Black and Gold Spirit Day

black outs make the stadium look dead? i take it you weren't at the michigan game last year

Most won't agree, but I thought the Blackout against Michigan last year (with gold towels) looked better than the Gold Bowl against Ohio State, in 2006.
As long as the students are just to wear black or just wear gold, it could work. Student tickets wouldn't have the istructions telling them what to wear depending on their section, because they don't have assigned seats. But they do usually comply with color-coordinating if given notice through the DI, Facebook, etc. So just put it on people's tickets what color they need to wear, and pick a solid color for the students, and it could actually work.
I think the idea of a Black Out, vs. Penn St. (where they obviously have the traditional "White Out") would be awesome. I can already here Musberger talking about the difference between last years white out in happy valley and this years black out in iowa city. Didn't make it to the black out last year, but it looked sweet on TV. The gold towels top it off.
Michigan last year is poster material, literally ... my boss bought panoramic stadium posters for us football fans for Christmas and for Hawk fans it was the Michigan game ... sweet shot of a Moeaki TD if you haven't seen it ... plus, I was there and it was freaking awesome

PS: I never change what I am wearing based on the promotion ... same gold shirt to every game, same black jacket when it gets colder
I think this would look cool but just as most of you are saying I don't think it's going to work. Most people either wouldn't know or wouldn't care. But I did recently see a big sign at Coral Ridge mall explaining the whole think with a color coordinated seating chart so at least they're trying to get the word out.
Michigan last year is poster material, literally ... my boss bought panoramic stadium posters for us football fans for Christmas and for Hawk fans it was the Michigan game ... sweet shot of a Moeaki TD if you haven't seen it ... plus, I was there and it was freaking awesome

PS: I never change what I am wearing based on the promotion ... same gold shirt to every game, same black jacket when it gets colder

What's weird about that poster is that if you look at the big scoreboard, it says "here come the Hawkeyes," and Moeaki is just about to cross the goal line at the other end. Also, the score has all ready been changed to 7-6.
This IS a for sure thing....saw it in my "policies and procedures" handbook I got in the mail today. Hopefully everyone takes part and makes this look really good on national TV for the whole country to see.
If Boise can pull it off, so can we

Here's the official layout!

BTW I got my wish and our section is in black. See those strings, I pulled them. (Not really)

No kidding, love these glass half empty types on the boards...."No Way this will work"
It looked spectacular live, and in HD!!!
Any overhead pictures released yet of the stadium???? HAVE to have that as a background!