Brian Ferentz Being Asked Today About Oliver Martin's Playing Time

What, specifically, have you seen that would make you put a guy who got here in June out on the field over B Smith, ISM, T Tracy and Ragaini?
I don't have any problem with Martin playing less. Makes sense right now. My comments were about how the Ferentz family of coaches seems to be put back and offended by questions that are valid questions that many fans are asking and thinking about. It is part of their job, I would think, as professionals as much as they resent it at times.
Not a stretch to imagine an 85 year old GBarta someday announcing another 8-year extension for BF.
I hope and pray that I'm wrong.
And now a live interview with the "dean of college ADs"...Gary Barta, coming to you from Assisted Living Acres Condos. First question...which of the first 60 years were most enjoyable for you as Iowa's AD?
Have you ever been around people that have an edge? I mean you don't just turn it on and off, it spills over into other things where you don't want it to necessarily. That is what having an "edge" is. If he could control it, then he would be his old man and would come off calm and reasoned.
He's an arrogant prick. Edge? He doesn't have an edge. He sucks at his job, and the only reason he has it is because of daddy. He thinks he is above being questioned.
Because a lot of people go frothing at the mouth when they hear "Ferentz". I guarantee you had Frost done the same thing the narrative would be how "fiery" and "passionate" he is.

George Carlin summed it up best.

"Think about how stupid your average person is, and then realize half of them are dumber than that."

Good post..Oliver Martin was a big time recruit. He opted not to be a Hawkeye. I am glad he decided to come back here. I hope he becomes a great player at Iowa, but right now, he just the new kid fighting for playing time and the Iowa coaches are making him earn it. Good for them.
He's an arrogant prick. Edge? He doesn't have an edge. He sucks at his job, and the only reason he has it is because of daddy. He thinks he is above being questioned.

Speaking of "arrogant pricks", heressssssssssss Caddy!

Brian Ferentz has actually dragged the Iowa offense into looking more like the current NFL. I mean you literally have ZERO knowledge about football, you should really just STFU. Maybe you might listen to someone who actually understands football.

The first season in the next 5 years iowa wins 10 games and the offense finishes in the top 30 in the country Brian takes over. Gary and Kirk are waiting for that moment to retire together with the good will of the fan base

If our offense could finish even in the top 50 i think Iowa makes the playoffs assuming they don’t lose 11 guys on defense.

The KF/BF offensive philosophy won’t allow Iowa to ever crack the top 30. We get 5 possessions a game with kill the clock football. Really pay attention next game to how slow Iowa moves on offense, and i don’t mean game speed, i mean from huddle to LOS. Watch other teams (besides NW) and it’s a huge contrast. Something changed from 2012 on, and i don’t know if it was the reverse of when KF started coaching and decided his defense was so bad that he had to receive every opening kick....that from 2012 disaster of an offense he decided that the offense was so bad he has to run out the clock instead of being aggressive.

But back to other point, i agree. As soon as Iowa wins 10+ games AND doesn’t get embarrassed against a top team in bowl game, Brian takes over
If our offense could finish even in the top 50 i think Iowa makes the playoffs assuming they don’t lose 11 guys on defense.

The KF/BF offensive philosophy won’t allow Iowa to ever crack the top 30. We get 5 possessions a game with kill the clock football. Really pay attention next game to how slow Iowa moves on offense, and i don’t mean game speed, i mean from huddle to LOS. Watch other teams (besides NW) and it’s a huge contrast. Something changed from 2012 on, and i don’t know if it was the reverse of when KF started coaching and decided his defense was so bad that he had to receive every opening kick....that from 2012 disaster of an offense he decided that the offense was so bad he has to run out the clock instead of being aggressive.

But back to other point, i agree. As soon as Iowa wins 10+ games AND doesn’t get embarrassed against a top team in bowl game, Brian takes over

I don’t like Iowa’s chances of getting a top 30 offense, but I disagree it’s impossible. Iowa’s WRs are at their all time best and hopefully that continues. If Iowa can continue to recruit highly rated gunslinger type QBs like Petras and hogan and the WR depth can continue to slowly improve I can see an elite offense by big ten standards develope.
I don’t like Iowa’s chances of getting a top 30 offense, but I disagree it’s impossible. Iowa’s WRs are at their all time best and hopefully that continues. If Iowa can continue to recruit highly rated gunslinger type QBs like Petras and hogan and the WR depth can continue to slowly improve I can see an elite offense by big ten standards develope.

