Big Ten Basketball Coaches Rank the Best Jobs in the Conference


HN's Love Doctor
Alford actually got us into the NCAAs 3 times.

11. Iowa (40) – Lute Olson took the Hawkeyes to five NCAA tournament appearances in his last five seasons, George Raveling went to a pair in three seasons and Tom Davis went nine times in his 13 years with the program. Steve Alford struggled in his eight years, going twice, Todd Lickliter went 0-for-3 and Fran McCaffery is 3-for-8 thus far. The lone category where Iowa ranks in the top half of the league is in being able to get kids into school.

Where they win: “The state has a lot of dogs named Carver. There’s no doubt that Iowa is the state school. It’s also easy to get kids into school, and keep them in.” – Big Ten head coach

The knock: “There aren’t a ton of players in Iowa, and you aren’t going into Chicago, Indiana or Ohio and beating guys for kids in those states.” – Big Ten head coach
Seriously, behind Nebraska? This is an absurd article with a short term look at the program. I serious doubt iowa's ranking in facilities, history, and financial resources. This is a hack job.
The perception that even Tom Izzo has to fight Michigan's brand name is interesting. Izzo's program hasn't exactly been chopped liver.

At first glance you would think Purdue is rated way too low. Then you realize-no final four appearances since 1980 (pre Keady?) Minnesota has been to a final four since the last time Purdue has been to one. With all the good teams Keady and Painter have had, not to mention the fact that they can coach a little bit, that should have accidentally led to several deeper tournament runs, a la Illinois or Michigan or Ohio State.
Hey! At least we are the easiest to get into.
If it was truly that easy for us to get into and truly that tough to get into others, players would be flocking here. Is there something they're not telling us? Can all those stud athletes truly get into Michigan State? That head coach should have known better than to make that comment about Iowa admission requirements, even though I do know from first hand experience they're not the toughest. Diamond Stone, for one, had about as much business being a student at Maryland as I have gracing the cover of Muscle and Fitness.
Alford actually got us into the NCAAs 3 times.

11. Iowa (40) – Lute Olson took the Hawkeyes to five NCAA tournament appearances in his last five seasons, George Raveling went to a pair in three seasons and Tom Davis went nine times in his 13 years with the program. Steve Alford struggled in his eight years, going twice, Todd Lickliter went 0-for-3 and Fran McCaffery is 3-for-8 thus far. The lone category where Iowa ranks in the top half of the league is in being able to get kids into school.

Where they win: “The state has a lot of dogs named Carver. There’s no doubt that Iowa is the state school. It’s also easy to get kids into school, and keep them in.” – Big Ten head coach

The knock: “There aren’t a ton of players in Iowa, and you aren’t going into Chicago, Indiana or Ohio and beating guys for kids in those states.” – Big Ten head coach

This made me laugh a bit. If Iowa locked down its borders and kept all the Iowa kids, they would be a Sweet 16 contender every year. Say what you want about the lack of P5 talent coming out of Iowa for football annually but Iowa is a very good state for producing P5 basketball players.
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Whats both sad and funny about this is most of the low scores can be fixed by the AD if he really wanted to. The facilities, budget and game atmosphere could all be improved drastically...just look at the football team.

Iowa has in state talent. Not the best in the world, but the top end tends to be very good. Not sure how the state of Nebraska was rated as having higher recruiting base than Iowa.
Whats both sad and funny about this is most of the low scores can be fixed by the AD if he really wanted to. The facilities, budget and game atmosphere could all be improved drastically...just look at the football team.

Iowa has in state talent. Not the best in the world, but the top end tends to be very good. Not sure how the state of Nebraska was rated as having higher recruiting base than Iowa.
Iowa needs to just put Carver to bed - if they can't modernize it - get better food vendors and make it more convenient, it's never going to be a destination for fans again. It's just gonna get worse and worse and worse.
Iowa needs to just put Carver to bed - if they can't modernize it - get better food vendors and make it more convenient, it's never going to be a destination for fans again. It's just gonna get worse and worse and worse.
Once the Coralville arena goes up, the U will be able to do an overhaul of Carver. They just need a temporary venue for all the sports that use Carver. It's probably gonna cost a shit ton of money though.
I call bullshit on this. There is no way coaches responded to a poll from "The Stadium" whatever the hell that is. It's some joker or two in the basement that came up with their own answers and passing it off like they queried BIG coaches.
Iowa needs to just put Carver to bed - if they can't modernize it - get better food vendors and make it more convenient, it's never going to be a destination for fans again. It's just gonna get worse and worse and worse.

Once the Coralville arena goes up, the U will be able to do an overhaul of Carver. They just need a temporary venue for all the sports that use Carver. It's probably gonna cost a shit ton of money though.

