Big Ten Network Tonight at 6

Actually, the picture makes perfect sense.

Over the last few weeks they have been saying that the competitive breakdown goes like this

Tier one: OSU, UM, Nebby, PSU (Front Row)
Tier two: Wisky, Iowa (Second Row Center)
Tier Three: NU, Purdue (Third Row Center)
Tier Four: Illinois, MSU, Minny, Indiana (Outside after first row)

That is how the helmets are lined up. Doesn't matter what side they are on.
Tier one: OSU, UM, Nebby, PSU (Front Row)
Tier two: Wisky, Iowa (Second Row Center)
Tier Three: MSU, NU, Purdue (Third Row Center + MSU)
Tier Four: Illinois, Minny, Indiana (Outside after first row - MSU)

there, fixed it for you
OKAY, here is how it goes they will pull each helmet following this order. East then West, and then alternate West then East and vice versa back and forth.

It goes front row one from each side. So, 1. (E) OSU (W) UM, 2. (W) Nebby (E) PSU

Second Row Center 3. (E) Wisky (W) Iowa

Third Row Center (W) NU (E) Purdue

Outside Right from front (E) Illinois (W) Minny

Outside Left from back (W) MSU (E) Indiana

Oh yeah, they will be picked in this order 4 8 15 16 23 42

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