worse game day coach than ferentz?

As much as I can not stand Bielema, he is a much better all around coach than ferents. Heck, who isn't these days?

I think I know what's up here: in the TCU Rose Bowl, Wisconsin was doing well running the ball, and it was a close game. Then, in the second half, Wisconsin started trying to pass downfield, really forcing it, and all of a sudden they stopped moving the ball. Fans were screaming 'Run the ball! RUN the ball!" to no avail.

But I doubt that soured fans on BB. I think that was Paul Chryst's call at the time, and I recall him getting the heat for it.

I work around a lot of Wisconsin fans, and they do not dislike BB, for what that's worth. How Wisconsin does next year will determine how popular BB remains, I think.

^ This is why OC is the toughest job in football, I think. It's the 1 job that 99.9% of all fans think they could do a better job at.

In that situation, you know the opposing D staff spent halftime scheming against your running attack. You can counter with a "run till they stop it" philosophy - if it works, everyone pats you on the back & it's all "way to recognize your strengths!" If it fails, you are an unimaginative pud stuck in the 20th century.

OR, you can come out and try to take a risk (which the majority of fans say they like - a little risk taking) by changing things up and catching the D totally off guard. If THAT works, everyone pats you on the back - why shouldn't they? You're an offensive guru, after all. If it fails, then you are a complete boner for not recognizing your team's strengths.

I would *not* want to be an OC. Tell you the job I would want - DC at a place like Oregon (if they even have a DC on staff). Seems like they win every game 63-56 and I'll bet 80+ of their fans can't even name their DC (if indeed they have one).
He learned from the best. Er, worst.

Apart from clock mgmt, Bert is probably a better overall gameday coach. Certainly a more aggressive one.

so you are saying Hayden was the worst, as BB started under Fry
the one thing that BB learned from BA was swooping in and taking KF recruits or offerring KF recruits after KF offerred
BA took a lot of Haydens recruits with him when he left for Wisconsin

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