Bring in the Candid Camera crew...


Well-Known Member
...and END this thing!

Seriously, how long do/will we have to speculate about one of three starters at RB?

Time to fish or cut bait...
i'm sure the author will correct me if i'm wrong here, but perhaps he wants to know what the 2 deep will look like for the EIU game, doesn't the official week 1 Depth chart come out next week?
based on the same stuff everyone else has probably seen, probably would be Robinson/O'Meara (sp?)
Week 2 look for Robinson/Hampton and then i wouldn't be surprised hampton breaks out in week 2 and from there on it's split between (about 65-35) for hampton/robinson
after the 2 depth i personally couldn't guess--anyone with more info please share would be good to know (naturally Paki will be there somewhere around the 4 deep range)

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