Brian Kelly is absolute scum

I saw this over on the fOSU site earlier. Disgusting and repugnant, if the allegations are true.
Another cover-up for the catholic church. Of course, they're the best at sweeping sexual abuse & rape under the carpet, sooo....:mad:
why would kelly talk about this at a press conference and how did ND do anything wrong here?

i dislike ND as much as anyone but i dont see how kelly or the school mishandled this.

"19-year-old Elizabeth Seeberg, a Northbrook native, died of an overdose of prescription pills in September at neighboring St. Mary's College. The Tribune said Seeberg told Notre Dame police less than two weeks earlier that she had been sexually attacked by a ND football player.

The alleged incident took place on Aug. 31. Notre Dame officials have yet to publicly acknowledge the case.

According to the Tribune, school authorities did not tell the St. Joseph County Police Department investigating Seeberg's death about her report of a sexual attack."

So you think this alleged behavior by ND, their CAMPUS police, and their football program passes the smell test? I sure don't.
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This, on top of the video guy's death that he was at least partly responsible for, should make it tough for him to keep his job.

Unfortunately, I think at that school, the loss to Tulsa is much more damaging to his job security than a couple of dead students that he has left in his wake.
The fact that ND has their own police that apparently does not have to report to anybody else is a serious conflict of interest.
I think to try and hang anything on Kelly at this point is a reach. I mean afterall there were lot's of people up in arms that KF was involved (minimally as that was) with the sexual assault investigation here.

Kelly's stance is simply that he is aware of the situation (alleged sexual assault) and that the people properly equiped to handle the situation (the school's police force) are handeling it.
Scum because one of his players was alleged to have sexually assaulted someone? Wow. That's quite a leap.

He's scum because one of his players was alleged to have sexually assaulted someone, and his reaction was to throw up his hands, say "It's a university matter" and play the kid all season.

I know no coach and no university is perfect, but you have to make a choice, whether you're going to do to the right thing or do whatever you think will help you win games, no matter who gets hurt.

Not just saying you'll do the right thing, but letting your actions speak for you. In the video kid's death, and now letting this alleged sexual offender play all season, what do Kelly's actions say about him?
Kelly is not scum. More likely than not, he is being told what to say and what not to say. I know someone who is VERY close to Kelly, and I can tell you the man is all about family. No doubt he made a mistake with the young man who fell to his death, and it may ultimately cost him his job, but he's not the piece of shat some of you make him out to be. The guy has 3 kids, so I'm betting he's pretty distraught over what happened. The person I know at ND won't and can't talk about it either.
So if Kelly's daughter goes away to college, is allegedly raped by a football player and then kills herself, and the player gets to play all season because the coach says he can't do anything and "it's a university matter," then he won't have any problems with that decision?

I maintain that your actions define who you are and what kind of person you are. So you can talk all day about what a great guy he is and how distraught he is, but that doesn't mean a lot to the family of the dead video guy, or the parents of the girl who killed herself after allegedly being raped by one of his players (after which Kelly sat back and did nothing).
So if Kelly's daughter goes away to college, is allegedly raped by a football player and then kills herself, and the player gets to play all season because the coach says he can't do anything and "it's a university matter," then he won't have any problems with that decision?

I maintain that your actions define who you are and what kind of person you are. So you can talk all day about what a great guy he is and how distraught he is, but that doesn't mean a lot to the family of the dead video guy, or the parents of the girl who killed herself after allegedly being raped by one of his players (after which Kelly sat back and did nothing).

Did you talk to the parents of either child? Do you have any idea at all what university procedure is at ND? What if ND gets sued by the player because he was innocent? You are making way too many accusations about something you know nothing about.....which is typical of message boards.
So Kelly is bound by "university procedure" to play the kid? If there was any question about the kid's innocence (and it sure sounds like there is), keep him on the team and don't play him. Let him use a redshirt, if available. He's got bigger things to worry about than playing football, as he's accused of being a sexual predator.

Unless, of course, that honorable and great man Kelly kept him on the field only to win football games. I'm sure that's not what happened, right? Just like he had no idea that the winds were so strong on that practice day and he had no idea that the kid was up in the lift and could be in danger?

Speaking of something you know nothing about, tell me on what grounds would that kid sue ND? For not playing him in a football game?

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