What scares me is they keep dumping money into Carver every offseason, which tells me they don't want to build a new stadium they want to keep that fossil sticking halfway out of the ground. ("they" being Barta)

I'll never forget the first time I walked into Carver. From the outside it looks like a science building of some kind. I can't imagine what recruits think as they walk up to a 1 story building for the first time and think "wait, this is a basketball arena"?
Once the Coralville arena goes up, the U will be able to do an overhaul of Carver. They just need a temporary venue for all the sports that use Carver. It's probably gonna cost a shit ton of money though.
It will no doubt, but it would be smarter to get in front of it now...the costs aren't going to go down, and all this money they keep throwing at that place is just a band aid - lipstick on a pig kind of deal. People don't like the set up. Going up and down those stairs is ridiculous. I mean, I know we need the exercise - but really, that's inconvenient for a lot of people. Not to mention, they don't have vendors going up and down those stairs. The student section has never been right, plus, Iowa doesn't win enough to be right when they need it. The food sucks. No standing area - I used to think Carver was "ok" still, I am completely off that camp. Iowa needs much much better. They have a football factory, they shouldn't have a problem with money.
That Gopher Final Four was officially wiped off the books. Clem Haskins was not a good person
True and true. They've had some real doozies up there for coaches going all the way back to Bill Musselman, who helped incite the most frightening sports brawl I've ever seen. Ever. 1972 vs Ohio State. Among other things it didn't get a lot of pub because it occurred the night before the Super Bowl but you can track it down on YouTube.

In another ugly incident in 1986, long time coach Jim Dutcher resigned on the spot after three of his players were charged with sexual assault in Madison, police literally storming the team plane on the tarmac as it was ready to take off. That same weekend, two more players were declared academically ineligible and two more left the team in protest. By the time the weekend was over they were down to six scholarship players.
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It will no doubt, but it would be smarter to get in front of it now...the costs aren't going to go down, and all this money they keep throwing at that place is just a band aid - lipstick on a pig kind of deal. People don't like the set up. Going up and down those stairs is ridiculous. I mean, I know we need the exercise - but really, that's inconvenient for a lot of people. Not to mention, they don't have vendors going up and down those stairs. The student section has never been right, plus, Iowa doesn't win enough to be right when they need it. The food sucks. No standing area - I used to think Carver was "ok" still, I am completely off that camp. Iowa needs much much better. They have a football factory, they shouldn't have a problem with money.

I'd especially like to see them get started on a new arena now that they're reaping all this Big Ten tv money. Who the F knows what the tv landscape (re: $$$$$) will be like when the tv deal expires in 2023.
I'm bummed to say I agree with you Ingood. I've been down on the Carver experience for awhile now. It's mostly old farts that come late and leave early to beat traffic. It's just not what it used to be 20 plus years ago. And the atmosphere of the building itself has a lot to do with it... In a perfect world we should be replacing it but with as you mentioned the practice facility they just dumped a bunch of $ into I can't see that being anywhere on the agenda anytime soon...
I'm bummed to say I agree with you Ingood. I've been down on the Carver experience for awhile now. It's mostly old farts that come late and leave early to beat traffic. It's just not what it used to be 20 plus years ago. And the atmosphere of the building itself has a lot to do with it... In a perfect world we should be replacing it but with as you mentioned the practice facility they just dumped a bunch of $ into I can't see that being anywhere on the agenda anytime soon...
Also our teams, on a consistent basis, aren't what they were twenty or especially 30-40 years ago. I'm probably in the minority here, but I've personally never had a major complaint about the arena and still believe it can be electrifying if the team on the court is. Obviously it is not and will never be Hilton East but Carver can get loud when full and rocking.
I don't know if I am the minority in my thoughts about CHA, but it seems as if there are a lot of posters on HN that are really down on the facility. So, I will give you my thoughts and let it go from there...

1. I like the uniqueness of the top ring of the arena, where the sight lines to the playing floor are pretty impressive. Seems like a "pit" set up which would be a positive for intimidation.
2. I don't really understand the complaints about the steps down into the arena. I guess you guys would enjoy climbing up from floor level? What is the difference?
3. There is really not a bad seat in CHA. Its big enough for large crowds, but small enough to have a pretty intimate feel. And, yes, I have watched games from many different areas in the arena, so I speak from personal experience. These days, I am blessed to be dead center court, on the aisle, 26 rows up opposite the bench; the good seat was primarily because I only buy a single.
4. The displays around the concourse are really nice. Even though I have seen them many times, I often re-visit them and see many other fans enjoying the experience.
5. The restrooms are fine. Beats troughs. I could not care less about the concessions. Don't use them, except for an occasional "twist" cone.
6. Traffic is annoying. What else is new?
7. Although I have never toured the new addition for practices, I have been told by others that it is really nice.
8. We have been through the student seating issue many times. You may want to look at the other 13 arenas in the Big Ten and see how many of them put the students in the "end zone." I know from personal experience that Wisconsin does, and they seem to have pretty good crowd participation...and, the students have to beg and borrow to get into the games at all.
9. The new display boards are pretty darn impressive. Just my opinion.
10. Finally, I have now taken 13 people to Iowa games who are from Wisconsin, South Dakota, Minnesota, Penn State, and all of them have been really impressed with CHA. They love the configuration of the concourse above and the floor below.
11. The complaint that the "blue hairs" sit on their hands and leave early is another common view among the critics. The people around me are a typical variety of age groups. Young couples, often with kids, those ranging from 20's to probably 80 are around, a few fans of visiting teams. My hair is not blue, I just don't have much left. I get really annoyed when people leave early, but I will admit that with games times being so erratic, and people coming from Des Moines, Davenport, are probably worried about getting home at a reasonable time. I am lucky. I just stay over for the night post game.
12. Iowa fans, in terms of participation in the games, are just about normal. When the team is playing well, when the team is on a run, when the game is close, they are pretty darn loud. And CHA really contains the noise. That I know. Too often, we fans are taken out of the game by poor play resulting in blowouts. When we have a lot of students on board, the noise level is pretty darn impressive. But, that, admittedly, is not happening often enough.

So: Its not CHA that is the problem. Its our competitiveness in the Big Ten.