Breaking news from The Committee

In the wake of today's tragic news out of Iowa City, The Bylaws Subcommittee of The Committee has reached tentative agreement on the timing of the release of the 2012 HN Poster Awards. As you may recall, last year The Committee issued the Poster Awards in conjunction with the bowl game and in a closed door meeting, the Bylaws were amended to mandate future releases of the Poster Awards "no later than immediately following the conclusion of Iowa's bowl game." One member of The Committee noted that this was bad policy because it would preclude release in seasons in which Iowa failed to make a bowl game, however, this concern was tabled because most of The Committee thought that Iowa would always make it to at least the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl or the Pizza Pizza Bowl so long as it had a coach earning close to $4 million per annum. But as we saw with the fall of AIG, GM, Citibank and several other large companies and Penn State, even the most intelligent boards or committees sometimes err with respect to identifying potential future developments.

Enough with the history of how we got here. If a definitive agreement is finalized, The Committee will endeavor to release the 2012 Poster Awards during the weekend of December 29th. As always, certain members of The Committee thank you for your efforts during what has been an incredibly trying and pain filled season of Iowa athletics, ranging from the 4-8 football season to the demise of the once storied rasslin' program and the early NIT exit of the Men's Basketball Program.

I hope this piece of good news will prevent senseless acts of self harm or harm to others, even if the football program is led by individuals who do not believe in concepts such as self-preservation or protecting our childrens' eyes from seeing inhumane beatdowns like the one Michigan administered to the Hawkeyes in Ann Arbor a few weeks ago. Please everyone, stay away from sharp objects, prescription medication, firearms and closed garages with vehicles running in them for the next few days until your anger, sadness, anxiety and depression over this terrible news passes and tune into during the weekend of December 29th to see if you won a presigious Poster Award.

Warmest Regards,

In his capacity as Chairman of The Committee

I'm sorry Okeefe, when I see as story headlined "Tragic news from Iowa City" I click on it , worried about how many were shot or raped. I don't expect somethoing like a decision on something like a "poster contest". I'm sure it was with sarcasm, and I appreciate sarcasm, use it often myself. But prefer it not to be in the "title".
It's not in the thread title, Methuselah. It's in the first sentence of the post.
I'm sorry Okeefe, when I see as story headlined "Tragic news from Iowa City" I click on it , worried about how many were shot or raped. I don't expect somethoing like a decision on something like a "poster contest". I'm sure it was with sarcasm, and I appreciate sarcasm, use it often myself. But prefer it not to be in the "title".

Tragedies come in all shapes and sizes, my friend. I'll be on the lookout for other posters from Hawarden, but you might want to check back in late December, you might score yourself an award.
Major Award


Must be Italian.
Remember, I gave a shout out to you on soundoff...
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?

Anyway, someone seems to have erroneously one starred this thread. Miller is undertaking a forensic analysis to determine who it was. Your life will be a lot easier if you just fess up now. Repeat, whoever one starred this thread identify yourself and beg for forgiveness now.
I'm sorry Okeefe, when I see as story headlined "Tragic news from Iowa City" I click on it , worried about how many were shot or raped. I don't expect somethoing like a decision on something like a "poster contest". I'm sure it was with sarcasm, and I appreciate sarcasm, use it often myself. But prefer it not to be in the "title".

Let me google that for you

The answer is no. Breath easy.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?

Anyway, someone seems to have erroneously one starred this thread. Miller is undertaking a forensic analysis to determine who it was. Your life will be a lot easier if you just fess up now. Repeat, whoever one starred this thread identify yourself and beg for forgiveness now.

Scorpio was in said forrest and heard the whole thing, now give me my damn award already!
My meager posts and lack of insight are an impediment to the exaltation I might feel come Dec. 29th,

but that is quite alright. My gratification came November 22nd.

That evil-doer Osama Clint Longly still casts a menacing gaze but Redskin Nation is no longer winless on Thanksgiving Day against the hated Cowpukes.

This is MY reward Your Highness.
Is this the thread where we can suck up to the Committee? After losing the Powerball drawing last night I need some good news.
Is this the thread where we can suck up to the Committee? After losing the Powerball drawing last night I need some good news.

I think you are a shoe-in for "Poster with over 6000 posts that now posts once every 6 months and loves gin." ;)
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?

Anyway, someone seems to have erroneously one starred this thread. Miller is undertaking a forensic analysis to determine who it was. Your life will be a lot easier if you just fess up now. Repeat, whoever one starred this thread identify yourself and beg for forgiveness now.

Some people are just not a fan of democracy I guess. In my capacity as Dean, if I find the responsible parties, I will have them sent to Venezuela where they'll be moar comfortable. this a new award? "best" real female poster?

It would be if we have more than one female poster. As it currently stands you are our only female poster and are therefore both the best and worst female poster which is why we have not bothered to make a distinction until now
It would be if we have more than one female poster. As it currently stands you are our only female poster and are therefore both the best and worst female poster which is why we have not bothered to make a distinction until now

Excellent analysis.