Cam Wilson Rumblings

Sounds like he would still be playing in the SEC.

Yeah, from what I've heard about Hernandez, you're allowed to fail several drug tests and beat people up in bars and the media won't even put it in the paper. Good deal they got going on down there.
and the hits keep coming.... I know we did pretty well with instate recruiting recently, but I'm so tired of crap like this at Iowa. Just ONCE in a while it would be nice to read/hear/see some things that actually convince one that things are turning around for the better. Maybe that pathetic excuse for a season last year has worn on me more than I thought it would, but nothing seems to be going right for Iowa. Recruiting outside the state has been mediocre at best. Good recruits talking about flipping if Iowa resembles anything like they were last year (very possible). KF basically just being KF instead of trying to bring a waning and apathetic fanbase back. I get that you have the personality of a houseplant and you're making bank, but geezus can you generate some excitement around the program even if it's some faux excitement? The program is making more and more people jaded; myself included. Then you go over to Clownnation and they're actually landing kids from places they rarely have. Even more sad is that these kids are blowing up social media about how excited they are to be part of clownnation, and are continually trying to pull other kids away from their current schools. Are any current hawks doing this? If so I certainly haven't heard of any. /rant over

I don't agree with your whole rant, but as rants go this was a pretty good one. Especially "Even more sad is that these kids are blowing up social media about how excited they are to be part of clownnation, and are continually trying to pull other kids away from their current schools. Are any current hawks doing this?"
Dang. I was really looking forward to seeing Wilson play as I'd heard good things. We have had some rough luck the past 5 years with skill positions. We are now due for a change. Next man in.
The sky is falling. I mean, it MUST be if a guy who has never seen a single play lights it up in the Spring game.

But, as in the case with PTL games, I know Gabe Olaseni is the next All-America center.

Get serious people. It isn't official yet, and with a PAULA PLUS failed drug tests, it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to the program. And it certainly explains, in my mind, why Shumpert would be on two-deeps. In fact, it's the ONLY thing that makes sense to me in that regard.
and the hits keep coming.... I know we did pretty well with instate recruiting recently, but I'm so tired of crap like this at Iowa. Just ONCE in a while it would be nice to read/hear/see some things that actually convince one that things are turning around for the better. Maybe that pathetic excuse for a season last year has worn on me more than I thought it would, but nothing seems to be going right for Iowa. Recruiting outside the state has been mediocre at best. Good recruits talking about flipping if Iowa resembles anything like they were last year (very possible). KF basically just being KF instead of trying to bring a waning and apathetic fanbase back. I get that you have the personality of a houseplant and you're making bank, but geezus can you generate some excitement around the program even if it's some faux excitement? The program is making more and more people jaded; myself included. Then you go over to Clownnation and they're actually landing kids from places they rarely have. Even more sad is that these kids are blowing up social media about how excited they are to be part of clownnation, and are continually trying to pull other kids away from their current schools. Are any current hawks doing this? If so I certainly haven't heard of any. /rant over

Last year happened. You have to get over it. Look to this year and get excited. There's plenty there to help with that. KirFer will always be KirFer, regardless of the previous season. One could argue that he is drumming up support and helping to get people excited for football again. Don't believe me? Look to the coaching changes (and those now in the positions-younger coaches & inspired coaches). There have been more access to the program than historically under KirFer (both on social media and in added interviews during the spring/summer). Additional spring games-including one in Des Moines. Ownership of last year by the coaches and the players, and a seemed dedication to improvement from it. Young and upcoming talent. Improved recruiting (even if its described as mediocre-it's still improved from years past). I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but there's plenty there.

And if the idea of a new and fresh season doesn't get you excited, than I suggest you get into curling ;-).

And as for the kid transferring or leaving the team or getting booted or whatev the dets may be... Kids leave programs all the time. You can't get too broke up over the departure of some kid who hasn't played. Remember: all that we've seen is his performance in one spring game.

End reply rant.
Just read a statement by Cam. He denies failing any drug tests and says it isn't academics. Says he didn't feel like he had an opportunity to play right away and wanted to be in a system that throws the ball more along with "other factors". He's hearing from Ohio and Kentucky.
Just read a statement by Cam. He denies failing any drug tests and says it isn't academics. Says he didn't feel like he had an opportunity to play right away and wanted to be in a system that throws the ball more along with "other factors". He's hearing from Ohio and Kentucky.

1) I would fully expect him to say that now. Saying anything else could scare away potential transfer options.

2) Did he not watch us play before making his commitment? When have we ever been a system that throws it around? Even when we're balanced run/pass, we target the TE's as much as almost anybody. That statement confuses me, as if this tiger was going to change it's stripes when he committed.

Also, If he wants to go to Kentucky, he might be facing the same issues re: playing time. With Mark (?) Stoops there and Neal Brown as the OC, they are going to be a very inviting program for WR's and have already put together a pretty stellar class based on their commits.
Cam Wilson would have been another DJK. In athletic talent - and brainlessness. Sad when a young man with natural ability like his can't resist peer pressure. If he doesn't mature past that weakness, he will head down a very sad pathway. If her can overcome it, he could play for pay someday.