Buy student season tix, get free OSU ftbl ticket

Actually THE is part of the trademark. Since long ago before trademarking, School names weren't trademarked which is why you can print a shirt that says Ohio State University but you couldn't print it if it said TOSU.
Actually THE is part of the trademark. Since long ago before trademarking, School names weren't trademarked which is why you can print a shirt that says Ohio State University but you couldn't print it if it said TOSU.

by this reasoning, we all have to refer to Iowa as SUI
The Ohio State University = tOSU. Seems fitting to me.

And we're The University of Iowa. Just about every university in the country has "The" in front of it. OSU fans are just arrogant enough to put emphasis on it. Hence, why do the rest of us call it tOSU? From this point forward, we should expect fans of other schools to call us tUI.

Now, on to the topic at hand. This is a pretty brilliant marketing ploy. They could have REALLY hit it big and offered this in the preseason, or even last spring when tickets went on sale.
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There are tons of people who don't have OSU tickets that will be able to get them now. Student tickets are resold all the time, the names don't have to match. I wonder if you can still get a free ticket if you already have football season tickets...