Buzz Williams

Actually what Ponsetto said was that they would pay in the top 2-3 coach in the league range....Pitino leads the pack...I suspect Depaul will pay 1.5- 1.7...tops.
Another MU fan here ...

Some thoughts for your coaching hire.

As was pointed out before, when Tom Crean left MU for IU, not only was he going to a top five program nationally, but he was also paid $23 million. At the time (two years ago) that contract made him one of the five highest paid bball coaches in America. Cal at KU has since blown away that record ($4m/year).

You play to half full crowds, have three losing years in a row and players leaving the program. Frankly, you have nothing to offer but money. I don't mean this as disrespectful, but are you a top 5 Big Ten program right now?

Kirk Ferentz signed last summer for 7 years for $21 million. Crean makes more.

If you want to hire a "name" coach, you'll have to pay him equal to or probably more than Ferentz. Assuming that you cannot give Ferentz another big raise less than a year later while state finances (everywhere) are crashing, you ok with him getting ****** and leaving after next season if it means a return to glory in basketball. I'll guess the answer is no.

What you need to look for is a highly touted assistant coach ready to move to the next level. Or, be prepared to make Ferentz the second highest paid coach on campus.

Also note that DePaul is already publicly announced that they are willing to pay big for a name coach. Read that to mean they will pay more than Ferentz gets now. So, unless you get someone with ties to Iowa, the next mercenary name is going to DePaul.

Good luck with your search, but start thinking assistant and rebuliding your program over time. MU did this with its higher of Crean in 1999 (he was an Izzo assistant and MSU) and he spent nine seasons in Milwaukee and it worked out very well.

MU plays before 19,000 fans at home games, Buzz has 5-star recuits coming. He plays in the top bball conference in the country (while it lasts). MU is willing to pay him more than Ferentz if he stays.

Bruce Pearl will cost more.

The only reason Ferentz isn't making more is because he hasn't asked for more. And trust me, Iowa would pay more to keep Ferentz than MU would to keep Willams.
Because Iowa is #15 overall in college Athletic revenues at 85 million last year.
Much of that is coming from football.
Where did MU rank in revenues?
Because Iowa is #15 overall in college Athletic revenues at 85 million last year.
Much of that is coming from football.
Where did MU rank in revenues?

I could not find the list of revenues for the entire Athletic Department. I am sure Iowa's is exponentially better than Marquette because of football.

Football is king so basketball programs are not going to generate similar revenue. It's an apples to oranges comparison.

I found this for 2008 numbers for Iowa FB. Iowa FB revenue comparisons with Iowa State, Notre Dame, Big Ten Doc’s Office
FB Revenue — $37,998,729
FB Expenses — $26,166,182
Men’s recruiting expenses — $637,685

Marquette basketball 2006 made 10.8 with 7 as expenses. Cracked Sidewalks: Marquette basketball, revenue generator

Only numbers I can find with a very short search. I would guess that Iowa football's expenses are about what the entire Marquette Athletic Department's expenses are.

I wasn't trying to compare Marquette and Iowa when I asked about Ferentz. I was only asking if it is true that Iowa will give Ferentz literally whatever he wants. There seems to be money there to do it, I was just wondering how strong the comittment was. I can't imagine it not being there for Ferentz.
Crean got $2.3 million at Marquette. I doubt Buzz Williams is there yet since he is not as proven as Crean. Marquette will take care of Buzz though as he proves himself.
Not quite Calipari money, but still pretty good.

This is my point, two years ago MU was paying Crean top 10 money ($2.3m/year) and he left for IU and top 5 money.

MU has the capacity and the history to Pay Buzz Ferentz type money. Not that he deserves it now but if Buzz keeps performing like the last two years, they will tear up his contract and re-work it every year until he gets there. He won't leave becuase of a lack of money at MU.

Like I said before, all any school can offer a coach is money. Money for facilities, money for expenses and money for salary. If it was about traditional, fan base and all that crap, KU would not need to pay Calipari $4 million a year. All that stuff allows a school to pay big bucks.

If you are saying Iowa has the money and the will to spend $2.5 to $3 million a year for a bball coach, then Ferentz might feel cheated. He'll want a raise and a raise for his assistants and a bigger budget. When all is said and done, it might cost north of $50 million to hire a name bball coach (after paying the buyout, paying the coach $30m , paying Ferentz, paying Fernentz's assistants and increasing the budget for basketball and football.)

I've heard nothing that suggest Iowa is ready to do this. I've heard DePaul is ready to do this.

Unless you can show me that you now are willing to step up with, when you have not for the last decade. Your going to get a mid-major or top flight assistant, not a name coach.

This is not a slight. MU has only hired assistants for the last 40 years. We have been to post season 27 times (9th all-time), five years in a row, won the whole thing once (1977) and been to the final four three other times (last was 2003). Hiring assistants can be a very good idea. See Pitt and Jamie Dixon.
So let me get this right, Jon. You had Stallings in your top five Monday night when I went to bed late. I told my dad that he was in your top five Tuesday afternoon. I went home and he was outside of your top five and I had to admit to Papa THawki that I was wrong?

I told him I can now admit when I am wrong, since I am now a parent as opposed to before that, when I was obviously NEVER wrong. I KNEW I couldn't have been wrong. This explains it:)
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Josh Pastner wouldn't leave Memphis after his first year and come to Iowa. Especially when he has the top class in the country coming in next year according to rivals. 0% chance of that happening

Williams is an interesting thought. Only been head coach at Marquette for 2 years but has had decent results

Really!? 0% chance of J. Pastner of Memphis? He is making about 900K per year at Memphis. IOWA could double his current salary. He wouldn't consider that? Who would not consider a move that would double their current salary? Please, if we offer him the cash, we could land him. He played for Lute Olsen, so don't be shocked if he is top three canidate.
What has Pastner done to deserve a doubling of his salary? He is one year into the job and Memphis did nothing special. Sure he signed a few big recruits but he not to proven he has consistently do that.

If you doubled Paster's salary, you would be taking a huge risk to overpay for an unproven coach. Seems to me you have done this more than once in the last several years with little success. Why do it again?
Really!? 0% chance of J. Pastner of Memphis? He is making about 900K per year at Memphis. IOWA could double his current salary. He wouldn't consider that? Who would not consider a move that would double their current salary? Please, if we offer him the cash, we could land him. He played for Lute Olsen, so don't be shocked if he is top three canidate.

Memphis could quickly counter-offer and put an end to things. Of course, they may just pass but if they think that he's the right guy they will step up.

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