It's sad when a coach turns a 2 point game into a blowout because he was absolutely zero self control. i dont want to hear "he was sticking up for his team", "the refs lost the game for us", blah, blah, blah. We were hanging bigtime with UNI until Fran made a complete a$$ out of himself, embarrassed us, gave UNI 6 or 8 free shots...and it snowballed from there. I can tell you for a fact there is more than one kid on the Hawkeyes that feels the exact same way. For those of you that have been impressed with Fran? This season is quickly fading into a disaster. If he wants to ignite his team, rather than getting t'd up at the most inopportune time, how bout maybe shaking up the line-up or getting a rotation down where kids understand their roles / etc?
It's sad when a coach turns a 2 point game into a blowout because he was absolutely zero self control. i dont want to hear "he was sticking up for his team", "the refs lost the game for us", blah, blah, blah. We were hanging bigtime with UNI until Fran made a complete a$$ out of himself, embarrassed us, gave UNI 6 or 8 free shots...and it snowballed from there. I can tell you for a fact there is more than one kid on the Hawkeyes that feels the exact same way. For those of you that have been impressed with Fran? This season is quickly fading into a disaster. If he wants to ignite his team, rather than getting t'd up at the most inopportune time, how bout maybe shaking up the line-up or getting a rotation down where kids understand their roles / etc?

The trolls are out tonight .
I'm not embarrassed.

I just wish he would have got the T in the first half instead of late in the ballgame.
I'd like to know how Fran's T created 8 free throws.

It should have been 2 points, max. It happens all the time and rarely swings a game on way or another. It's the refs who over-reacted and lost control of the game, not Fran. The called 3 T's in 19 seconds; only one was on Fran.
He was sticking up for his team. He was sticking up for his team. He was sticking up for his team. He was sticking up for his team.
It's sad when a coach turns a 2 point game into a blowout because he was absolutely zero self control. i dont want to hear "he was sticking up for his team", "the refs lost the game for us", blah, blah, blah. We were hanging bigtime with UNI until Fran made a complete a$$ out of himself, embarrassed us, gave UNI 6 or 8 free shots...and it snowballed from there. I can tell you for a fact there is more than one kid on the Hawkeyes that feels the exact same way. For those of you that have been impressed with Fran? This season is quickly fading into a disaster. If he wants to ignite his team, rather than getting t'd up at the most inopportune time, how bout maybe shaking up the line-up or getting a rotation down where kids understand their roles / etc?

AGREED!!! At least there is one other person on this board who thinks that yelling at the refs and getting t'd up is NOT the way this program is going to turn things around.
I'd like to know how Fran's T created 8 free throws.

It should have been 2 points, max. It happens all the time and rarely swings a game on way or another. It's the refs who over-reacted and lost control of the game, not Fran. The called 3 T's in 19 seconds; only one was on Fran.

The second T was on the assistant and the others on the players. If you've ever coached the players will model their behavior after their coach. If your coach is under control during pressure situations so will the players. If your coach overreacts so will the players. Your a professional coach act like one.
I'd like to know how Fran's T created 8 free throws.

It should have been 2 points, max. It happens all the time and rarely swings a game on way or another. It's the refs who over-reacted and lost control of the game, not Fran. The called 3 T's in 19 seconds; only one was on Fran.

I am furious with the officiating but "kind of" (I say this loosely) agree with the op. Fran and Francis gave them 4 points. McCabe out of frustrating fouls out with a t and gives them 4 more fts with the foul and technical. think about it.
It's sad when a coach turns a 2 point game into a blowout because he was absolutely zero self control. i dont want to hear "he was sticking up for his team", "the refs lost the game for us", blah, blah, blah. We were hanging bigtime with UNI until Fran made a complete a$$ out of himself, embarrassed us, gave UNI 6 or 8 free shots...and it snowballed from there. I can tell you for a fact there is more than one kid on the Hawkeyes that feels the exact same way. For those of you that have been impressed with Fran? This season is quickly fading into a disaster. If he wants to ignite his team, rather than getting t'd up at the most inopportune time, how bout maybe shaking up the line-up or getting a rotation down where kids understand their roles / etc?

I bet you i could guess who these players are. Not a good sign when you coach has more passion than some of the players do.

Fran's T cost us 2 points and not even a loss of possession. 2 points. A head coach getting a T can have a tremendously positive influence on a team. I've seen it time and time again
Nice to see the idiots come out in the basketball forum as well. Very stupid post, Fran had every right to be upset. Evidently everyone but you noticed the bad calls Dolph, Hanson. Did you not see the game? Marble got friggin shoved to the floor, very deliberate, it happened right in front of me, and they couldn't see it even after they replayed it.
29 free throws to 3 guys... somehow I i don't think Fran's T's caused the loss..

I can see why you would think that but its not reality
It might have been a bad time for him to get the first T, but the other Ts and BS calls were a total hack job in that timespan.
He was sticking up for his team. He was sticking up for his team. He was sticking up for his team. He was sticking up for his team.

Okay, let's see if this bonds this team together as you all think it will. Time will tell I guess.... I'm not holding my breath though! If it works, doesn't seem very classy to me.
Okay, let's see if this bonds this team together as you all think it will. Time will tell I guess.... I'm not holding my breath though! If it works, doesn't seem very classy to me.
I'm not saying I want FM to run around with his hair on fire all the time, I don't. And there have been times I've wondered about his temper, not gonna lie. BUT there comes a time when you HAVE to back your kids and show them that you'll go to WAR for them just like you expect them to do for you. You either care about your players and love them or you don't.
Okay, let's see if this bonds this team together as you all think it will. Time will tell I guess.... I'm not holding my breath though! If it works, doesn't seem very classy to me.

Neither is it classy to not suck it up and take the coaches yelling after making an obvious bad call. The refs even took the home crowd out of the game and they became bored as the last three minutes with the game decided already they were still stopping play nearly every possession.

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