Big Ten coverage of wrestling?

There are two women basketball games on during that time. And like the other thread says. Wrestling takes a back seat, unfortunately even to womens bball.
just wondering if it wasn't iowa, maybe a osu that was a dominate wrestling team do you think there would be different coverage?
We just need to show the BTN that there is an audience for wrestling. This means larger attendances and more interest in the sport. There was a nice effort to get the Iowa/PSU meet to show tape delay same day instead of having to wait a couple of days.

It will take efforts like this to accomplish this. The support needs to come from more than just Iowa fans. It needs to be a concerted effort by fans of other teams as well.
My complaint is not the coverage but why the hell do they need an intermission on TV, when the match is tape delayed? My DVR missed the HWT match because of this bullsh$t. Intermission is bad enough to sit through in person, edit it out of the tape delay!
I agree. I forced myself to go all day on the Sundays that we wrestled Minn or PSU so that I could watch the meet "live".
My complaint is not the coverage but why the hell do they need an intermission on TV, when the match is tape delayed? My DVR missed the HWT match because of this bullsh$t. Intermission is bad enough to sit through in person, edit it out of the tape delay!

Yeah, that bugs the hell out of me.
we have more coverage than ever before because of big ten network so not much complaints coming from me!
I guess I should also state that I can't complain too much about the delay since it's better than not getting to see them at all. I often have too many things going on during the weekends to catch them live, so I'd watch it delayed regardless.

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