BIG TEN fantasy draft

I can probably make whatever work but a little later would be better for me. I'll do whatever the majority wants to do though.
go vote im gonna go for weds so we can get hawk in it and twade too now

I think that Wednesday sounds like the best night, then AustinMN could do it too. We need to decide quick though since that would be tomorrow night. Are you going to set up a chat to do this in Pin?
I will plan for tomorrow night at 7 or 8. I won't have access to the internet tomorrow during the day so I won't be able to respond to anything until I get home which should be around 6.
TONIGHT at 8 pm the draft will start and this chat will start at 7:30 last year i had a tough time getting in but now i have a new house with better computer and internet access

i think this is how i set it up last year for chat or did someone else come up with something easier?

also who kept score last year whoever it was did an amazing job!

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lets discuss the 'money thing' in the chat before the draft. Dont want any legal problems on our hand!

I have not checked your link yet but I use coveritlive for all my blogs and it is very user friendly.
Not to speak out of turn but FF MIGHT not be able to do it. He might have a previous engagement that he all ready has committed to.
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I'll be there, not real confortable with the $$$ thing but I suppose it could work. I don't know all of you personally and its not about trust its about delivering me the $$$. LOL
Its official FF is OUT for Big Ten Fantasy Draft but he would like to be involved with NCAA if there is one. He is stuck and work and is not able to get on the website. He did send me a text to post this so somebodyelse could possibly take his spot.
OK I just talked to Pin2win. Please PM me your email asap. I will setup the chat room for tonight and send each of you a link to click on through your email.


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