Brust hurt his back in practice today

It really would be. I don't want that little bastard feeling like they would have won if he'd been playing.
I'd rather beat their ***** full strength. No excuses on their part. Their is no way they can stay with us at home.
I've hurt my back before, I still got up and ate my captain crunch and took the dog for a walk. It wasn't easy, I wasn't looking for praise.... I did it because it needed to be done. We'll find out what kind of character this Burst is made of come Saturday.
I've hurt my back before, I still got up and ate my captain crunch and took the dog for a walk. It wasn't easy, I wasn't looking for praise.... I did it because it needed to be done. We'll find out what kind of character this Burst is made of come Saturday.

Did the CC scratch your gums? I hate when it does that!
I've hurt my back before, I still got up and ate my captain crunch and took the dog for a walk. It wasn't easy, I wasn't looking for praise.... I did it because it needed to be done. We'll find out what kind of character this Burst is made of come Saturday.

There is a difference between hurting ones back where you can still get up in the morning, take your dog for a walk etc and hurting one's back to where you are incapacitated....

I've been in both situations and there I NO comparison. NONE.

For Brust's sake I hope its the former...
I've hurt my back before, I still got up and ate my captain crunch and took the dog for a walk. It wasn't easy, I wasn't looking for praise.... I did it because it needed to be done. We'll find out what kind of character this Burst is made of come Saturday.

I've got a bad back..and there are days where it doesn't matter what character you have or how tough you are; you ain't doing crap and getting up out of chair is terrifying given the pain that is coming your way.
Brust is faking it...doesn't want to be announced at Carver as our student body reminds him of his manhood, etc...:eek:

I've got a bad back..and there are days where it doesn't matter what character you have or how tough you are; you ain't doing crap and getting up out of chair is terrifying given the pain that is coming your way.

No Jon,
It's most likely what loesshillshawk said.
I've got a bad back..and there are days where it doesn't matter what character you have or how tough you are; you ain't doing crap and getting up out of chair is terrifying given the pain that is coming your way.

That were the medical marijuana comes in handy
I've hurt my back before, I still got up and ate my captain crunch and took the dog for a walk. It wasn't easy, I wasn't looking for praise.... I did it because it needed to be done. We'll find out what kind of character this Burst is made of come Saturday.

You do realize there's 24 different vertebrae in your back, many many different nerves, and several different muscle groups? The chances of your minor back injury being the same as someone else's back injury are very slim. Would you tell someone they were a wuss who wouldn't play on a compound fractured lower leg just because you played on a stress fracture? Of course not. Just because the same body part is injured doesn't mean it is the same severity. Especially with the back.

If he's listed as day to day it could be minor or they could just be trying to conceal the severity for competition purposes. Make Iowa prepare for him even if he isn't playing. Most back injuries, even if minor, don't go away overnight.
You do realize there's 24 different vertebrae in your back, many many different nerves, and several different muscle groups? The chances of your minor back injury being the same as someone else's back injury are very slim. Would you tell someone they were a wuss who wouldn't play on a compound fractured lower leg just because you played on a stress fracture? Of course not. Just because the same body part is injured doesn't mean it is the same severity. Especially with the back.

If he's listed as day to day it could be minor or they could just be trying to conceal the severity for competition purposes. Make Iowa prepare for him even if he isn't playing. Most back injuries, even if minor, don't go away overnight.

Sometimes I wonder if we owe the entire board to missed jokes. Without people completely failing to pick up on sarcasm ... would the board have enough posts to survive?

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