bipolars on the board?

Uh....nice list. Now please ascertain how many passing touchdowns have been given up by Iowa over their years in the program.

DBs at iowa are not the same thing as DBs at elite, prestige programs. How many lockdown corners are in your list? How many guys that can play bump n run? Those are position, system players. Not great players.

Come to think of it, there really isn't anything great about Iowa football. It really does just occupy a cusp of slightly above Galactic Mediocrity. Cap'n Krok tells us da troof. We kinda suck. Not that he has anything to do with it.

Year Sacks TD INT 3rd%
2011 22 21 10 46%
2010 22 12 19 40%
2009 31 9 21 36%
2008 19 9 23 35%
2007 27 13 14 40%
2006 21 20 14 41%
2005 25 18 10 45%
2004 30 15 17 35%
2003 34 11 13 35%
Tot. 231 128 141
Cannot find the stats beyond 2003, only three seasons in this sample that opponents threw for more TDs than INTs. 3rd down % is an issue and even has been for our better defenses. Pass defense can be frustrating at times to watch, but it is effective overall. End more possessions in turnovers than give up TDs.

Get it? Because it's a polar bear?

Is the bear Bi-Curious, then.
Bob Sanders-2004
Sean Considine-2005
Jovon Johnson-2005
Charles Godfrey-2007
Bradley Fletcher-2009
Amari Spievey-2010
Tyler Sash-2011
Brett Greenwood-2011
Shaun Prater-2012

Those are the guys who have gotten looks from the NFL, and only two (Johnson and Greenwood) didn't stick. And Johnson is getting another look after winning the CFL DPOY. You'll notice that the trend has picked up in the past 5 years (6 DB's got looks, 5 were/will be drafted, and 3 of the 4 already in the league are starters).

The secondary has been pretty damn good for the past 4-5 years now.
Good secondary.. I guess they're good tacklers. Although, I've seen Amari Spievey try to tackle a few times at Iowa and at Detroit.
Can Iowa's DBs cover receivers? No.

To me, the sign of a good secondary is how well it does on its own.
How well does Iowa's secondary do when the DLine isn't producing sacks? Not good at all.

Iowa produces NFL quality safeties even when the Iowa DB has the physical skills to be an NFL quality cornerback. Prater, if he makes it in the NFL (I'm using Prater as an example instead of Hyde because I assume Prater is faster), will be a safety because he doesn't know how to cover effectively enough for the NFL. It's the scheme Iowa hasn't taught.

What I'm saying here TM3308 is: you can't say Iowa's secondary is great just because a few Iowa DBs get drafted and become safeties in the NFL. Especially when some of those NFL safeties have cornerback speed.

Iowa's scheme gives up lots of passing yards. Statistically, it's one of the worst pass defenses in the B1G in giving up passing yards each year.

Which brings me back to my original point: Why did some posters scream for KOK's removal because of his offense's poor statistics yet welcome P Parker with his secondary's poor statistics?

Finally, any team who has a sophisticated passing attack dominiates Iowa's pass defense... every time.
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Good secondary.. I guess they're good tacklers. Can they cover receivers? No.

To me, the sign of a good secondary is how good it does on its own.
How well does Iowa's secondary do when the DLine isn't producing sacks? Not good at all.

Iowa produces NFL quality safeties even when the Iowa DB has the skills to be an NFL quality cornerback. Prater, if he makes it in the NFL, will be a safety. It's the scheme.
The scheme gives lots of yards. It's one of the lowest pass defenses in the B!G.

Finally, any team who has a sophisticated passing attack dominiates Iowa's pass defense.

It is difficult for the pass defense to look good when someone keeps moving the goal posts around...
Which goal posts are being switched around?

EDIT:Come on. Anybody.. Some on this board are implying Iowa's pass defense is great.
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You are not bipolar. You are just fuucking negative ALL the time. Your life must suck...


Kinda like when you complained about KOK all the time? Does your life suck?

EDIT: Sorry, ICBornNraised. I don't know you well enough to say your comment is stupid. Here's what I'm trying to say: Both you and I, in our own ways, are trying to make the Hawkeyes a better team.

I'd like to watch a Hawkeye game and be as cool as a cucumber throughout. I'd like for the Hawkeyes to get some respect nationally.

As it is now, I have to take half an aspirin before each game.

Should I say the 'n' word for someone to respond?
OK, here goes: Norm.
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