Brought to you by the same guy who came up with The Safety Dance Idea

Agreed, generally lights of this nature take quite awhile to warm up and get bright. So while not a terrible idea i'm not sure it's totally feasible, also I can see several boys copping feels, and wallets lifted, etc. but who knows.

So there may be some merit in the idea after all.:p
Because this weekend is a night game, I am bumping this in the hope that SOMEONE whith some kind of authority may glance at it and realize the genius at work here.
Because this weekend is a night game, I am bumping this in the hope that SOMEONE whith some kind of authority may glance at it and realize the genius at work here.

As Galactic Emperor, I hereby authorize the use of Dancing/Groping/Fondling In The Dark.
You may remember I came up with an incredible idea to play The Safety Dance when an opponent had the ball inside their own ten yard line. The entire student section could dance like they do in the video. It would have been incredible.

Well I have another idea. BIG TIME IDEA.

For every late afternoon or evening game, at the start of the 4th Qtr, the stadium lights go dark. My hit single, Dancing in the Dark is played in the Pitch Black while people go nuts. Some people may even take the moment to make love in the stadium.

So who do we call to get me the job as Executive Producer of Hawkeye gameday?

Clearly I am overqualified for the position, but because of my love for the hawks, I'll do it.

Stick to your day job
Curses! I can't get safety dance out of my head now!

S s s s A a a a F f f f E e e e T t t t Y y y y
I don't know why this is struggling to gain traction. Jon, I was always under the impression that your crowd here was very intelligent, well refined, and the créme de la créme of the Hawkeye world. I can't be wrong about that too can I?

Speaking only for myself, you are not wrong.

The Safety Dance idea was brilliant. The Springsteen song, not so much. We hear enough hog-calling in Iowa.
The "Safety Dance" was perhaps THE DUMBEST SONG to slime its way out of the 80's.... While I like the idea of trying to come up with different fun things for fans to do, THIS and the "Dancing in the Dark" thing should NOT be considered... MAYBE after the game at a drunken karaoke party... And PLEASE let it happen at a bar that I am NOT in... Things could get ugly...
Even if this brilliant idea was attempted, I'm not sure the stadium lights would return to full brightness in time for the start of the fourth quarter. My understanding is that type of bulb takes several minutes to light and warm up. There may even be a shut-off timer that prevents them from being turned back on until they have cooled enough.

But I like the way you think. And either way we need the strumpet.

You may be on to something. This way if someone has to go to the bathroom during halftime they actually make it back to see part of the third quarter.
MY bright idea for a song would be "Luck Be a Lady Tonight" from Guys and Dolls!!! Now THAT would be something!!! THAT'S Showbiz!!! They dont write them like THAT anymore!!!
Because this weekend is a night game, I am bumping this in the hope that SOMEONE whith some kind of authority may glance at it and realize the genius at work here.

Geez, Boss, takes some chutzpah to bump your own old thread. I didn't even think you were one of God's Chosen People.

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