Twinkle: So Iowa hires Siena's FRAN McCaffery!?!?

Stink: Did not see that comin'...

Twinkle: So you're against the hire?

Stink: No, I just don't know who that is...
I was hoping for a cannonball.

I just heard that the Iowa athletic department is going to push the "official announcement" until Thursday morning with the hopes that Bruce Pearl may consider coming here since he is now out of the tourney. My other sources say they could even push it out until Duke loses with the hope of drawing in Coach Krzyzewski. I hope coach K doesn't consider Iowa as most of the press cannot spell or say his name.
This will prove to be a good hire in time. Next year could be lean however the type of ball being played will be much better. When Lick was hire I about died laughing? I still View IA Basketball as a top 20 coaching job. When Fran was hired the first thing I thought of was will he hire assistant coaches named Cooko and Ollie. Then they would have Cooko Fran and Ollie.

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