Brett Murphy has info posted to day on thee Vote

I really never thought Tucker Carlson. Just don't see it. He's got too good of gig.

Carlson will lose his job. Fox is bowing to advertisers and moving leftist. My wife is a huge fan of Tucker and watched him every night once the riots started until we got rid of cable. The guy has the highest rated show on cable by a mile and outdraws a lot of sporting events, but his advertisers are things like gold hoarding companies and MyPillow.

There used to be a time when liberals were concerned about a free media and the outsize influence of the 5 dozen multinational corporations that comprise the bulk of national mass media advertising, but now that it has been used as a bludgeon to stifle anything that contravenes The Narrative those concerns have subsided.
There's not a ton of love lost between the party and them.

It's because the GOP is just part of the uniparty and Trump ain't in that club. The GOP will gladly ride on the coattails of Trump's popularity, but at the end of the day, their wish list is the same as the Dems' and that just happens to be a bunch of Chamber of Commerce shit that a lot of Americans don't want. At least that's the Dem wish list for now while the Boomers still narrowly retain control of the DNC. The Dems are furiously trying to stifle their own internal Marxist uprising. Hell, they've had an avowed "socialist" draw over a thousand delegates two elections in a row and if you look at these young kids, it is not a bright future. Most of us who are middle age and older operate in a band of reasonableness with some fundamental notion of a mixed economy and could quibble about what the level of taxation or government spending should be, usually within reason, but these fucking kids are straight up Marxists. Any time you have a voting bloc the size of Gen Y combined with a strong Marxist bent combined with a lot of economic uncertainty, you are probably staring down the barrel of a potentially big fucking problem.
Tucker Carlson will run for president in ‘24 unless he’s involved in some type of scandal, which is quite possible.

Sweet....and Blake Neff will run his campaign. Might as well appeal to the people that got Trump elected.:)

*****sarcasm********** just joking around.
A non-answer answer. really think "random conspiracy theories, name calling and exaggerations" are only a conservative thing? You can't be serious.

That's the beauty of being independent and not beholden to either party, I'm willing to see BS where ever it exists. It's not only a foul when the other team does it. Try'll set you free.
A non-answer answer. really think "random conspiracy theories, name calling and exaggerations" are only a conservative thing? You can't be serious.

That's the beauty of being independent and not beholden to either party, I'm willing to see BS where ever it exists. It's not only a foul when the other team does it. Try'll set you free.
I'm independent as well, both parties suck, but this style was definitely identifiable as conservative to me.
Better than a closet fascist.

Yes, total fascist. Such a fascist, in fact, that he was criticized for not being enough of a fascist and not being enough of a jack booted thug when The Germ surfaced. Things will be so much better if we can get a freedom loathing man like Quid Pro Joe in there.
Honest question, can someone truly be independent? Seems like most people would align with one side or the other at the end of the day. Maybe not.

I've mostly been registered independent but can't ever remember voting R. Registering independent does cut down on junk mail and annoying phone calls.
Honest question, can someone truly be independent? Seems like most people would align with one side or the other at the end of the day. Maybe not.

I've mostly been registered independent but can't ever remember voting R. Registering independent does cut down on junk mail and annoying phone calls.
I can't stand either the democratic or republican parties so I refuse to associate my name with either one, I guess that makes me an independent?
Honest question, can someone truly be independent? Seems like most people would align with one side or the other at the end of the day. Maybe not.

I've mostly been registered independent but can't ever remember voting R. Registering independent does cut down on junk mail and annoying phone calls.

We are blessed to live in a very large country with a fairly high level of freedom offered from the government. Iowa is relatively inoculated from nonsense, so yeah, you can absolutely be a Democrat who calls yourself an independent. People who live in large cities don't have that option and as history has shown, leftists and Democrats, when in large enough groups, will absolutely use intimidation tactics and violence against those who don't agree with them.

Here is an example of some stupid conformist yesterday learning how to properly socially distance:

Yes, total fascist. Such a fascist, in fact, that he was criticized for not being enough of a fascist and not being enough of a jack booted thug when The Germ surfaced. Things will be so much better if we can get a freedom loathing man like Quid Pro Joe in there.
I mean I could go on for hours listing his fascist/authoritarian tendencies but given the fact that you can't look at things objectively it would be a huge waste of my time. Hard pass. Plus this isn't the place for it.
I mean I could go on for hours listing his fascist/authoritarian tendencies but given the fact that you can't look at things objectively it would be a huge waste of my time. Hard pass. Plus this isn't the place for it.

I'm trying to come up with a fulsome list, but after Orange Man silenced all dissent in the main stream media and on social media, literally no one will call him out and I can't figure out any other bad things he has done. You better keep that list to yourself, I would hate for you to get sent to the gulags for criticizing the government.
We are blessed to live in a very large country with a fairly high level of freedom offered from the government. Iowa is relatively inoculated from nonsense, so yeah, you can absolutely be a Democrat who calls yourself an independent. People who live in large cities don't have that option and as history has shown, leftists and Democrats, when in large enough groups, will absolutely use intimidation tactics and violence against those who don't agree with them.

Here is an example of some stupid conformist yesterday learning how to properly socially distance:

I think both parities operate by pushing fear. It's basic strategy.

"If you vote for them, you will be screwed."
Honest question, can someone truly be independent? Seems like most people would align with one side or the other at the end of the day. Maybe not.

I've mostly been registered independent but can't ever remember voting R. Registering independent does cut down on junk mail and annoying phone calls.

The go to answer for most registered independents like myself goes as follows: “I lean left on social issues and I lean right when it comes to fiscal policy, tax and spend those sort of things.”

It is just a bullshit way of saying I vote for what is the best interest of me. ;)
If we buy a dictionary will you learn how to use quotes?
1) Dictionaries don't tell you how to do that. Grammar manuals do.

2) They're called quotation marks. Not quotes. A quote is when you repeat verbally or in writing what someone said. Which is absolutely hilarious because a dictionary would in fact help you learn the meaning of the word you misused. How ironic.

If you're going to call someone out on his or her grammar and usage, don't F it up yourself.