Iowa won't be a top 30 offense if you only look at yards per game. They don't run a no huddle, tempo based offense. Even bad teams that do that will get to more YPG than Iowa does. Iowa is always going to protect their D with their O, so don't expect firework numbers from any KF Iowa offense.
Definitely a valid point. I guess I should have chosen my wording better. Maybe not necessarily "moved up the ladder" to quickly, but for me, and this is where we differ, I think I'd of rather seen him get more lived experience. I like the thought of the position coach that works under different head coaches at different programs as they develop their careers. I guess to me it isn't necessarily the pace he's climbed, but the fact that his experiences and mentorship has essentially stayed the same as he's progressed. He's worked under the direction of KF and Belichick, who had also previously worked together and has been exposed to a similar style/mentality his entire career.

While those are both exceptional coaches, with an unbelievable array of knowledge, as we all know they are very similar at the core. I simply feel that while he's putting in the work and progressing like everyone else, it may be in his best interest (as well as the interest of the program) to find someone who's equally as experienced (or more experienced) but has developed a coaching portfolio from a number of difference coaches with different methodologies that personalities that have been meshed together over time. If that makes sense.

It actually does make sense. Never thought about it before and I actually get that stance. Interesting.
Do you own stocks, mutual funds or is it all in savings?

i diversify I dabble a little in my 401K, have a couple of Roth IRA's, wife has Ipers from the state and then we have a nice little savings going too. I know where you're going here.
Definitely a valid point. I guess I should have chosen my wording better. Maybe not necessarily "moved up the ladder" to quickly, but for me, and this is where we differ, I think I'd of rather seen him get more lived experience. I like the thought of the position coach that works under different head coaches at different programs as they develop their careers. I guess to me it isn't necessarily the pace he's climbed, but the fact that his experiences and mentorship has essentially stayed the same as he's progressed. He's worked under the direction of KF and Belichick, who had also previously worked together and has been exposed to a similar style/mentality his entire career.

While those are both exceptional coaches, with an unbelievable array of knowledge, as we all know they are very similar at the core. I simply feel that while he's putting in the work and progressing like everyone else, it may be in his best interest (as well as the interest of the program) to find someone who's equally as experienced (or more experienced) but has developed a coaching portfolio from a number of difference coaches with different methodologies that personalities that have been meshed together over time. If that makes sense.

Great post. He needs to work for others and gain different perspectives and experiences. Like 99.9% of any other coach in his spot
How is Phil Parker not the official head coach in waiting for Iowa. He appears so much more emotionally mature than the average coach.

He appears to be a great communicator and teacher that gives straight forward answers without the snarky attitude.

Kirk should just tell Brian, look I gave you a chance and you blew it with your snarky attitude. I am just going to reccomend they make Phil my successor. Sorry about that.
It would be hard to believe that a DC at a P5 with his success has not had any back channel communication for a HC position. Do you know if he has not?

So my assumption is that he doesn’t want to be a HC.
I don't have any problem with Martin playing less. Makes sense right now. My comments were about how the Ferentz family of coaches seems to be put back and offended by questions that are valid questions that many fans are asking and thinking about. It is part of their job, I would think, as professionals as much as they resent it at times.

Again, he didn't seem unprofessional at all to me. Who watches that and thinks...."Man that was out of line" .... no one I would imagine. He didn't raise his voice. It didn't feel uncomfortable. BF nipped something in bud and life went on. I think the only way you can read into that being unprofessional is if you have some sort of bias against the guy to begin with. This was not anything out of the ordinary that you would see at any sort of coach presser.
Everyone complaining about how Brian answered the question doesn’t want their wife (wives) or kids asked, “how does he respond to your questions?
It would be hard to believe that a DC at a P5 with his success has not had any back channel communication for a HC position. Do you know if he has not?

So my assumption is that he doesn’t want to be a HC.

This is my succession plan. Kirk retires at 67, Phil holds the job for 6-7 years. Makes Seth Wallace DC and Brian OC and if Brian’s offenses can win 8-10 games a year, then hire him when Phil hits 65
It would be hard to believe that a DC at a P5 with his success has not had any back channel communication for a HC position. Do you know if he has not?

So my assumption is that he doesn’t want to be a HC.

I think that may be a stretch. Phil’s star has really only been rising in the last 5 years. He’s getting paid $700k+ in IC, so moving to coach a MAC school for the same salary isn’t exactly a promotion. I doubt he has been a serious candidate for a power 5 job, which is where the big money is.

Phil’s a great coach, but he’s not the most charismatic guy on earth. He’s a great interview, but doesn’t seem to love the cameras. I don’t think at 58ish years old he has any desire to go run western Michigan or Miami of Ohio.
Could care less about that and there are all kinds of teams that play someone including in this conference so save the garbage

"It’s easy to be arrogant when you don’t leave the state until mid October or need to fill the bus up with gas annually while hiding in the b10 west...". I'm assuming this is the type of garbage you were referring to?

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