KF is arrogant with the media, which leaves him in a position of having no good will in the bank with them when things go wrong. If he could stop having these multiple year swoons, that would be fine. But his three good to strong years and then three sup-par to bad years pattern drains the fan good will coffer as well.

There will be a couple more years of fans griping at each other. Then when the new DC gets his recruits in the lineup, the three year upswing will happen and mea culpas will be offered. Then the bottom falls out again and we start it all over.
Respectfully disagree. I paid to go to school there, i donate to the school and i pay for season tickets every year. As a shareholder so to speak, i think i have the right to ask questions.
You can ask all you want, that doesn't mean anyone owes you anything.
Every detail no. But legitimate information without an arrogant brush-off...Yes.

It's we, the season ticket holders, the I-Club donors that help fund the program and give it the profile it has.

I'm getting a little tired of Ferentz's arrogant, stubborn, schtick...both on and off the field.
If you don't like it, go root for someone else.
Its a state funded budget via the athletic department and U.of I that gets private donations. Kirk Ferentz Remains Highest Paid State Employee and agreed he has his privacy issues he will deal in-house, still the board of regents might say otherwise...
Chapter 6.35
The op put it well. Once everything has run its course KF will decide the appropriate consequence...ppl can't stand having to wait for anything anymore.
KF is arrogant with the media, which leaves him in a position of having no good will in the bank with them when things go wrong. If he could stop having these multiple year swoons, that would be fine. But his three good to strong years and then three sup-par to bad years pattern drains the fan good will coffer as well.

There will be a couple more years of fans griping at each other. Then when the new DC gets his recruits in the lineup, the three year upswing will happen and mea culpas will be offered. Then the bottom falls out again and we start it all over.

Please list for me the successful coaches that ARE NOT arrogant with the media? How about the two in the NC game? Both Miles, and Saban are extremely arrogant with the media. For that matter name me a few even mildly successful coaches in college football that ARE NOT arrogant, tight lipped, or downright hostile, with the media. I would bet you can't come up with a list of 10-20 (which would be 10% of all D1 college football coaches), let alone those that man successful programs.

I would wager that 99% of posters on this board would be extremely hostile toward the media. Most posters can't even accept some internet poster disagreeing with them, let alone national media hounding them day in, and day out on rumors, and innuendo (some of them true, some of them false).....
even if there werent laws and rules in place, why would we want our staff to willingly give our opponent less to gameplan for?
Respectfully disagree. I paid to go to school there, i donate to the school and i pay for season tickets every year. As a shareholder so to speak, i think i have the right to ask questions.

By this logic, does the person who signs your paycheck have the right to all of your personal information? If your boss wants to know how frequently you make love to your wife, is he not entitled to that information?
Please list for me the successful coaches that ARE NOT arrogant with the media? How about the two in the NC game? Both Miles, and Saban are extremely arrogant with the media. For that matter name me a few even mildly successful coaches in college football that ARE NOT arrogant, tight lipped, or downright hostile, with the media. I would bet you can't come up with a list of 10-20 (which would be 10% of all D1 college football coaches), let alone those that man successful programs.

I would wager that 99% of posters on this board would be extremely hostile toward the media. Most posters can't even accept some internet poster disagreeing with them, let alone national media hounding them day in, and day out on rumors, and innuendo (some of them true, some of them false).....

I would be hostile to the media particularly those that ask STUPID questions. For instance, "Coach what do you think the biggest factor was in losing the game today?" This question after his team coughed the ball up 4 times to 0 for the opposition. Are you FREAKING kidding me? And the reporterettes, most of them, never played at any level so they have NO clue.
LOL...neither did Paterno, his staff, or the president of PSU...The footabll coach and staff should absolute control and not be required to answer anything asked of them...They are kings after all...

For the record, this IS what the proletariat says when they have nothing substantial to add. They make grandiose comparisons to the extreme edge and somehow justify their “smallâ€￾ short-sighted opinion in their mind. Sad, but typical.
Once again, this does not hold water.

PSU athletic department (or IMO anyone for that matter) had the obligation to report, in full detail what was happening to proper authorities (law enforcment) not the general public or the media. The general public will have access to the information once charges have been filed (if they are filed) and it becomes public information, but not before.

Ferentz and staff, has the same obligations although it doesnt apear that anything even close to that magnatude is the case here. Ferentz does also have a responsibility to protect private information of his student athletes. Some people have a hard time respecting that.

Doesn't it disturb you, that people you share air with aren't capable of figuring this out on their own? This is our America, and it is frightening.
I agree with people saying Kirk is a good guy and a class act but I'm surprised that anyone is arguing that he doesn't come off as arrogant when he talks to the media

PC, I'm not sure, that’s the argument at all. I think the question is why people don’t get why and how it can be. I’ll tell you this, the best of the best of the best coaches and professionals period, can often come off this way. And I can tell you assuredly so would I.

I fact I was thinking about it in the shower this AM. They wouldn’t enjoy interviewing me….I’d laugh and chuckle, have a good time and back them in a corner so tight they’d skip interviews. They’d ask me question and I’d turn around & ask them questions back. Honestly I’d make a game out of it. Because I know how I can be with stupid crap…..

“Really you heard a rumor someone got sent home, hmmm…From whereâ€￾….â€￾â€￾Oh you can’t reveal you sources, too bad, but I get it. Obviously you can understand my position too, then right?! Anything else…â€￾

“Oh you heard it on a message board, reeaaallllyyy?â€￾ They say anything else, because I’ve heard that’s a real good spot to get game plans, new coaches, etcâ€￾

“Oh you heard someone got sent home eh? Any idea who….?! Well keep investigating; I’m sure you’ll get to the bottom of it. Anyone got any game or practice related questions, that wont expose our team to the enemy?â€￾

I can actually see myself really enjoying interviews……:D
I agree with people saying Kirk is a good guy and a class act but I'm surprised that anyone is arguing that he doesn't come off as arrogant when he talks to the media
PC, I'm not sure, that�s the argument at all. I think the question is why people don�t get why and how it can be. I�ll tell you this, the best of the best of the best coaches and professionals period, can often come off this way. And I can tell you assuredly so would I. I fact I was thinking about it in the shower this AM. They wouldn�t enjoy interviewing me�.I�d laugh and chuckle, have a good time and back them in a corner so tight they�d skip interviews. They�d ask me question and I�d turn around & ask them questions back. Honestly I�d make a game out of it. Because I know how I can be with stupid crap�.. �Really you heard a rumor someone got sent home, hmmm�From where��.��Oh you can�t reveal you sources, too bad, but I get it. Obviously you can understand my position too, then right?! Anything else�� �Oh you heard it on a message board, reeaaallllyyy?� They say anything else, because I�ve heard that�s a real good spot to get game plans, new coaches, etc� �Oh you heard someone got sent home eh? Any idea who�.?! Well keep investigating; I�m sure you�ll get to the bottom of it. Anyone got any game or practice related questions, that wont expose our team to the enemy?� I can actually see myself really enjoying interviews��:D

Kinda weird that you think about Kirk in the shower.
Just the vocal minority.

You have to keep in mind that often times the least reasonable tend to be the most vocal.

Boy isn't that the truth! It's well known that people are more likely to go out of their way to complain about something or someone rather than go out of their way to compliment something or someone. Why is that? Why are people so screwed up?

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