Brett Greenwood Update

True ... and I bet the majority have never actually played on an athletic field if you don't count the video games they play in their Mommy's basement.
I don't play play video games, I did when I was a kid though. How many times have we had to read form posters like you saying that people on here are non athletes who play video games and live in their parents basement. How un-original you are?!?!?
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and here we go. post about greenwood turns in to shot at ferentz, yep its officially a hawkeyenation post now

So I just made a quirky response to a poster and you get so bent out of shape over it??!? I always thought you were one of the cooler posters on here. It was more of a sarcastic response to okeeef4prez. It's amazing how people get their underwear all ruffled over stuff like this.
I guess when it comes to stuff like greenwood getting back on the field I just don't have a lot of patience for the usual trash the coaches stuff. I just think there's a time and place, and stuff like greenwoods battle should be the one place that's distant from that stuff. I get it if you're trying to be funny, I don't know I guess I would choose a different spot, but it might just be i was fired up for the weekend of football.
I don't play play video games, I did when I was a kid though. How many times have we had to read form posters like you saying that people on here are non athletes who play video games and live in their parents basement. How un-original you are?!?!?
Sounds like I hit the target douche in the basement. Dehumidifiers are on sale this week at Home Depot.
Sounds like I hit the target douche in the basement. Dehumidifiers are on sale this week at Home Depot.
Is the 60 in your username your age or IQ? I bet IQ from reading your other posts over the past few months. Do you understand what I'm asking? Being that you have an IQ of 60.

Is the 60 in your username your age or IQ? I bet IQ from reading your other posts over the past few months. Do you understand what I'm asking? Being that you have an IQ of 60.

Come on, you can do better than that weak effort. 60 is more likely to be the radon count in your basement. Although it could also be the mold count. They have stuff for that at Home Depot also.

P.S. LarryStation and HawkPredator were just making the point that too many posters can't stay focused on the intent of the original post. It's about a kid who played his heart out for the Hawks (started 4 years) and has had some major health issues. The kid grew up a 1/2 block down the street from me and was a friend of my son. Hold your Hawk bashing comments for other threads. Life is more important than football.
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Come on, you can do better than that weak effort. 60 is more likely to be the radon count in your basement. Although it could also be the mold count. They have stuff for that at Home Depot also.

P.S. LarryStation and HawkPredator were just making the point that too many poster can't stay focused on the intent of the original post. It's about a kid who played his heart out for the Hawks (started 4 years) and has had some major health issues. Hold your Hawk bashing comments for other threads. Life is more important than football.
This is what happens with people of an IQ of 60

Great video and illustrates the true impact of what KF has built here inside this Football Program!

Sure I get frustrated and pissed after a loss, like any fan will. That said KF has done shit the right way, his way and has been successful doing it. He has earned the right to walk away from football on his terms. I know some on here will disagree with me on this but the bottomline is that when he does finally retire we will see how truly important and valuable he was to the University of Iowa program. That's a fact!!!
Ohhh My-Gawd, you are the most pathetic Kirk Ferentz apologist on this site. I'm guessing you are employed by the Iowa Football program or you are related to Kirk some how to be paid to come on this site to brain wash people into your mediocre way of football.
I guess when it comes to stuff like greenwood getting back on the field I just don't have a lot of patience for the usual trash the coaches stuff. I just think there's a time and place, and stuff like greenwoods battle should be the one place that's distant from that stuff. I get it if you're trying to be funny, I don't know I guess I would choose a different spot, but it might just be i was fired up for the weekend of football.
Could not have said it better. It's kind of personal for me on this one. As I mentioned above, Brett grew up down the street from me in Bettendorf and was a friend of my son. He was a hell of a Hawk. Then we have douches like Estrogen come in to threads like this and make complete idiots of themselves because they are addicted to Hawk bashing anything they read. Sometimes you just have to call out the f'ing idiots when you see them.
Ohhh My-Gawd, you are the most pathetic Kirk Ferentz apologist on this site. I'm guessing you are employed by the Iowa Football program or you are related to Kirk some how to be paid to come on this site to brain wash people into your mediocre way of football.
Estrogen, you are a classless SOB. Did you even view the video in the original post? If you did, and your posting shit like this your just totally hopeless. This thread is not about football, it's about someone's life. You can post as much useless drivel as you want on other threads.
Estrogen, you are a classless SOB. Did you even view the video in the original post? If you did, and your posting shit like this your just totally hopeless. This thread is not about football, it's about someone's life. You can post as much useless drivel as you want on other threads.
not once have you posted anything worth while on this are dead weight, IQ of 60
Estrogen, you are a classless SOB. Did you even view the video in the original post? If you did, and your posting shit like this your just totally hopeless. This thread is not about football, it's about someone's life. You can post as much useless drivel as you want on other threads.
Where you at old man? Is it past your bed time? LOL! I bet your IQ of 60 went to sleep!
Where you at old man? Is it past your bed time? LOL! I bet your IQ of 60 went to sleep!

Like I said in another thread all you bring to this site is lots of douchebaggery.. Acts like you don’t phase me in the least because all your here to do is stir the pot, the sad reality is though you bring lots of value to this site, Because message board needs the likes of you to exists. Sad but true.
Estrogen, you are a classless SOB. Did you even view the video in the original post? If you did, and your posting shit like this your just totally hopeless. This thread is not about football, it's about someone's life. You can post as much useless drivel as you want on other threads.

He is Classless always has been. Just an HN troll..
It's called "freedom of speech" The only posts you ever have here are personal attacks and name calling against other posters.

Like you said freedom of speech and I just call it like I see it. You also Don’t need to over exaggerate on my posts being only name calling and personal attacks, lol that’s quite a stretch.
not once have you posted anything worth while on this are dead weight, IQ of 60
Estrogen, your losing the argument.

Are you saying the original post I made to create this thread is not worthwhile?

I think I have you figured out, I have been making a lot of comments bashing Nebraska in the past month. You must be one of those Nebraska trolls on here. How's that Scott Frost working out for you? Have you run out of kool-aid yet?
P.S. LarryStation and HawkPredator were just making the point that too many posters can't stay focused on the intent of the original post. It's about a kid.
You're now up to 8 additional posts in this thread, and only 2 of them have mentioned Brett.

Maybe take a look in a mirror?

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