Jesus Christ! Call a timeout and set up a final shot for God sakes!
Jesus Christ! Call a timeout and set up a final shot for God sakes!
Think about it. How easy is it to set up and get a good shot when the defense knows you need the three.
Let Cartwright just go, he made a mistake at the last possession when he hesitated and almost looked at the bench, but I don't think you give Wisky the chance to set up a defense.
I don't have a problem with just going at the end of overtime. The end of regulation is where a TO should've been taken and an actual set play.
Thank you goods for starting this so I didn't have to. Cold have had the ball at half court with 5 secs if they called a timeout...instead we don't even get a half way decent shot up.
Should have called a timeoout with 50 secs left when Gatens had to put up a shot and slipped.
HInt...if Gatens has the ball 25 ft from the basket with 8 secs on the shot clock and you have 4 timeouts...use one.
I feel completely opposite. The look at the end of regulation was great and I would take that opportunity every time.
We wouldn't have gotten the ball at half court. This is only a rule in the NBA.
If you've noticed, Fran does not call many timeouts period. He has especially let his guys play at the end of either half and trust their decision making. There's pros and cons to calling a timeout. With Wisconsin as good defensively as they are, I have no problem with not calling at timeout.
I'm with you... the look was fine at the end of regulation. Cartwright knocked it down against Indiana, he missed against Wisconsin. It happens.